Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1938: Return to the gods

Just when Huang Xiaohai was invincible, and the glory of eight people was hanging on the gate of the city of Danshen, the Wangu family, the ancient demon, the refining ghost door and other hundreds of thousands of masters are constantly coming from the nearby Xinghe.

After coming to the Danshen world, the Wangu family, the ancient Mozu, and the reciprocal gates of more than 100 families began to gather together.

This time, the Wangu family led the team to Changge, and the Wanlong Changlong, who was killed by Huang Xiaolong, was a twin brother.

"I have said long ago that the Huang family should have been extinguished long ago. If the Huang family was destroyed in the past few years, they would not die." The ancient Mozu patriarch, the magical lord, looked and felt sorry. .

Wan Gu Changle's face is extremely cold: "I have to smash Huang Xiaohai personally, and his daughter, his son, his grandson, one by one, and then feed my beast."

When the news of Wan Gu Changlong, Wan Gudi and other ancient masters of nearly 100 masters was killed by the Huang family, the ancient people of the ancient times were angry.

As a brother of Changchun compatriots, Wan Gu Changle is even more violent, and he can't immediately kill the Huang family and kill all the Huang family.

The owner of the refining ghost door smiled and said: "The Wanle Changle Brothers rest assured that after waiting for the Danshen City, we will take him down to Huang Xiaohai, and hand him over to you. When you want to play, he will kill him!"

"Weird, I just contacted the invincible adult, the invincible adult has no reply letter?" The ancient Mozu patriarch, the magic warehouse brow wrinkled.

"The invincible adult in this age should have won the first place in the alchemy contest. He is running a banquet. He has free time to give you a reply." The owner of the refining ghost door smiled: "With the strength of the invincible adults, Who is his opponent under the sky?"

The ancient Mozu patriarch, the magic warehouse, nodded.

Also, the strength of the invincible adults, they are clear.

"After a few hours, I will go to Danshen City." Wan Gu Changle looked at the direction of Dan Shencheng, full of killing: "I hope the Huang family has not escaped."

The secluded family is quiet and smiles: "The ancient Changle brothers don't have to worry. Now the alchemy masters' association has been completely controlled by the invincible adults. The entire Danshen city is under the control of the invincible adults. The Huang family wants to escape one. Mosquitoes are impossible."

Wan Gu Changle nodded.

A few hours later.

The ancient times, the refining ghost gate, the ancient demon, the secluded family and more than a hundred super families, hundreds of thousands of masters have seen the city of Dan Shen.

When I saw the city of Dan, everyone could not help but speed up again.

Dan Shencheng is getting closer.

However, suddenly, Wan Gu Changle stunned and looked at the gate of the city of Dan Shencheng.

I saw something hanging above the gate, but I couldn’t see it clearly.

"What is that?" The owner of the refining ghost door apparently also found it, and he was puzzled.

The ancient Mozu, the masters of the secluded family also looked at it, but no one could see what it was. It seemed to be banned by people. They used the magic of the sky to see it.

Tens of thousands of masters are getting closer.

"The situation is a bit wrong!" The ancient demon lord of the ancient demon suddenly opened his mouth: "How come nobody greets us?"

The masters are also in the heart.

The main door of the refining ghost gate said: "Is it true that the Danshen City is in trouble? Is the invincible adult and the Huang family already fighting? So no one is coming to meet us?"

Wan Gu Changle suddenly drank: "Accelerate forward, fast!"

Tens of thousands of masters rushed to the city of Dan Shen.

Finally, everyone was close to the city of Danshen, and the gates were close at hand.

Suddenly, the elders of the ancient Mozu squad stopped and looked shocked. No, they looked at the things on the gate with horror. Before, they couldn’t see what it was, but now he finally saw it. .

It is a human head!

And it is the invincible head!


"No, no, this!" The magic warehouse trembled violently, and there was a sense of collapse of the heavens and the earth. Immediately, he looked at the invincible next to the ages.

It is quiet and dull!

It is Chen Xinghui! It is Cheng Ping! It is Yan Jinwen!

Every time he sees one, his trembling will increase one point.

Wan Gu Changle, the main door of the refining ghost gate and others, after the ancient Mozu patriarch's magic warehouse, also stopped, the same fear, the same shock, the same incredulously stared at the city gate.

"Million, invincible adults?!" After a long time, the main door of the refining ghost door eats and eats: "This is an illusion? Not true!"

"Phantom?" Wan Gu Changle and others are waking up.

At this moment, suddenly, the front light is bright, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai, Shengyue old man, Zhao Shu and other people are exposed.

"Huang Xiaohai! It's you!" Wan Gu Changle saw Huang Xiaohai, his eyes blood red: "You killed my brother, and now make these illusions come out to confuse us!"

Huang Xiaolong is too lazy to explain, with a pair of hands, I saw countless strong people rushed out from the mighty city of Dan Shen, there are not thousands, there are millions, the army will instantly surround the ancient Changle, the refining ghost door and other people The water is leaking.

After killing the invincible, quiet and dull people, Huang Xiaolong easily conquered all the strong men of Danshen City.

"This!" Wan Gu Changle and others were stunned.

"Kill!" Huang Xiaolong slowly said.

Suddenly, the powerful people rushed over to Wan Gu Changle, You Family, and others, killing the sound, because Huang Xiaolong had said it before, no matter who, killing a eternal family, secluded family, refining ghost door, ancient demon The elders of the family, rewarding 10,000 pieces of the top stone!

A 10,000-piece god-like stone is enough to make everyone crazy.

At this time, the heads of the ancient Changle, the secluded family, and so on, in the eyes of everyone, that is the 10,000 gods.

Watching those strong people desperate, rushing to rush to come over, Wan Gu Changle woke up, roaring: "You are so courageous, you dare to attack me the ancients, you want to rebel!"

However, everyone is turning a blind eye to their "threats", but they are even more madly attacking. Now, they have just invested in Huang Xiaolong, and naturally they have to work hard.

Blood, splashing stars.

The killing sound lasted for a long time and eventually stopped slowly.

Looking at the body of Wan Gu Changle, You Family and other people, Huang Xiaolong's face is indifferent. This time, the ancient times, the refining ghost door, the ancient demon more than 100 super families, more than ten thousand strong people were all over the army, one did not escape. .


A few days later, the gods were shackled.

Huang Xiaolong said to Huang Xiaohai: "Xiaohai, you really don't plan to fly up with the big brother?"

In the past few days, Huang Xiaolong went to the ancient family, the secluded family, the refining ghost gate, the ancient demon headquarters, and destroyed one by one. The lower bound has been completely handled. Now, he intends to return to the realm.

Huang Xiaohai shook his head: "Although the ancient people have been destroyed, there are still many things to be dealt with in the Huang family. I still have to stay and deal with the Huang family. Then I will go to the gods to find my eldest brother."

"That's good." Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong opened the space channel to return to the realm of the gods, and the old man of the rising moon, Xie Bodhi, Fei Hou, Long Huangyi Taiyi, Jiuwei Baihu and others entered the space channel and began to return to the realm of the gods.

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