Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1940: The secluded family is going to die!

Soon, no night, Wan Gu Yan Hui, Cheng Zongyi, several people have seen the masters sent by the secluded branch.

The secluded family sent a high-ranking powerhouse of the ancient gods. It can be seen that people who pay attention to the night and the night, if ordinary disciples fly up, let alone the high-ranking powers of the ancient gods to meet, even the high gods of the gods are impossible.

The secluded strong man secluded and flew in front of the city, and there were few people in the night: "The front city, called Gaochun City, is where our branch is. The entire Gaochun City is controlled by our secluded branch, Gaochun City. The city owner is an elder of our branch." When introducing, there is some meaning to show off.

There is no night, Wan Gu Yan Hui, Cheng Zongyi looked at the tall and tall in front, I do not know how many thousands of miles of the city, a look of shock.

This Gaochun City is actually controlled by a branch of the secluded family, and you can imagine the strength of this branch of the secluded family.

The secluded strong man secluded and saw the night without a night, Wan Gu Yanhui, Cheng Zongyi three people shocked the look, said with a smile: "This **** is called the Dalu God plane, our secluded division is called the Dalu branch. The entire Lulu **** plane, the city pool controlled by our secluded branch, there are more than 3,000! This Gaochun city is just one of them!"

"What?! More than three thousand seats!" No night, Wan Gu Yan Hui, Cheng Zongyi was scared.

Originally, a branch that controlled a huge city in this city had shocked them. I did not expect that it was just one of more than 3,000.

Moreover, this is just a branch, a branch of the secluded family!

"In the whole Dalu position, our secluded division is one of the strongest three major forces." The secluded strongman sneaked and laughed: "We have a slap in the home of the secluded family. I have to tremble!"

No night is more shocking, but then, it is a big joy, the strength of a large Lu branch is so strong, then in the realm of the gods, the strength of the headquarters is not more horrible?

The stronger the strength of the secluded family, the more likely it is to kill Huang Xiaolong as a dog.

There is no night to respect the chuchu flying and ask: "Chu Fei predecessors, we are in the first-class family of the gods, the strength is very strong?"

The secluded fly proudly said: "That is, in the world of millions of gods, thousands of first-class big family, we are ranked in the top 100, even if some of the emperor's palaces are not afraid to offend us. The family of the dark spirit."

No night, listen to it, rest assured.

At this time, Yu Chufei smiled at Wan Gu Yan Hui and Cheng Zong Yi: "Of course, Cheng Jia's strength in the realm of the gods is not weak, especially the Wan Gu Di Palace is very strong."

It is precisely because Wan Gu Yan Hui is the palace of the ancient emperor, so the ancient Chu high-powered strong and powerful to come to meet.

"Chu Fei predecessors, we are very strong in the realm of the gods?" asked Wan Gu Yanhui.

Although in the past, the Wongu people learned about the situation of the ancient world of the gods through the messengers of the Jinshen contest, but they only said a few words, and they knew very little. Therefore, Wan Gu Yanhui did not know that the ancients were specific in the realm of the gods.

You Chu laughed and said: "It is very strong! There are tens of thousands of imperial palaces in the realm of the gods. Under the imperial palace, these are the first-class big families of our secluded family. And you, the ancient family, in the palace of the gods, the ranking is Within three hundred."

"The ranking of the imperial palace within three hundred!" Wan Gu Yanhui looked excited, eyes bleeding, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong, you are afraid that I am so strong in the realm of the gods!

However, it is also a small person who has just flew into the realm of the gods for hundreds of years. After coming to the realm of the gods, it is estimated that in the small squat of the little god, how could I know the ancient palace of the ancients.

In fact, if Huang Xiaolong really only stays in the sacred gods of Cangyun Island in the plane of the Vientiane, which is in the beginning of the ascension of the gods, it is really impossible to reach the level of the Imperial Palace, and it is impossible to understand and Know the Palace of the Ancients.

Soon, under the leadership of You Chufei, the three people who saw no nights saw the home of the secluded branch.

After seeing the three people in the night, Yu Chengguang asked freely about the situation of the lower bounds.

"Cheng Guang's family, our lower secluded family has been completely destroyed and destroyed!" No night smashed down, and sighed at the sorrowful journey, a sad face: "You must replace the next fraternal family of millions of disciples Revenge and hate!"

"What, the lower bounds of the secluded family was destroyed!" The ancestors and the elders of the ancestral hall were shocked and angered.

"Who is it?!" Yu Chengguang's eyes are full of killing: "Which family are they? Do they have any influence in the realm of the gods? Since they have destroyed our lower bounds, we will destroy the power of their gods. !"

No night and respectful respect: "It is a disciple of a yellow family in the lower bound. He is called Huang Xiaolong."

"What? You, what do you say? Huang, Huang Xiaolong?!" The original eyes were full of sorrowful sorrows, and they fell from the throne, only to feel that the whole body was in an earthquake.

On the main hall, other secluded masters are also scared to sit upright.

Looking at the glory of the journey and the masters of the family, there is no night, Wan Gu Yan Hui, Cheng Zongyi three are also surprised and confused.

"Cheng Guang, the master, you, are you?" asked no night to eat.

The journey was wide and rushed to the front of the night without a night, and there was no night and no night, no more politeness and smile, but a staring look at the night without a night, full of mouth spurting to the night without face: "You, you ****** Say it again, he is Huang Xiaolong?!"

No night, Wan Gu Yan Hui three people see the glory of the face, it is also terrified.

"Yes, yes, he is Huang Xiaolong!"

Yu Chengguang's whole body strength seems to be taken out, his eyes are sluggish, and he mutters something.

"Home, homeowner, will it just be the same name?" At this time, an elder of the secluded family said.

"Yes, the homeowner, the lower bounds are vast, I don't know how many stars, but I don't know how many interfaces, it should be just the same name!" Another quiet parent is also arguing.

There is no night, Wan Gu Yan Hui, Cheng Zongyi three face to face, is there a big man called Huang Xiaolong in the realm of the gods?

At this time, Yu Chengguang came back to God, his eyes brightened, and some excited: "Yes, yes, it should be just the same name, how can Huang Xiaolong return to the lower bounds!"

The journey was wide and the first time to ask for no night: "Say, let the Huang Xiaolong you know, all, tell me in detail, fast!"

No night, I dare not hide it again. I will know what I know, and I will report it to the masters of You Chengguang and Youjia.

"You, what do you say? Huang Xiaolong was flying up to the realm of the gods thousands of years ago?" Hearing that no one night said that Huang Xiaolong was flying up to the world of gods thousands of years ago, he was greeted with ambiguity and anger.

"Yes, yes, according to the time of the realm, Huang Xiaolong flew to the realm of the gods for several hundred years." Quiet no night heart tightening, and then said: "A few days ago, Huang Xiaolong did not know what method to use, suddenly returned to the lower bound, not only destroyed The ancient times, the Cheng family, the ancient demon, the refining ghost gate, also destroyed more than 100 super powers in the lower bounds of our secluded family!"

The journey was wide and sat there, with no eyes and no gods. According to the nightless night, the yellow dragon in his mouth, the ninety-nine is the little yellow dragon they know now!

The secluded family is going to die!

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