Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1937: Take out the invincible head of the old man

Sun Man saw Huang Xiaolong looking over, scared his face completely bloodless, and the whole contracted into a group, and his eyes looked innocently and pitifully looked at Huang Xiaolong.

However, there are people who have been ignorant of others, so Sun Man is afraid to say anything.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Sun full of fear, innocent, poor eyes, could not help but laugh, he was so terrible?

"Get up." Huang Xiaolong is full of Sun.

Sun is full of sleep, get up?

Huang Xiaolong frowned: "I will let you get up, then you will get up."

Sun Man stood up in a panic, and the emotions of the rest of his life were full of his whole body. He knew that Huang Xiaolong had let him go.

In fact, before coming, Huang Xiaolong learned about the situation of the Alchemy Masters Association from Huang Xiaohai and the old man in the moon. He knew that this Sun Man did not stand on the invincible side of the ages, and he was invincible to destroy the Huang family. He did not speak. Just keep it neutral and keep it safe.

Therefore, this is why Huang Xiaolong does not kill him.

Of course, the Alchemy Masters Association will be the tenth oldest, and can't all kill it? I have to leave two or three to preside over the overall situation.

"The order is passed, and the defense of the Danshen City is opened to shield the outside world." Huang Xiaolong ordered the Sun Man.

As long as the defense of the Danshen City is opened, then the Danshen City can no longer contact the outside world, even if the letter is not good, the news of the invincible, quiet and other people being killed will not be transmitted for the time being.

Huang Xiaolong didn't want to be invincible, and the news that the murderous people were killed was spread out, and then the Wangu family, the ancient Mozu, the refining ghost door and other more than 100 families and hundreds of thousands of masters were scared away.

If the ancient times, the ancient demon, the refining ghost door tens of thousands of masters ran away, hiding in which corner of the mountain, Huang Xiaolong want to pull them out one by one, I do not know how much time was wasted.

Now, all the Huang family have soared into the realm of the gods, and Huang Xiaolong has to go back to the realm of the gods earlier, so there is not so much time and effort to spend in the lower bounds.

"Yes, Huang Huichang." Sun Man immediately understood the meaning of Huang Xiaolong, immediately ordered to go down, let the disciples of the Alchemy Masters General Association open the defense of the Danshen City.

When Sun Man ordered, Huang Xiaolong scanned the crowds on the scene and said: "I hope you don't try to contact the outside world with letters. If I find out, kill them all!"

The sound of Huang Xiaolong spread, covering the entire square, and the cold wind blew. The family strongmen who were trying to contact the outside world changed their faces and frightened and stopped their movements.

If it was before, I am afraid that not many people will put Huang Xiaolong’s orders in their hearts, but now, Huang Xiaolong’s words are more useful than Wan Gu’s invincibility.

Soon, the defense of the Danshen City opened.

All the strong people in Danshen City are forbidden to go out.

"Big brother, just from the south gate of the city, there are many people who want to leave the city gate. They have already collided with the disciples of the alchemy masters' association in the city gate." Just in Huang Xiaolong ordered all people to go out to Dan. Less than half an hour in Shencheng, Huang Xiaohai reported to Huang Xiaolong.

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold: "Which family is a disciple?"

"It’s a disciple of Cheng’s family. Cheng Ping, the elder who you just killed, is Cheng Jia’s.” Huang Xiaohai pointed to the head of Cheng Ping in the distance and said: “Those who are Cheng Jia’s disciples are acquainted with Cheng Ping’s general meeting of the Alchemist Association. The veteran, so in the city of Dan Shen has always been rampant, and in recent years even the disciples of our Huang family have not been put in the eyes, and sometimes even shot the disciples of our Huang family."

Huang Xiaolong nodded and said: "It seems that Cheng's disciples still don't know the news that Cheng Ping was killed by me."

If you know, it is estimated that the disciples of Cheng Jia did not dare to go out of town at this time and clash with the disciples of the alchemy masters who are guarding the city gate.

"Go, let's go to Nanchengmen to see." Huang Xiaolong said to Huang Xiaohai, Zhao Shu and others: "By the way, the invincible, quiet and dull, Cheng Ping, the heads of their eight people, waited until the South Gate, hang up ""

Huang Xiaohai laughed: "Well!" paused and said: "I have less water in the morning."

Everyone laughed.

There is less water and less urine. I just thought that the crowd was not enough on the head of the invincible.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai, Shengyue old man, Zhao Shu, Zhang Wei and others came to Nanchengmen.

In less than an hour, Huang Xiaolong and others came to the Nancheng Gate. From a distance, they saw thousands of disciples from all major families gathered in front of the city gate, blocked there, clamoring to leave the city, and there were more than a dozen And the disciples of the Alchemy Masters League, who was there, fought.

More than a dozen people who had been beaten up with the disciples of the Alchemy Masters Association were Cheng’s disciples.

One of the disciples of the Cheng family slammed the disciples of the Alchemist League, and then slammed the other side. "Who gave you the order to seal the city? Even the disciples of our Cheng family dare to stop it. Who gives you the dog!"

"It's my order." Huang Xiaolong's cold voice sounded.

Everyone is a glimpse.

The Cheng disciple looked at it and found Huang Xiaohai next to Huang Xiaolong. His face was amazed and he sneered: "It turned out to be the owner of the Huang family, Huang Xiaohai. You thought that your Huang family was still a few thousand years ago, a few hundred years ago. When did your Huang family collude with the disciples of these alchemy masters, they dared to order the city, and your Huang family is not a **** now, don’t you know that your Huang family will be destroyed, and dare to swear!”

However, he just said this, Huang Xiaohai slaps it and takes it all to the wall.

Huang Xiaohai said to Huang Xiaolong: "He is the youngest son of Cheng Ping."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The little son of Cheng Ping was full of blood, a spit, all teeth, struggling from the ground and climbing up, staring at Huang Xiaohai: "The yellow family must be destroyed, Huang Xiaohai, you dare to hit me, you Not afraid to offend my father?"

Huang Xiaolong turned to Huang Xiaohai: "Put out the head of Cheng Ping."

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Huang Xiaohai took out a **** human head. It was Cheng Ping's face. Cheng Ping's face was full of fear, panic, and begging for mercy.

Cheng Ping’s younger son and Cheng Jiazhong’s disciples were dull and their eyes were motionless.

"It will be invincible, no one, and the heads of several of them will be taken out, and then hung on the gate." Huang Xiaolong said again.

Huang Xiaohai will take advantage of the invincible, quiet and few people.

Looking at the invincible head of the people, there was a sound of "潺潺" in the water. It turned out that a disciple of Chengjia was so scared that it was wet, and the ground was wet.

Huang Xiaohai waved his hands, invincible, ignorant, and the heads of Cheng Ping eight people flew up, all inlaid into the top of the city gate, hanging there, among them, the invincible in the middle, the quiet, the Cheng Ping several people Columns on both sides.

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