Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1924: Gatekeeper, you are back!

"Death battle in the end?" Huang Xiaohai smiled bitterly: "Definitely we are dead, I have played with him, the strength of the invincible has reached the point of horror, his strength, I am afraid that it is not weaker than the big brother flying up the gods The strength of time."

At that time, when Huang Xiaolong flew to the realm of the gods, it was the early tenth stage of the **** level. However, in the middle of the ninth stage of the Huang Xiaolong **** level, he had already killed the first person of the refining ghost door, and he could imagine that Huang Xiaolong flew to the gods. The strength of the early tenth grade is strong.

Now, the invincible strength of the ages is not weaker than the Huang Xiaolong when it was soaring to the realm of the gods. This shows the invincible horror of the ages.

Everyone was silent again.

The hall is somewhat depressed.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong and Huang Kebin came to the street where the Shenshen House was located.

Far away, Huang Xiaolong saw the gods.

Looking at the majestic and magnificent temples, Huang Xiaolong was filled with emotion.

This sacred mansion was built by him personally, and the word of the gods above the door was still his own hand.

For thousands of years, although the gods are still majestic, they are also revealing the mottled traces of the years, just like a **** that has begun to be late.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong suddenly saw a person coming out of the shrine of the gods. This person is so familiar, so kind, so nostalgic.

It’s Fei Hou who came out!

Everyone in Shuramen’s door, followed by Huang Xiaolong’s earliest, was waiting. When Huang Xiaolong was still in Huangjiazhuang, Fei Hou had already followed Huang Xiaolong.

Fei Hou, who came out of the door, suddenly stopped, stood there, motionless, and stared blankly at the figure around Huang Kebin.

Although the road has been separated for thousands of years, it has been branded in the depths of his soul!

Fei Hou suddenly had a red eyes and an unspeakable excitement appeared on his face.

He rushed out of the door.

The six people of Huang Kebin were coming to the shrine of the gods. Suddenly they saw Fei Hou’s abnormality rushing out of the gate and frightened.

Who is Fei Hou? Fei Hou is the existence of Huang Huanghai, the owner of the Huang family.

Although the shocked and frightened state of affairs, but Huang Kebin, a few people can't think too much, and quickly crouched down: "I have seen Fei Hou adults!"

However, Fei Hou did not seem to see Huang Kebin six people, went straight through the six people of Huang Kebin, and then came to Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou's tears burst into tears, crying loudly.

Hearing the cry of Fei Hou, Huang Kebin scared a big jump, couldn't help but turn around and saw Fei Hou's demeanor, faceless, not shocked.

This, what happened? !

In their minds, Fei Hou is the top strongman of the Huang family. In the plains, Fei Hou adults are all sloppy. They have never seen Fei Hou adults so out of order.

Fei Hou adults, but the god-level ten-order powerhouse, the mind has long been extremely tough, what makes him so mad at crying?

Huang Kebin could not help but look at Huang Xiaolong.

However, when Fei Hou was kneeling, Huang Xiaolong gently lifted his head with one hand and shook his head at Fei Hou.

Fei Hou came back and knew that the door owner came back this time and didn't want to let it know.

"You all retreat." Fei Houqiang was under the pressure of his heart, and he said to Huang Kebin six people.

"Yes, Fei Hou adults!" Huang Kebin six people did not dare to violate, respectfully responded, and quickly retired.

However, after the six people of Huang Kebin quit, it was a long time that they could not erase the amazing scene.

After the six people of Huang Kebin retired, Fei Hou was cursed and cried again: "The doorkeeper, you are finally back!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled: "Cry a little bit of strength, I am not coming back, everyone is okay?"

Asked by Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou thought of the fact that Huang Jia was oppressed by the ancient people in recent years, and he could not help but feel sour.

"The door master, the ancient family." Fei Hou Zhang mouth.

"I know the things of the ancient people." Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Let's go, let's go ahead, Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Xie Boti are they all?"

Fei Hou nodded reverently and respectfully said: "Everyone is here!"

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou said that while walking, Huang Xiaolong simply asked about some of the conditions of the Huang family in these years. Fei Hou answered them one by one, and they said that they were very happy.

Huang Xiaolong is the mountain of all people. It is the pillar of all people. Now Huang Xiaolong is back. Whatever the ancients, what is invincible, Fei Hou is forgotten.

From the gate to the main hall, it takes a few minutes to walk, and when Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou walked to the main hall, Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei, Long Huangfu, Taiyi and others in the hall are still doing things for the ancients. Tightly lock the brow.

"I don't want to be invincible. If he really becomes the president of the Alchemy Masters League, we will all fly to the realm." Zhang Yi waved his hand and was a little bored.

Huang Xiaohai shook his head: "My father and mother have already risen to the realm of the gods. They handed me the yellow family. If the Huang family is in distress, we will flee to the realm of the gods. When will I have any face to see my father and mother and the big brother? ""

"Hey, if the big brother is there, then it will be fine." Huang Xiaohai lamented.

But when it comes to this, suddenly, his eyes are wide, his face is incredulously looking out the door of the hall, blinking his eyes, and then blinking.

Huang Xiaohai's change, everyone can not help but feel strange, all of them look out of the hall, everyone's reaction is almost the same as Huang Xiaohai, his eyes wide and his face is unbelievable.

"Door, door, door!" Haotian's tongue trembled: "This, isn't this true?"

"Is it an illusion?!"

However, when he just said this, he was shot in the back of his head.

"Who, who hit me?!" Hao Tian hurriedly turned and glared, but when he saw Zhao Shu, his face was smiling, but Zhao Shu did not pay attention to him, only to see Zhao Shu stand up with excitement. The eyes stared straight out of the hall, the lips trembled, and the eyes were tears.

Like Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei, Xie Boti, Long Huangfu Taiyi and others all stood up, and they were excited and their eyes were tears.

"Door, the door owner!"

"You're back!"

Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and other Shu Luomen masters suddenly crouched down.

Haotian stayed.

Is it not an illusion? !

He stood up.

At this time, Huang Xiaohai suddenly rushed from the main hall of the Huangjia family on the throne of the main hall with the speed of 10,000 meters, and suddenly hugged Huang Xiaolong. He cried: "Big brother, it is you! You are back! Come back to see us. It!"

Huang Xiaolong looked at Huang Xiaohai, who was holding himself like a child. He couldn’t help but smile: "I said that you are all ancestors of the ancestors, and crying like what."

"I don't feel it to you, what are you doing so tightly." Huang Xiaolong half jokes.

Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and others are all laughing.

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