Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1923: Dead battle

"No, you're welcome." Mu Junle's throat was difficult to pronounce three words.

For the first time, he discovered that it was such a difficult thing to speak.

Huang Xiaolong grinned at Mu Junle: "When I kill the invincible, when he is baby, pick one with you."

Mu Junle is dull.

Killing invincible?

After I understood what Huang Xiaolong said, he was shaking all over the body and almost fell.

Even Huang Kebin’s several Huang’s disciples are also in a hurry.

Huang Xiaolong turned his head and said to Huang Kebin six people: "Let's go, you and I will return to the gods."

Huang Kebin, six people, came back to God and frightened and hurryed up and said: "Yes, seniors."

When Huang Xiaolong was about to take a step, he saw Huang Kebin’s six injuries, raised his hand and waved, and a bright spirit shrouded six people. The six people were pleasantly surprised to find that their injuries were recovering at a speed of awkwardness, only a dozen Breathing, the injury is already getting better.

The arm that Huang Kebin had already been torn off actually began to grow again.

Huang Kebin stared blankly at his arms, and he couldn't believe it.

Mu Junle is also a big eye.

I ignored Huang Kebin and others, and Huang Xiaolong went straight to the direction of the gods, until Huang Xiaolong walked out a few tens of meters, Huang Kebin six talents panicked up.

"Before, the predecessors." After following up, Huang Kebin said nothing.

Although the strength of Huang Xiaolong’s exhibition has surprised him, he wants to remind Huang Xiaolong of the serious consequences of killing Wan Gurui and others.

"You are the descendants of Huang Xiaohai's descendants?" Huang Xiaolong suddenly asked.

Huang Kebin has a trip to six people.

"Yes, seniors." Huang Kebin replied respectfully.

Is this predecessor familiar with his grandfather?

“Predecessors know my grandfather?” Huang Kebin could not help but ask.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly stopped and turned to the first.

Huang Kebin was shocked by the six people. When they were jealous, Huang Xiaolong suddenly smiled: "Of course I know." Huang Xiaolong couldn't help but think of the scene of his childhood.

When I was young, my sister Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai were bullied by Huang Wei, or he personally cleaned up Huang Wei.

Huang Xiaolong turned and continued to walk to the House of God.

"Predecessors, that Wan Gurui is an invincible nephew." Huang Kebin said carefully.

Huang Xiaolong said lightly: "What about that?"

Huang Kebin has a trip to six people.

so what? A faint sentence, but how domineering.

In the identity of the first person in the invincible world, I dare to say this, I am afraid that only the "predecessor" in front of me, Huang Kebin smiled.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and Huang Kebin went to the Shenshen House, the news that more than a dozen disciples of Wan Guru were killed was spread, and the whole city of Dan Shen was boiling.

"What? Wan Gurui, who is invincible, has been killed!"

"He seems to be with the wooden family's Mu Junle. He also said that after killing the invincible, the invincible body of the baby, let Mu Junle pick one."

"This person is so mad? Too mad! Not only kills the invincible children, but also dares to kill the invincible!"

"Frenzy? I think it is an idiot who doesn't know where to come from! This person is dead, but I don't know how to die!"

The strong people from the major families of the major Galaxy have been talking about it.

In the hall of the Divine City branch of Danshen City, there are several people from the ancient times, and there are several people who even wear the ancestral robes of the Elders of the ancient times.

However, in the past thousands of years, things have been wrong. In those days, the elders of the ancient times and the elders of the ancient times have already soared into the realm of the gods. Now the elders of the ancient tribes have been promoted for thousands of years.

"Dare to kill my own disciples in the age of the whole family! A big dog! This is something that has never happened!" The current elders of the ancient family, Changchun Wanlong, sneered.

Wan Gu Changlong is a great elder of the ancient times, and his strength is superb. It is the late tenth stage of the **** level. Among the entire age of the ancients, the absolute top five.

"The elders, will this person be the master of the Huang family? I heard that he is going in the direction of the gods." The elders are cold and sullen.

Wan Gu Changlong sneer: "The Huang family is difficult to protect itself, even if this kid is a god-level ten-stage late peak, how can he rely on him alone to fight against my eternal family? Unless he is a **** of heaven, otherwise, I want to rely on one person. It’s a joke to save the Huang family."

"What do we do now?" The elders said inscriptions.

"Now, you and I went to the Huang family together, let the Huang family hand over the kid. I don't believe that the Huang family dared to cover the kid with the danger of the genocide!" Wan Gu Changlong hurried up and the whole body rose.

"A little boy who is not famous, if he is really a god-level ten-stage late peak master, we can't help but know that tomorrow is the alchemy masters league competition. There are many things that need to be hosted and dealt with by the elders. You don't have to personally shoot the elders. Let's go to the Huang family." Elder Wan Gudi stood up.

Although this Van Gogh is not as strong as the long-lasting, but also the top ten masters of the ancient times, it is the tenth-order mid-level of the gods.

Wan Gu Changlong shook his head: "Nothing, I will go with you personally, so I can rest assured."

"Then, do we want to tell invincible?" asked Wan Gudi.

"No, invincible is now in the headquarters of the Alchemy Masters Association, and is discussing matters with the alchemists of the alchemy masters. This little thing does not have to bother him, and he will participate in the alchemy masters competition tomorrow." I thought, said.

The elders of the ancient times nodded.

A few minutes later, under the leadership of the elders of the Evergreen Changlong, nearly 100 masters of the ancient times and the ancestors of the Wangu family, all the way to the gods.

At this time, above the Great Hall of the Gods, Huang Xiaohai, Fei Hou, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei, Devouring Purple Monkey and other people also know the news that more than a dozen disciples were killed.

"Who is this person? Not only saved Kebin, but also killed Wan Gurui in public?" Fei Hou brows.

"Some people say that he is the master of our Huang family." Huang Xiaohai is also confused, but this is not the case.

"Since this person dared to kill Wan Gurui in public, he wanted to be weak, and he was a friend. I heard that he and Kebin had already come to the temples. They should arrive soon. Should we go out and receive one or two?" Zhang Wei Shen Shendao.

"Fei Hou, go, let's talk about this person." Huang Xiaohai told Fei Houdao.

Fei Hou nodded, then went out of the hall and came to the gate.

Huang Xiaohai turned around and looked at the crowd. He sighed: "Now the invincible step by step, and we limit it to him before he becomes the president of the Alchemy Masters Association. What do you think?"

The hall is silent.

"The invincible deceit is too much!" The spirited purple monkey angered: "I want him to be effective with him. Big deal, we fight with them, and fight to the end!"

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