Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1928: The old man is dying

A punch, the elderly in the rising moon is seriously injured!

The invincible strength of the ancients, the alchemy generals of the alchemy generals were surprised.

Although the invincible has been the first person in the world, but rarely in front of the crowd, so the alchemy of the alchemy masters of the alchemy is the first time to see the invincible shot, is also the first time to really feel the invincible Terror strength.

After the invincible punch of the ancients, the cold smile, the body shape flashed, and once again deceived, and immediately came to the front of the old man, the palm of his hand was clawed, and one claw caught the old man.

The old man of the rising moon was shocked and was about to panic. Suddenly, the invincible claws of the old man were like black snakes, and they were wrapped around his arms in an instant. Then, the invincible twisted.

The old man of the rising moon was screaming and screamed, only to see that his arm was broken.

The invincible sneer of the ancients, like the method of processing, but also broke the other arm of the old man.

Then, Wangu invincible punches, hit the chest of the old man in the moon, and directly smashed the ribs of the old man, and the sound of broken bones sounded rhythmically.

Every time a punch is made, the face of the old man in the rising moon will be pale, and the blood in his mouth will continue to spurt.

Invincible is still bombarded with one punch and another, and the more excited the face, the more sturdy.

Soon, the sternum of the old man of the rising moon was smashed by a root, and the flesh and blood were blurred. The blood was stained with the upper body of the rising moon. On the top, he could not find a perfect place.

The elders of the Alchemy Masters Association were unbearable, but no one dared to plead for the old man.

Invincible in the end of the ages, it is necessary to take the old man of the rising moon to stand up. As long as the old man of the rising moon is completely abolished, then, in the future, the general meeting of the alchemy masters will become a "private item" that is invincible.

After smashing the sternum of the old man of the rising moon, he looked at the crumbling old man of the rising moon, and smiled invincible. Then he punched the heart of the old man.


This punch will completely blast the heart of the elderly.

The old man of the rising moon flew out and broke into the wall of the main hall, hanging there, blood flowing like a column, dyed the ground around.

The veterans looked at the incomprehensible misery of the old man, and took a breath.

Invincible, but with an appreciative look at the old man who is hanging on the wall, just like admiring a piece of art that he made by himself, he smiled and said: "I am going to say that I am going to kill you." It’s no different from killing a dog. Now, believe it?”

Speaking of this, Wan Gu invincible turned to look at the veterans, smiles charming: "Do you believe?"

The alchemists of the Alchemy Masters Union suddenly nodded.

"Letter, we believe!"

Wan Gu invincible looked up and laughed, smug, as if to control the invincible gods of the millions of lives.

After laughing for a while, the invincible has stopped, watching the dying old man of the rising moon, said: "However, I am a very kind person, how to say, you were also the veteran of the alchemy masters association, so I won't kill you."

"Go, let people throw the old man of the rising moon back to the gate of the house of the gods." Invincible to one of the veterans.

The veteran quickly said: "Yes."

However, in the hearts of the veterans, they secretly shook their heads. Everyone can see that the old man’s injury has reached the point of dying. Even if he is sent back to the gates of the gods, the Huang family will not save the elderly.

Soon, under the command of the elders, several disciples of the Alchemy Masters Association Generals lifted the old man from the Alchemy to the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters and sent it back to the House of Gods.

Wan Gu invincible glanced at the veterans and said: "Well, things have been solved. I am going to arrange for a vacant one. I will arrange for it. Since I have nothing to do, I will go back to the government and prepare for tomorrow's alchemy. Contest."

After the abolition of the old man, the vacant elder position, when the invincible is in place, naturally it is necessary to arrange the people of the ancient times, but the veterans do not dare to disagree.

Under the concerted by everyone, Wan Gu invincible left the Alchemy Masters Union.

Because the General Hall of the Alchemy Masters Union is closed, the invincible and the veterans still do not know Wan Gurui, Wan Gu Changlong and others.

Half an hour later, Wan Gu invincible returned to the branch office of the ancient people in Danshen City.

However, as soon as I entered the house, the invincible brow wrinkled, the ancient long-term, Vanguard and others did not come out to meet him? When I came to the main hall, I still couldn’t see the ancient long-term, Vanguard and others, and I couldn’t help but feel a bit strange, and today’s house is too quiet.

"Come on!" Invincible sat on the throne of the hall and shouted.

Suddenly, several low-ranking deacons of the Vanguard branch ran in with fear.

"Invincible adults!" The few junior deacons crouched down and trembled: "What do you have to order?"

"Wang Long Chi Long, Wan Gu Di, what about them?" asked the invincible voice.

A few deacons at the lower level heard a whole body, and one of the tongues trembled. One of the tongues shook: "Invincible adults, you, haven't anyone told you about their longevity?"

"What happened to them?" The invincible brow wrinkled: "What?"

Wangu Changlong and other ancient masters of nearly 100 masters were killed. Because all the dead are elders and elite disciples of the ancient people in the city of Dan, the remaining disciples of the ancient family are ordinary disciples. These disciples are not enough because of their low status. Contacting the invincible, so, no one has ever contacted the invincible and told the people of Changchun and other people.

Of course, the nearly 100 masters of the Changchun Changlong were killed, and they also frightened the remaining Wangu disciples in the city of Danshen. No one dared to report this news to the invincible.

Several low-ranking deacons looked at each other with a look of horror, but no one dared to answer.

"Say!" Wan Gu invincible with a sullen face, shouted.

Several junior deacons did not dare to hesitate, and quickly reported to Wan Gu invincible and so on.

They first reported that Wan Gurui was killed, and then reported that Wan Gu Changlong gathered nearly 100 masters to go to the House of God.

"You, what do you say? My nephew, Wan Gu Changlong, Wan Gudi, Wan Gu Han Yan, we are nearly 100 masters of the ancients, all killed?!" Invincible Huo Ran stood up, an unbelievable look.

"Yes, yes, invincible adults." Several people trembled on the ground, afraid to look up.

The invincible spirit of the invincible body shrouded the entire hall, and then spread, and everyone in the entire branch office was shocked.

Suddenly, the invincible haha ​​laughed: "You just said that the people of the Huang family first killed my nephew, and later killed me, the ancients and the ancients, and the nearly 100 masters such as Vanguard?"

The invincible laughter of the ancients passed away from Xu Yuan, and there was no stop for a long time. (To be continued.)

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