Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1927: Invincible, you are a mouse

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled lightly: "What is the relationship between me and the Huang family? You will know what the ancients will know, but you will not wait until that day." When it comes to this, look at the body of Changchun Changlong: "Forgot to tell You, previously, that Wan Gurui was killed by me."

The masters of the ancient times are ugly.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are stunned, looking at Wan Gudi, Wan Gu Han Yan and other elders of the ancient times: “You just said that you are going to cramp my skin, shave and cut the meat, dig your eyes and cut your milk? You still don’t do it?”

Huang Xiaolong stepped on the previous step.

The masters of the Wangu family were scared and then retired.

Vanguard was furious and humiliated, when will the people of the ancients be so "intimidated"?

"Don't panic!" Vanguard said: "He is only a peak of the tenth-order stage of the gods. I don't believe it. He can fight against us all! We join forces, Buwangu, kill him!"

"Architecture!" Wan Gu Han Yan and other elders of the ancient family have snarled.

Suddenly, the figures of the masters of the ancient times flashed.

Huang Xiaolong did not shoot, but quietly looked at the people of the ancient times.

Soon, the layout of the ancient times was completed.


Vanguard's whole body was full of flames, his eyes were full of killings, and he suddenly slammed into Huang Xiaolong. At this time, all the masters of the ancient times poured all his power into him.

Under this boxing, let the space scream, all the buildings around it swayed, and all the masters around them had a sense of landslides, and they were not at a loss.

Even Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu and others have changed their faces.

Although they know that Huang Xiaolong is strong, but this moment can not help but have a sway. After all, Huang Xiaolong is indeed only the peak of the tenth-order stage of the gods, and the other side is the array of the top 100 people of the ancient times.

However, when Huang Xiaohai and others couldn’t help but shoot, Huang Xiaolong’s indifferent voice came: “You don’t have to shoot.”

Huang Xiaolong looked at Vanguard, who had been smashed by a fist. His face was dry and there was no wave. He raised his hand and saw a bullet. He saw the finger force passing through the punch of Vanguard, and instantly hit the eyebrow of Vancoud. Force with a blood column from the back of the brain.

Vanguard flew out and fell to the body of the previous Changchun Changlong.


The ground was shaken and there were countless dusts.

Van Gogh’s eyes are round and unbelievable.

Everyone took a breath of air.

Just a slap in the face of the death of the ancient longevity is enough to swear, now, one finger to kill the Wangudi in the eternal array!

Huang Jiazhong’s elders’ throat was awkward.

The masters of the Wangu family in the eternal array of martial arts stopped their movements and looked at the body of Vanguard, and could no longer conceal the fear in their hearts.

Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to the expression of the people, and slowly walked over to the people of the ancient times. Every time Huang Xiaolong stepped closer, the masters of the ancients and the whole family felt that the endless gods shouted in the sky, like a thousand chaotic waves.

When Huang Xiaolong only went to the second step, the masters of the weak strength of the ancients only felt that the whole body was broken, and they couldn’t help but open their mouths and smashed blood.

When Huang Xiaolong went to the third step, the god-level ten-order masters such as Wan Gu Han Yan also spurted blood.

In the fourth step, all the masters of the ancients and the whole family were completely violently ruptured. Everyone saw that the blood column was shot from the cold and the other.

The fifth step, the eyes of the ancient Han and other people, eyes, nostrils, everywhere bleeding.

When the people of the ancient world felt that they were dying at any time, Huang Xiaolong suddenly stopped.

Wan Gu Han Yan and others only felt that the pressure disappeared without a trace. Nothing was soft and there was a big mouth, and there was a kind of fresh breath from the abyss of hell, trying to breathe the fresh air of the world.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the cold and cold people who were soft on the ground, and lifted his right palm upwards. Then everyone saw a huge palm print that covered the sky like a giant mountain bombarded.

Just a kind of crawling out of the abyss of hell, soft and soft there, the big mouth sucking the eternal cold and other people only feel the sky is dark, look up, no fear of the eyes.

But soon, they lost consciousness.

When the giant palm crashed down, almost half of the city of Dan was shaking and shaking.

The Huang family and the strong neighbors stood unsteadily and fell.

Finally, the ground began to stabilize.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a scene that they could not forget for a lifetime. They saw a huge palm that occupies hundreds of miles printed on the front street, bottomless, within a few hundred miles, all buildings, all All the streets disappeared, as if they had been swallowed up by the palm print pit.

As for the nearly one hundred masters of the ancient times, there is no root hair.

Even if everyone uses their **** to think about it, they want to get where the nearly 100 masters of the ancient times went.

Zhang Jiajia advocated that Zong Yang and Zhang Jiazhong masters only felt cold and cold, and that kind of cold, deep into the bone marrow, Zhang Wei is even more eclipsed.

One palm destroys nearly one hundred masters of the ancient times!

Among them, most of them are high-level gods! Many are the elders of the ages!

Heaven and earth die in general silence.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly looked at Zhang Jiajia’s proposition of Zong Yang and Zhang Wei.

Zhang Zongyang was so scared that his legs were soft and he squatted down and cried: "Before, the predecessors, forgive me, don't kill me, we are also oppressed by the ancients, and we are forced to do so."

Zhang Wei and Zhang Jiazhong were also scared to kneel down.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are cold.

"Family, family, we know what is wrong, don't kill me." Zhang Zongyang suddenly climbed over and hugged Huang Xiaohai's thigh. At this time, he discovered that Huang Xiaohai's thighs were thick!

Huang Xiaohai kicked Zhang Zongyang with a kick and looked disgusted.


The general hall of the Alchemy Masters Association, the alchemy masters of the alchemy, sit together, but sitting in the first seat is a handsome young man, sitting at the end, is a rising old man.

At this point, the old man of the rising moon stared angrily at the young man in the first seat: "Invincible, your mother has a hot, what are you, what qualification do you have to dismiss my veteran position?"

Wangu invincible looked coldly at the old man: "Let the old man, you don't think that you are the master of Huang Xiaolong, I will not kill you, you have now been removed from the position of the veteran, is not the general veteran, I If you want to kill you, it is no different from killing a dog!"

Although the old man of the rising moon is also the peak of the tenth-order stage of the **** level, but the invincible of the ancients is really not in the heart, and the tenth-order late peak of the god-level death in his hand, there are no ten and eight.

The old man of the rising moon laughed and his eyes were angry: "You are invincible, you are a generation of rats, Lao Tzu." However, he just said this, suddenly, invincible from the seat, hurried from the seat, suddenly punched to the old man Come.

The old man of the rising moon felt the strength of the other party, and he was shocked. His body shape flashed and he punched up.

Two punches collided.

The hall swayed and the table was smashed. The old man of the rising moon went backwards again and again, and the blood in his mouth was sprayed.

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