Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1931: Not allowed near the kilometer

"Good!" Huang Xiaohai said with excitement: "Big brother, wait for you to twist the invincible head and give us a night pot. I have long wanted to pour a few urine on the guy's head!"

Zhang Wei, Zhao Shu, Long Huangfu, Taiyi and others are also grinding guns.

"Haha, yes, we will give him a few bubbles in public!"

"So, are we going to line up the team?"

"My first, Zhao Shu, you second, Zhang Wei, you third!"

Everyone is excited to discuss the order of who will wait in line.

In the past 100 years, they have been overwhelmed, and now it is time for them to vent their fire.

Huang Xiaolong watched these guys discuss such problems like a group of children, and they couldn’t help but be speechless.

"Big Brother, is it okay for the predecessors?" Huang Xiaohai asked.

"Nothing, the injury has stabilized. However, if it is to be completely restored, it will take some days." Huang Xiaolong said: "Let's go, we are now in the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters League."

"You wait for me." Just when Huang Xiaolong and others were about to leave, a weak voice came, and the old man of the rising moon was half-bent and walked out of the secret room.

Huang Xiaolong quickly stepped forward and said: "Old man, you are still not hurt, you!"

The old man of the rising moon jokes: "With you, I still can't die, how can I get so little, I also want to see you turn the head of the invincible king, I want to give him A few puffs, I want the first one, you can not grab me."

Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and others are sweating and nodding.

Huang Xiaolong knows that the old man of the rising moon is stubborn, and he can only let the old man of the rising moon go with him.

The old man’s injury has stabilized, and there will be nothing if he doesn’t do it.

Half a minute later, Huang Xiaolong, the old man of the rising moon, Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu and others went out to the temples of the gods, all the way to the alchemy general association.

The Shenshen House is not far from the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters. According to the speed of Huang Xiaolong and others, it can be reached in half an hour.

"Big brother, I got the news. Yesterday, invincible contacted more than one hundred superfamily patriarchs and ancestors, and hundreds of thousands of masters are coming from nearby Xinghe." On the road, Huang Xiaohai looked solemnly: "In Dan Shenjie Several super families have just led hundreds of masters!"

Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and others are also dignified.

More than one hundred super families!

Even if they know that Huang Xiaolong is strong, but the other party is more than 100 super families!

Can Huang Xiaolong really fight more than one hundred super families with one person?

"Yellow boy, are you sure?" The old man of the rising moon could not help but ask.

Huang Xiaolong is half-smiling: "Mom has a hot, even if it is more than a hundred families, still kill them!"

Huang Xiaohai and others glimpsed.

The old man of the rising moon laughed: "Yes, just kill them! Mom is a hot girl, even his mother is dead!"

Just when Huang Xiaolong and others came to the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters Union, many of the contestants in the square in front of the Alchemy Masters General Assembly had entered the critical moment of alchemy.

Invincible control of countless elixir fluttering in the sky, I saw countless elixir turned into a head beast, and finally, a total of 10,000 heads.

"This, this is the picture of the beast alchemy!"

"The legendary eternal alchemy figure finally reappeared in the world. I didn't expect that we could see the alchemy figure of the beasts in the first year of life. I heard that the president of the Yellow Emperor used the eternal alchemy to refine the nine robbers!"

"The beast alchemy map also has strengths and weaknesses. Our invincible adult's eternal alchemy map is definitely more precise and more perfect than that of Huang Xiaolong!" The long-lost cold family screamed and sneered: "Huang Xiaolong is also invincible with us." What about adults?"

"Yes, yes, the cold chief said yes! Invincible adults' alchemy is the best in the world!"

The four strong neighbors quickly joined.

In the shock and discussion of the people, the invincible and incomprehensible control of the eternal alchemy figure makes these elixir melt, integrate and condense.

Soon, the spirit began to condense into Dan.

The smell of Danxiang is constantly spreading.

Suddenly, the sky was loud and loud, and the thunderclouds rolled and the sky was dark.

"It’s a robbery! The robbery has appeared!"

Everyone was shocked.

This is too fast, so it is so fast that it leads to robbery!


I saw that the robbery turned into a thunderbolt and suddenly bombarded it.

Invincible but the face is easy, Zhangkou is a sword light shot, it will blast this thunder.

Then the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth roads continue to blast!

Every robbery, the invincible of the ages is Zhangkou, a Jianguang will blast it, can not tell the chic, giving people an invincible posture.

"Invincible adults are invincible! This kind of strength, I am afraid that it is stronger than many gods!" The cold family long shouted.

At this time, the ninth robbery thundered.

Wangu invincible did not open, but raised his hand and flicked freely. He saw that the ninth robbery was bombed like a marble, and it exploded in the air.

Everyone took a breath of air.

"it is good!"

Suddenly, the cold family clap their hands and scream.

The people around the crowd reacted and clap their hands.

Just when everyone expected the invincible to lead the tenth robbery, the invincible was stopped, and a strong and charming Danxiang was scattered like a tide, and the light surged, and a **** Shen Dan flew out.

Nine robbery **** Dan, Dan Cheng!

Looking at the nine robbery **** Dan flying out, everyone knows that the first of this alchemy masters league competition must belong to the invincible!

Just as Wancheng was invincible, Dan Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai and so on saw the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters Association and saw the crowds of people in the General Assembly Square.

The crowd heard cheers from time to time.

However, when Huang Xiaolong and others were going to fly to the square, in the distance, the disciples of the alchemy masters who stayed outside the square flew to Huang Xiaolong and others, and then stopped Huang Xiaolong and others.

"The invincible adults have orders, all the disciples of the Huang family are not allowed to be within one kilometer of the alchemy masters' association!" A captain headed by Huang Xiaohai proudly said: "Huang Jiajia, you still go back."

Anyway, the Huang family was destroyed, so he felt that there was no need to put a good face on Huang Xiaohai.

Huang Xiaohai and others are not glaring.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong reached out and the captain only felt a horrible suction, and was immediately sucked in front of Huang Xiaolong.

"If we don't go back?" Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold.

In nominal terms, Huang Xiaolong is still the president of the Alchemy Masters Association.

Wan Gu invincible dare to order, his president will not be close to the alchemy masters association total one thousand meters!

The captain’s disciple looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was close at hand, and was shocked, but he thought of invincible, and then sneered: “No one dares to violate the order of the invincible adults. If you dare to enter within one kilometer, kill it!”

(Under normal circumstances, before 5 pm, God will update the first chapter, and update the second chapter before 8:30 pm)

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