Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1922: Are you sure you dare to kill me?

That Huang Kebin and other Huangjia disciples were angry.

"Wang Gurui, you miscellaneous!" Huang Kebin yelled: "You two people beat us, what kind of skill! A hundred years ago, I decided to marry Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei is my fiancee, you want me to give up, no way! Tell You, I will die if I die,"

That Wan Gurui screamed coldly: "Set a marriage? It is just a blank piece of paper. Zhang Jia will go to your Huang family to retire. Do you think Zhang Jiazhen will be stupid enough to abide by that paper marriage? Being destroyed, do you think Zhang Jiazhen will be stupid enough to die with your Huang family?"

"Since you will not agree if you die, then I will break the middle of your leg now. I see that you have no legs in the middle, and you will not be delusional about Zhang Wei!"

After Wan Gurui finished speaking, he walked over to Huang Kebin and looked awkward.

Other Huang disciples have changed their faces.

"Wang Gurui, you dare!"

"Huang Kebin is the grandson of our Huang family. We are not the same as the Huang family and you."

After listening to Wan Gurui, he smiled indifferently: "Do you think that we will care about your attitude towards the Huang family?"

Under the watchful eyes of all around, Wan Gurui came to Huang Kebin.

Mu Junle shook his head: "If that year, who would dare to be a disciple of Huang Jia, now, the Huang family is going to die."

Wan Gurui laughed, raised his right leg, stepped on the middle of Huang Kebin, and some family disciples couldn't bear to look again. Don't overdo it.

Just when everyone thought that the sound of the egg was broken, suddenly, a scream.

But the family disciples who have just gone too far are a glimpse. This screams, it seems that it is not Huang Kebin?

Everyone turned around and saw the scene before they were all alone.

I saw that Wan Gurui fell to the side, and the entire right leg was **** and completely abolished.

In front of Huang Kebin, stood a young black man! It is Huang Xiaolong who is shooting.

Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with surprise.

Even Mu Junle was shocked to see Huang Xiaolong. Just now he couldn’t see how Huang Xiaolong shot, and Huang Xiaolong even dared to control the affairs of the ancients. Just a long way along the way, is he still not clear enough?

He shook his head, and Wan Gurui was a direct disciple of the ancients. Now Huang Xiaolong interrupted Wan Gurui’s right leg, and he could do nothing to save Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Kebin and other six Huang disciples were also surprised and accidentally watching Huang Xiaolong.

The disciples of the Wangu family also looked at Huang Xiaolong unexpectedly.

"Give me a kill, tear this dog thing!" Wan Gurui holding his right leg, pointing to Huang Xiaolong, suddenly roared.

Just when the disciples of the ancient people had to tear up Huang Xiaolong, Wan Gurui suddenly shouted: "Slow, don't kill him, first scrap him, then slowly peel off his skin, put him underneath. That thing, cut his flesh, piece by piece!"

"I want to play with him slowly!"

"Take off his thing and hang it on the wall, let the sun and rain get stinky!"

"I will find out which family he is, and his entire family will die!"

Wan Gurui's eyes are full of hatred. As a direct disciple of the ancient times, he is an invincible nephew. Today he even dares to control his own business! Dare to break his right leg!

The disciples of the Wangu family were convinced that their bodies were flashing and surrounded Huang Xiaolong.

"Kid, you will soon know what despair is." A veteran disciple smiled coldly and slammed into Huang Xiaolong.

"Eternal killing fist!"

The punching power is fierce, the killing is fierce, and the surrounding space is banging.

The strength of this ancient disciple is not weak, and it is the tenth-order peak of the Shenzhou.

Huang Xiaolong did not look at it. He raised his hand and slapped it, and then he flew it. He saw that the entire disciple of the ancient family was thrown up by Huang Xiaolong, and then fell to a great distance, when he fell. When I arrived at the ground, everyone saw that the entire head of the eternal disciple was smashed by Huang Xiaolong!

And the whole head was pumped a few turns, then stopped behind, facing the ass.

That face was even drawn from the crowd.

The disciple of the ancient family opened his mouth and then groaned, fell there, stopped the action, and died!

Everyone looks dull.

Wan Gurui, Huang Kebin, Mu Junle and others were dumbfounded.

You must know that this ancient disciple's disciple may not have the honor of Wan Gurui, but it is also a direct disciple of the ancient family! Now I was killed by Huang Xiaolong!

Other Veteran disciples were also scared.

"You, you killed him?!" After a dozen or so breaths, Wan Gurui slowed down and looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s face was calm: “If you have no eyes, it is indeed that I killed him.”

Wan Gurui was furious and pointed to Huang Xiaolong: "You, you, you are dead, your family, everyone will die!"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and looked at the Wan Gurui with a sneer: "I will not die, I don't know, but you will definitely die."

Huang Xiaolong seems to be talking about something that is irrelevant.

But the family members around the family listened, but they were weird.

Wan Guri is even more laughing, laughing and leaning forward, just like listening to a very funny joke.

"Kid, what did you say? You mean, do you want to kill me?" Wan Gurui laughed and smiled arrogantly: "Are you waiting to kill me? Are you sure you dare to kill me?"

However, his voice just fell, Huang Xiaolong with a palm, and instantly took Wan Gurui to fly, Wan Gurui the whole person flew out, crashed into the distant building wall, inlaid there, like a humanoid pancake.

Blood, constantly flowing down the wall.

Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent: "Noisy!"

Everyone stayed there, staring at the wall.

Wan Gurui, dead!

This dark-haired young man really killed him!

If Wan Gurui knew that Huang Xiaolong had slaughtered the evil spirits and imprisoned the Zen as a slaughter dog, I am afraid that it would not be said that.

Huang Xiaolong turned his head and looked at the other dozens of disciples of the ancient people around him.

The other dozens of disciples of the Wangu family only felt that their legs were soft, and they had no strength.

"You, you!" These ancient disciples open their mouths, but they don't know what to say.

Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to say more, and raised his hand directly, just like playing a fly. These dozens of ancient disciples were flew out one by one, blasted in midair, **** and rainy, and dyed the streets around.

All the family disciples screamed and fled.

Mu Junle stood there like a silly, motionless.

"You are called Mu Junle?" Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "On the way, thank you for telling me so much."

Mu Junle wants to squeeze out a smile, but he can't squeeze it out.

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