Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1932: Huang Jiamou?

"Do you want to kill?" Huang Xiaolong suddenly smiled: "You are right, kill it!" After that, he reached out and pressed the head of the captain's disciple into his stomach!

Other disciples of the Alchemy Masters League, a stunned, seemingly did not expect Huang Xiaolong to dare to kill the disciples of the alchemy alliance!

Finally, the disciples of the Alchemy Masters League reacted and yelled at Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai: "What do you want to do? You dare to kill the disciples of the Alchemist League! You want to rebel? This is the crime of the genocide! You Huang wants Was it destroyed?"

"Rebellion? The crime of destroying the clan?" Huang Xiaolong laughed and said: "It seems that I really haven't come back for a long time." Now, even a disciple of an ordinary alchemy guru alliance dares to sneak into the yellow house. Speaking casually about the sin of the Huang family.

Huang Xiaolong threw the body of the captain's disciple and looked at the thousands of alchemy masters who were surrounded by them. They indifferently said: "Whoever dares to stop, all kill!"

The disciples of the Alchemy Masters League were furious and angry.

One of them pointed to Huang Xiaolong and said: "It’s too mad, you are so daring! No one dares to kill the disciples of the Dan Masters in front of the General Assembly Square. You are all dead, guilty!"

However, when his voice just fell, he was shot by Fei Hou, and when he landed, there was no movement.

Huang Xiaolong did not look at it and flew straight to the square.

"Take them down!" A disciple of the Alchemy Masters League was not horrified and murderous: "Fast! Send a signal to inform the masters of the General Assembly!"

Suddenly, a disciple of the Alchemy Masters Alliance took out the arrow and fired it at high altitude.

Huang Xiaolong saw it and did not stop it.


The letter arrow bloomed brilliant fireworks at high altitude.

The strong players who originally focused on the alchemy competition were not surprised, and they turned around.

When the letter arrow exploded at high altitude, the disciples of the Alchemy Masters League attacked Huang Xiaolong. However, before they came to Huang Xiaolong, they were swept back by an invisible gas.

Sprayed with blood and dyed red around the ground.

Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai and others went on the go and drove straight.

Those disciples of the alchemy masters alliance saw it, and they roared wildly to Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai and others. No one dared to make troubles in the alchemy masters' association. The Huang family simply turned against the sky!


"The invincible adults have orders, the Huang family is close to the kilometer, killing innocent!"

More and more disciples of the Alchemy Masters League rushed to Huang Xiaolong with blood.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes were cold, his hands were a trick, and countless gods thundered out of the air. Suddenly, all the disciples of the alchemy masters who had rushed over were all bombarded into a black charcoal.

It seems that the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters League has been completely controlled by the invincible, and in this case, he will come to a blood wash! Wash with blood!

The strong parties in the square saw Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai and others rushed over, killing the disciples of the alchemy masters who were blocked, and could not help but be surprised.

"It's Huang Jia! Huang Jiajia, Huang Xiaohai! What is he doing? How can he lead the Huang family masters to attack the alchemy masters' association? Is this going to die?"

"Teaching the General Assembly of the Alchemy Masters League, this is something that has never happened. Is this going to be an enemy to the whole world? Isn’t the Huang family still too fast to die? Huang Xiaohai, as the owner of the Huang family, is so stupid. Kind of step!"

Many family powers are shaking their heads and looking at Huang Xiaohai and others who have rushed over.

The Alchemy Masters Association is the general meeting of all the alchemists in the world. It is the enemy of all the alchemists, and every first-class family in every super family has an alchemy division. What is the enemy of all the families in the world?

The invincible who had just refining the nine-robbery **** Dan also knew the news that the Huang family attacked the alchemy general association. He laughed happily. This is really good news for him.

"Let's go, let's take a look at Huang Xiaohai's invincible heroic attitude!" Wan Gu invincible to the cold family leader and the patriarch who voted for him laughed: "Even the ancients of the ancients did not dare to attack the alchemy masters' association, but the Huang family did. It’s really admirable.”

Anyone can hear the ridicule and irony of his laughter.

The cold family long echoed and laughed: "How can the idiot of the Huang family compare with the ancient people, to say stupidity, I really admire Huang Xiaohai."

Other patriarchs are also laughing.

"Yes, the yellow house falls to the west, and Huang Jialian does not match the shoes of the ancients!"

"Wait for Huang Xiaohai to smash the soles of the invincible adults, maybe the invincible adults are happy, but they can spare his dog!"

"Even if he smashes the soles of the invincible adults, the invincible adults will not spare his dog! The Huang family is destined to be destroyed!"

Some family leaders, such as the cold family, accompanied the invincible behind them, flew outside the square, and talked behind the invincible, and laughed from time to time.

Soon, invincible and other people came to the outside of the square, and at this time, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai and others just came outside the square.

The two sides stopped.

Wan Gu invincible eyes swept Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai and others.

"The old man, I didn't expect you to die yet." Invincible looked at the old man, and grinned: "It seems that your life is still very hard, so I will wait for you to play with me again, this time, I It will not be as merciful as yesterday."

Although the vast majority of super-family patriarchs, the ancestors have not led the masters to arrive, but with the masters such as the cold family and the masters of the alchemy masters association, Wangu invincible still have the confidence to abuse the Huang family.

The old man of the rising moon sneered: "You are invincible, you are just a generation of rats, you are still not dead, I naturally can't die, wait, we will twist your head down as a chamber pot, I will sip a bubble on it. Let you smell the urine of Laozi."

The four strong people listened, and suddenly.

The cold family long refers to the old man who rises to the moon and swears: "The old man, the big courage, dare to insult the invincible adults!"

Wan Gu invincible raised his hand, prevented the cold family leader, did not anger, but looked at the elderly, Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai.

And when the invincible, Huang Xiaolong, Shengyue old people and other people confronted each other, the alchemy of the Alchemy Masters Union also received the following disciples to report about the Huang family attacking the alchemy general association.

"This Huang family is simply dead!" Wan Guru, one of the veterans, said in a cold voice, and told the following deacon: "Call all the masters of the General Assembly and take all the Huang family down!"

"Yes, if the morning veteran!" The deacon immediately passed the order and called all the masters of the general meeting.

The old man is full of brows, but he feels that things are not that simple.

"Let's go, let's go out and see what's going on." Sun Man said.

Other veterans nodded, and went out of the main hall and flew outside the square.

When Huang Xiaolong flew into the realm of the gods, although most of the elders of the Alchemy General League General Association had changed, there were still two people who retained the position of the veteran. This Sun Man was one of the veterans of the year and the elder who was the oldest.

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