Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1939: The endless pursuit of the secluded family?

After entering the space passage, there was a whirlwind of turns, and the old man of the rising moon, Xie Bodhi and others only felt the darkness in front of him.

Because of the first flight to the realm of the gods, the old man of the rising moon, Xie Bodhi and others were not panicked. So after a long time, suddenly, the eyes were bright, the old man of the rising moon, Xie Bodhi and others were light and fell from the sky.

A few people yelled and danced, and they saw that they fell to the ground. Suddenly a soft force came and held several people.

A few people in the rising moon have not been determined.

"Everyone is fine." Huang Xiaolong said.

"Nothing." Several people from the rising moon came back to God and shook their heads.

"This is the **** world? Good and pure heaven and earth aura! This is so much richer than the lower bound!" Xie Bodti felt the aura around the world, surprised.

The old man of the rising moon is also surprised and looks at the surrounding environment.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "This should be just a small **** plane. The aura is still very ordinary. When you get to the big **** planes, the aura is much richer than this. If you go to the super-large sects and headquarters. More than a thousand times stronger than this."

Everyone has a big eyes, a thousand times stronger than this!

"Well, let's get out of here first." Huang Xiaolong summoned the Pluto ship.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the Pluto spaceship like a huge city, Xie Bodhi, the old man of the rising moon has been shocked.

"Yellow boy, this is the spaceship of the gods? The spaceships of the gods are so powerful?" The old man of the moon could not help but pop up a sentence.

Standing in front of the Pluto spaceship, feeling the atmosphere of the Pluto spacecraft, the elderly and other people feel like ants, even ants are not.

Huang Xiaolong saw several people in the rising moon feel shocked and smiled. "This is indeed a spaceship of the gods. However, the spaceship of the gods is also of a grade, not the spaceship of the gods is so powerful."

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong and the people simply said the classification of the artifacts of the gods, and took everyone to the Pluto spaceship. Then, Huang Xiaolong called the four heads and fours out, so that the four did not control the spaceship and left the small god. Plane.

Looking at the four-headed four is not like, everyone is naturally shocked.

"The doorkeeper, listening to the glory, said that their secluded family has hundreds of thousands of gods and peaks in the realm of the gods. Now they have no night, they fled to the realm of the gods, when they find their masters of the secluded headquarters, the masters of the secluded headquarters ordered Is it troublesome to chase after you?" Fei Hou worried.

Although Huang Xiaolong destroyed the lower ages of the ancient people, the secluded family and other headquarters, but the ancient times, the glory, no night and so on, but fled to the gods in advance.

The old man of the rising moon, a few people in Xie Bodhi are also worried.

Huang Xiaolong blinked his eyes and smiled: "There will be no trouble. I am a disciple of the headquarters of the Imperial Palace in the realm of the gods. I am afraid that the ancients will not come to me."

"Made the Imperial Palace?" The old man of the rising moon is puzzled: "Is it very powerful to make the Imperial Palace? Is there any relationship between the Imperial Palace and the lower boundary?"

Huang Xiaolong explained: "The gods are ruled by the heavens, and under the heavens, they are the superpowers. These superpowers are named after the emperor's palace. Under the tens of thousands of imperial palaces, these are the first-class big families. The Imperial Palace is the top 100 imperial palace in the realm of the gods."

"It is indeed related to the creation of the Imperial Palace and the lower gates."

When the old man of the rising moon heard that Huang Xiaolong turned out to be a disciple of the top 100 dynasty palaces in the realm of the gods, he was a surprise. The old man of the rising moon smiled even more: "Huang Xiaozi, it seems that you are mixing well in the realm of God. Since the Imperial Palace was the former Baidi Palace, the selection of disciples at its headquarters is very strict. I did not expect that you could become a disciple of the Imperial Palace headquarters!"

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, hehe smiled, and his expression was somewhat naughty: "And I am not an ordinary disciple of the headquarters of the Imperial Palace. The master of the palace of the emperor is called the great emperor, and under the great emperor, it is the ancestor of the emperor's palace, and secondly, It is the chief of the main hall, the main halls of the main halls, the elders and the elders."

"And I am a pro-disciple of Zhao Lei, the master of the Imperial Palace."

The pro-disciple of Zhao Lei, the master of the Imperial Palace!

The old man of the rising moon, Xie Bodhi, Fei Hou and others listened, but it was a big joy.

"The original owner you turned out to be the pro-disciple of Zhao Lei, the master of the Imperial Palace. You can’t help the doorkeepers not to worry about the revenge of the secluded family and the ancients." Fei Hou laughed.

Previously, everyone was still worried about the secluded family. The ancients and the tribes retaliated in the realm of the gods. Now they know that Huang Xiaolong is a pro-disciple of Zhao Lei, the main priest of the Imperial Palace. They are all relieved, and the heart is comfortable.

"Yellow boy, what is the realm of the gods and gods?" asked the old man of the rising moon.

Xie Bodhi and others are also curious to see Huang Xiaolong.

"The **** above is the ancient god. Above the ancient **** is the ancestral god, the **** king, the heavenly king, the great emperor!" Huang Xiaolong said: "In general, the ancestors of the great emperors are the great emperors, like the secluded homes. The big family, their headquarters patriarch is just Tianjun."

"The ancient gods should be difficult to break through? You have been flying into the gods for thousands of years, have you broken through the ancient gods?" asked the old man.

Ancient god? Huang Xiaolong looked a bit rich and colorful, thought about it and said: "In fact, I broke through to the ancient gods long ago."

Xie Boti smiled: "Then you are now the ancient gods? I don't know what year and month to break through to the gods."

Huang Xiaolong wanted to tell everyone that he is really strong now, but think about it, so that everyone will not be too "strike". Anyway, everyone will know it when they arrive.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong took out the letter and contacted the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce to let the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce help find his parents, Shi Xiaoqi and others. Then, Huang Xiaolong contacted Hongmeng Palace, the Wuwu Emperor Palace, the Witch Emperor Palace, and the Emperor. Palace, Pluto organization, the forces that can be contacted, Huang Xiaolong has contacted it again.

He wants to find his parents as soon as possible.

"Huang Xiaozi, are we going to build the headquarters of the Imperial Palace now?" Huang Xiaolong asked the old man when he contacted the emperor's palace.

"Well, let's go to the Imperial Palace headquarters first."


Just when Huang Xiaolong and others took the Pluto spacecraft to go to the Imperial Palace, a small **** was on the plain, and several people were on the road. These people were the ones who fled to the realm of the gods, and there was no night and Cheng’s ancestors. Cheng Zongyi three.

There is no night to say: "I have used the secret method to contact the patriarch of our secluded family. This **** plane has a branch of our secluded family. The branch owner has sent a master to come and meet us." Speaking of this, there is no night and eyes blinking cold: "The lower bounds are destroyed, this thing, it will not be such a case, Huang Xiaolong, you are waiting for our secluded master to endlessly pursue it!"

Wan Gu Yan Hui is also hateful: "I will soon contact the masters of our gods and the ancient family, Huang Xiaolong, since you have destroyed my lower ages, then don't blame me for being an old friend!" Continued.)

The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine chapters of the family's endless pursuit? :

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