Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1925: Come to nearly 100 masters?

Even Xie Bodhi is a smirk and a silly smile.

Just now, I was still looking at the dull hall. Now I am laughing and laughing. All the dullness has disappeared completely.

It seems that Huang Xiaolong was embarrassed to say that Huang Xiaohai finally released his hand.

Huang Xiaolong stepped forward and helped Zhao Shu, Zhang Hao, Hao Tian, ​​Dragon Emperor Taiyi and others to help one by one. Then, Huang Xiaolong came to Xie Bodhi and gave Xie Boti a punch and grinned: "You kid, so many years. Finally, the tenth order of the gods is finally in the middle."

Xie Bodhi looked pale and smiled: "You thought I was your super enchanting."

The two smiled.

Everything is so familiar, everything is so easy and casual.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the people in the hall, frowning and asked Huang Xiaohai: "Xiao Hai, father and mother, and two sisters, what are you?"

Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and others are all there. Only the father and mother, the second sister, and the younger sister are missing.

"Big Brother, you should sit down first." Huang Xiaohai let Huang Xiaolong sit on the throne of the Huang family.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, sat down, and let everyone sit down.

"A hundred years ago, my father, mother, second sister, two brother-in-law, Xiaofan and Daxie, they have already risen to the realm to find you." Huang Xiaohai explained.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, and the heart sank, and sure enough, the father and mother, the second sister, and the younger sister, they still did not wait until 30,000 years to fly to the realm to find themselves.

A hundred years ago?

In the next hundred years, the gods should be around ten years.

Ten years ago, he was looking for the Mantra and the Glass in the Devil.

Huang Xiaolong sighed.

Father, mother, sister, Xiao Yan, they are still too rash.

The gods are far from being as simple as they imagined.

"Big brother." Huang Xiaohai saw Huang Xiaolong's face, could not help but worry: "Father and mother, they should not have anything to do?"

Huang Xiaolong saw Huang Xiaohai worry, laughing: "There will be nothing, rest assured, when I return to the realm, I will soon find my father and mother."

The realm of the gods is vast, but with the current power of Huang Xiaolong, it is still confident that he will soon find his father, mother, sister and others.

Now, he is worried about Xiaoyan.

If you go to the Buddha world, you will be in trouble if you are flying up.

Huang Xiaolong licked the temples on both sides.

This is really a headache.

"My master?" Huang Xiaolong asked again.

The old man of the rising moon is not there.

Huang Xiaohai heard the words, and Zhao Shu and others looked at each other. Huang Xiaohai said: "The predecessor of the Moon is one of the veterans of the Alchemy Masters League, but the invincible of the Evergrande suddenly summoned the predecessors, and let the predecessors go to the alchemy masters league. At the General Hall of the General Assembly, I heard the news that the invincible and several other veterans are meeting today to remove the presiding elders."

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold: "Warm invincible, what qualification does he have to summon my master?"

Huang Xiaohaidao: "Invincible in the ages, although it is not the president of the Alchemy Masters Union, but many veterans of the Alchemy Masters Association have determined that he will be able to cross the fifth gate of the Dan Temple, and will certainly become the president of the General Assembly, so These veterans have long been invincible with the invincible horses. Now, the Alchemy Masters League is almost invincible and has the final say. He said fart, and other veterans dare not say ass."



Huang Xiaolong laughed, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and others laughed.

Later, Huang Xiaolong asked about the situation of his master, Xuanwu House, Fengyang, and his brother Liu Yun. He learned that Master Feng Yang, his brother Liu Yun and others were all well, and Huang Xiaolong had a lot of heart.

At this time, on the streets of Danshen City, the ancient long-term, Wan Gudi and other ancient masters of all walks of life all the way to the gods.

The masters of the ancient times did not hide their breath, and the powerful atmosphere alerted the powerful people of Dan Shencheng.

"It is a long-standing elder of the ancient times!"

"Wangdi Di, Wan Gu Han Yan, Wan Gusuo, Wan Gu Fei ... Wan Gu no Tan! So many elders of the ages of the ancients, all the elders of the Danshen City branch of the ancient times are all dispatched! It seems to be going to the gods!! I want to pour blood on my mold!"

"Wang Gurui is an invincible relative of Wan Gu, Wan Gurui was killed, this account will definitely count on the head of the Huang family. Originally, the Huang family still has the opportunity to invest in the invincible. This time, I am afraid that the Huang family will not have the opportunity to be effective. It!"

The public is talking about the strong.

Wan Gu Changlong walked in front of the masters of the ancient times, the dragons and the tigers, the eyes and the light, like the emperor of travel.

Suddenly, Wan Gu Changlong turned to the ancient cold road: "Let people tell Zhang Jiajia, let Zhang Jiajia with Zhang Wei and marriage books come to the gods."

As soon as the ancient Han Yan was heard, he understood the meaning of the Evergreen longevity.

Wan Gu Changlong is planning to let the Zhang family's master take the Zhang Wei and go to the Huang family to retreat to the marriage contract, and sweep the face of the Huang family.

"Good!" Wan Gu Han Yan immediately contacted Zhang Jiajia to advocate Zong Yang.

Zhang Jiajia claimed that Zong Yang did not dare to violate the receipt of the Wanji Hanyan letter, and quickly brought Zhang Wei and a marriage book.

Just as the Wanlong Changlong and other people rushed to the Huang family all the way, the Huang family and the elders received the news and ran into the main hall, and they wanted to report the incident to Huang Xiaohai.

However, when the elders of the Huang family ran into the main hall, they saw Huang Xiaolong sitting on the throne and could not help but stay.

Since the elders of the Huang family were promoted in the past millennium, they did not know Huang Xiaolong.

"What is it?" Huang Xiaohai, who was sitting in the lower seat, said that Huang Jiazhong’s elders panicked and came in and asked.

The elders of Huang Jiazhong came back to God.

"Returning to the homeowner, the elders of the ancient people of the ancient times, Wan Gu Changlong led the masters of the ancient times to come over to the gods, and all the elders of the ancient people in the Danshen city were dispatched! There are nearly one hundred masters!" A yellow parent replied eagerly. .

However, after listening to Huang Xiaohai, it was just a sigh, and there was no more.

The elders of Huang Jiazhong face each other.

"Homeowners, this time the ancients came to a bad mood. I heard that not only did the family hand over the murderer who killed Wan Gurui, but also the owner of the family confessed to the mistakes. In addition, he also brought Zhang Jiajia and Zhang Wei to come and dismiss us in public. Huang Jia and Zhang Jia’s marriage contract!” The yellow parent was eager.

When Huang Xiaohai heard it, his face was cold and his eyes were flashing.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "I have come to nearly 100 masters? Only then, if you do, then you will kill this old-fashioned long-term, and then kill the invincible, kill the invincible, and then go to the ancient moon The ancients are uprooted!"

The elders of Huang Jiazhong were stunned.

Then, many Huang parents looked at Huang Xiaolong like an idiot.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the thoughts of Huang Jiazhong’s elders and turned to Huang Xiaohai. “I heard that the patriarch of the ancient times is the son of Wan Gu Yan Hui?”

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