Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1921: Betrayed Huang Jia

The family disciple shook his head: "The invincible and Huang Xiaohai Huangjiazhu should have no big hatred. In fact, sometimes it is not necessary to kill a person. It is perhaps invincible to see Huang Xiaohai and Huang Jia are not pleasing to the eye. It's that simple."

"In these thousands of years, Huang Jiazhang controlled the refining of the Dan Masters Association, countless families of the Galaxy to the Huang family, and the ancients were also suppressed by the Huang family, but with the emergence of the invincible, the ancients gradually became strong, and gradually mastered the master of alchemy. The League General Association, especially in this century, the Wangu family has completely suppressed the Huang family!"

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flashed and he asked: “When the Yellow President flew to the realm of the gods, he conquered the road of **** and refining the ghost gate and other forces, and even the ancient demons at the time belonged to the Huang family, and the Huang family had the road to hell. The refining of the ghost gate, supported by the ancient Mozu, was actually suppressed by the ancients?"

The family disciple shook his head and smiled: "It seems that the brothers have really been retreating for too long. Even this does not know. I don’t know what method was used in the invincible. One hundred years ago, the road to **** that originally belonged to the Huang family was refining the ghost door. When the forces suddenly betrayed the Huang family, they began to declare that they would be invincible."

Huang Xiaolong’s face sank: “Is that even the ancient Mozu?”

"Yes, in the end, even the ancient Mozu also took advantage of the invincible." The family disciple said: "When the Yellow Chambermaster killed the sacred gatekeeper and the ancient ancestors, now the refining ghost gate, the ancient demons are effective. After the invincible of the ages, this hundred years, but often kill the disciples of the Huang family!"

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold.

Refining the ghost door!

The ancient devil!


Originally, he thought that when he came back this time, after seeing the Huang family, he would fly with the Huang family.

Originally, he thought that coming back this time would be boring and boring, and now it will not be boring.

"However, the deadly camel is bigger than the horse. Although Huang Jia has greatly reduced his power in recent years, there are still supporters such as Shuramen and the Tianfo Empire. They have not yet reached the end of the road." The family disciple said: "Shu Luomen However, there are many god-level ten-order powerhouses. It is not an easy task to destroy the Huang family invincible."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

When he flew into the realm of the gods, he helped Fei Hou, Zhang Wei, Zhao Shu, Hao Tian, ​​and the spirited purple monkey to improve their strength. After so many years, he had the resources to help him, Fei Hou, Zhang Wei and others should have God level is tenth.

"However, when the invincible time came, it would have passed through the fifth floor of the Dan Temple and became the president of the Alchemy Masters Union. When he really controlled the general meeting of the alchemy masters, countless sacred gates of the Galaxy were surrendered to him. At that time, I was afraid. It is time for the Huang family to be destroyed." The family disciple said.

"A few days ago, the invincible has already released words, saying that before he passed the fifth floor of the Dan Temple, if Huang Xiaohai did not lead the Huang family to surrender to him, then he would become the president of the Alchemy Masters Union, the first It’s Huang’s home to be destroyed!”

"When the time comes, Huang Xiaohai wants to surrender again, and there is no such opportunity."

The family disciple sighed: "When the president Huang did not fly, the glory of the Huang family, how prestige, Huang Jiawei countless stars, who dare not? I did not expect thousands of years later, even to be annihilated!"

Huang Xiaolong suddenly laughed: "Isn't that old invincible, I am not afraid of Huang Xiaolong coming back?"

The family disciple stunned and then smiled: "There are countless strong men in the lower bounds who have ascended to the world, but have never heard of anyone who can return to the lower realm from the realm of God."

Huang Xiaolong also asked the family disciples about the invincible and the ancient times.

At that time, before the rise of Huang Xiaolong, the Wangu family itself was the first family, and its own power was extremely amazing. Later, although he surrendered to Huang Xiaolong, the Wangu family showed Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong did not deliberately suppress it.

Now, the invincible of the ancient times, the development of the ancient people is more rapid, plus the road to **** refining the ghost gate, the ancient devils are effective, the forces of the ancients can be said to have spread all over the stars.

The current Wangu family, it is no exaggeration to say that it is more than the Huang family of the year.

This family disciple, called Mu Junle, is a disciple of Mujia.

For the wooden family, Huang Xiaolong is no stranger to nature.

In the Jinshen Contest, the first day of the younger generation of Mujia was also a misunderstanding with him.

"Who is the patriarch of the ancient times?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

At that time, the patriarch of the ancient times was the eternal life of the eternal people. I don’t know who it is now.

Mu Junle said: "Now the patriarch of the ancient times is the eternal flame."

Huang Xiaolong stunned, and then revealed a smile, Wan Gu Yan Hui, turned out to be this old friend, when Wan Wan Yan Hui was the first genius of the younger generation of the ancients, if not he and Fang Chu appeared, the first day of the Jinshen contest, It should be Wan Gu Yan Hui.

"I heard that Wan Gu Yan Hui and the president Huang had some friendships. However, although Wan Gu Yan Hui was a patriarch, he could not order the invincible, and the status of the invincible in the ancient times was higher than him." Le continued: "So, invincible to destroy the Huang family, there is no way for Wan Gu Yan Hui."

Huang Xiaolong nodded quietly.

"Brother, are you retreating this time, is it passing through Dan Shencheng, or?" asked Mu Junle.

"I want to go to the House of God." Huang Xiaolong said.

Mu Junle glanced and smiled: "Brothers want to be effective in Huangjia? Huang family is about to be destroyed. If the brothers are not effective, they will be effective in the woods. Brothers are god-level masters? I am sure that the woods are very welcome. ""

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said nothing.

At this time, suddenly, the crowd was turbulent, and many family disciples around them rushed to the front.

"There was a good show, and the disciples of the ancient family and the disciples of the Huang family fought!"

"The disciples of the Huang family are being abused like dogs!"

Mu Junle was stunned, and then to Huang Xiaolong: "Brother, have we seen it in the past?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded, but Mu Junle did not say, he also had to go and see.

With the flow of people, Huang Xiaolong and Mu Junle came to the place, but there were too many people watching the bustling front, and they could not get through.

Huang Xiaolong walked to the crowd, and the crowd automatically gave up a trail, as if there were a pair of invisible giants to open the crowd for Huang Xiaolong.

Mu Junle followed behind Huang Xiaolong and was surprised to see it.

When I came to the innermost floor, Huang Xiaolong stood and saw only a piece of open space in front of him. Half of the half was lying with six yellow disciples. Six Huang disciples were covered in blood, and some of them were even torn. Some The chest was marked with deep punches and the chest ribs were all interrupted. It was very tragic.

These Huangjia disciples, Huang Xiaolong did not know, and thought that they should be descendants of their younger brother Huang Xiaohai.

Opposite the Huang family, there are more than a dozen disciples of the ancient family who are arrogant.

One of the disciples of the ancient family looked at the Huangjia disciple whose arm was torn off and sneered: "Huang Kebin, you dare to fight for a woman with my Wan Gurui. Today I am breaking you, leaving you a dog, so that you can wake up. If you dare to think about Zhang Wei, I will break your middle leg!" (To be continued.)

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