Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1933: The first person in the world?

Just when Sun Man, Wan Gu Ruochen and other elders of the Alchemy Masters Association led the masters to the outside of the square, the invincible to the elderly, Huang Xiaohai and others laughed: "You have to twist my head as a chamber pot, The idea is good, even I have to admire, but the problem is, my head is here, who are you to twist?"

Invincible and stretched out his head, pointing, and said: "Huang Xiaohai, are you coming to twist? Or Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei? Or what is it? You are afraid that there is no such strength."

"Huang Xiaohai, you seem to have forgotten. In the past few years, you were my defeated man. When I was not pity for you, I spared your dog life. Do you think you can stand here today?"

Wangu invincible laughs.

The cold family and other people laughed.

Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu and others are ugly.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong took a step forward.

Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong.

"Your head, I will twist it down." Huang Xiaolong's face calmed: "But before that, I will interrupt your body bones and break your heart, just like you treated my master yesterday."


Wan Gu invincible eyes, doubts, looking at the elderly, and then smiled: "Hey, the old man, when did you receive a disciple? I did not expect this kid to be your disciple, I thought that Huang Jia invited a peerless master, It turned out to be just an ignorant junior, a younger who would only be full of farts."

Everyone laughed.

No one wants to think deeper.

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "Invincible, if you can get me a move, I will spare you not to die!"

Everyone stays.

Did they get it wrong?

After the invincible glimpse of the old man, he smiled a little and bent down. He laughed at everyone: "You heard no, this kid said that he would spare me not to die. He said that if I could get him a move?"

The cold family leader also laughed exaggeratedly, and said to Huang Xiaolong: "Boy, if you can get a big move from the invincible adults, the invincible adults will probably spare you from death."

Just as the cold family’s voice fell, Huang Xiaolong’s figure moved.

Huang Xiaolong's figure disappeared, and everyone did not see how Huang Xiaolong disappeared.

Just as the figure of Huang Xiaolong disappeared, the invincible of the ancients suddenly produced a strong uneasiness and crisis. This feeling was never seen before.

His eyes suddenly shrank, and there was almost no consideration. The gods were fully motivated, and the power of the gods surged, and the gods were called out.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong came to him.

"Dragon God Fifteen!"

Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice rang out over the square, and Wanlong’s supreme godhead spurred, and the double fists blasted, and the gods whistled, and countless dragons flew out of their fists.

Thousands of dragons shake the city of Dan Shen!

At this moment, the hearts of all the people of Danshen City, in the hearts of all, the ears of all are filled with thousands of dragons.

Wan Gu invincible looked at the thousands of dragons, his face finally changed, suddenly slammed, hurriedly, double-handed.

"The invincible killing of the gods!"

This is a kind of boxing method that he created after combining thousands of martial arts in the world. He has never been able to show his skills. Because, until now, no opponent has allowed him to display this boxing method.

Therefore, this is the first time he has used it in front of everyone.

He is confident that under this boxing, even the ordinary gods can be hurt!


Wan Gu invincible double boxing and Huang Xiaolong collided with each other.

"Card", the cracking of the bones, a painful and painful pain from his arms into his brain, a pain that has never been seen before, so that the invincible can not help but scream.

Everyone saw that the invincible two arms broke apart, countless blood, countless flesh, all blasted, and even the armor on the arms collapsed and broken into countless pieces.

Then, the invincible began to roll at high altitude, and finally hit the stone pillars after hundreds of meters, the stone pillars flew out, and the invincible fell to the distant square.

The cold family is long.

Followed by all the patriarchs around the invincible, ancestors, masters are all stunned.

The disciples of the alchemy masters' association were surrounded by the disciples.

The participating disciples and other strong players are all stunned.

The stone pillars flew and the remnants of the ground were still ringing.

Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to the people who were shocked and sluggish, and his body shape flashed and came to the sky over the invincible.

"The first person in the world?" Huang Xiaolong looked down at the ground invincible.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice awakened all the sluggish people.

The cold family was shocked and looked at Huang Xiaolong abnormally. He was full of fear. He only felt his fists tremble. Others followed the invincible side of the ages and ridiculed the patriarchs of Huang Xiaohai’s invincible soles. The ancestors were equally fearful.

"Lying on the ground, is it an invincible adult?" A family disciple suddenly asked sillyly. Now, he still does not believe that the people lying on the ground are invincible.

"Okay, seems to be?" Another family disciple replied dumbly, but then went on again: "Should it be?"

Perhaps it is the strength of the horror of Huang Xiaolong. For a time, no one dares to go forward.

At this time, the invincible lying on the ground struggled to stand up, the hair was scattered, and looked at Huang Xiaolong with amazement. At the same time, his face shouted unbelievably: "I am the first person in the world, I am invincible. I can't lose! I am the King of Supreme, how can I lose!"

Invincible is indeed the king of supreme!

This is also the reason why his combat power is so terrible that he can easily hurt the elderly in the rising moon.

Huang Xiaolong was not surprised. Before, he had long guessed, but what about the Supreme King? The genius of the Supreme King who died in his hands in the realm of God is ten million times stronger than the invincible.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the roaring invincible coldly: "You can rest assured, I said, will not let you die so fast, I smash your body bones, smash your heart, then break your head, give my master They are night pots."

This time, the cold family leader and others did not dare to laugh.

Wangu invincible stopped, Huo ran staring at Huang Xiaolong, the whole body was supreme and violent, and a dark air flow continued to emerge, only to see his shattered arms begin to grow again.

He suddenly turned into a black streamer, and his fists rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

"Kid, I don't care who you are, I want to kill me, I am invincible, dreaming!"

In an instant, the double fist hit the chest of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong indifferently raised his hand, suddenly holding the invincible double fist, and then twisted, the invincible arms were twisted again, and then Huang Xiaolong punched the invincible chest of the ancients, only to see his body supreme power burst.

The sound of the broken bones sounded.

Invincible screams.

I saw that his chest was shattered by Huang Xiaolong and broke into his body!

The cold family and other people only felt a convulsion in the atrium.

Huang Xiaolong's face was expressionless, another punch hit, and the sound of broken bones sounded again.

Huang Xiaolong punches another fist.

Soon, the invincible body of the old man was bloody, his mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears, all spurting blood, just like the old man who had been seriously injured in the past.

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