Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1943: Are you taking us for fun?

"You are an idiot who talks about dreams. Who doesn't want to have one of Huang Xiaolong's talents. Who doesn't want to have one of Huang Xiaolong's gas, but do you think this is possible?"

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min and others look alive.

Huang Xiaolong?

That cracked up to help a dozen of God disciples to talk about Huang Xiaolong!

"This, no, will not be the same name?" Guo Xiaofan said: "The gods are so big, should they be just the same name?"

Huang Peng, Su Yan and others just ignited hopes and went on.

That's right, it should be just the same name.

Huang Xiaolong went to the devil world?

I heard that the evil world is extremely dangerous, even if it is a cracking ground to help the former Tianjun strong, they dare not step into the half step, and it is very far away, how can Huang Xiaolong go to the devil world!

"I heard that Huang Xiaolong has broken through the Great Emperor in the past few days. This is too horrible. How many years has it been since the battle of Heaven, only less than forty years? At that time, he was only in the middle of the seventh, this is simply It’s shocking.”

"In less than forty years, from the mid-seventh of Tianjun to the great emperor, this is simply not a human being. It is no wonder that in the battle of Tianting in the past, even the Emperor of Heaven has been stunned by him!"

"I don't know who Huang Xiaolong's parents are, even gave birth to such a terrible freak. It took only a few hundred years for Huang Xiaolong to fly into the realm of the gods! From a **** level to a great emperor for hundreds of years, every time I think of this, I want to hit the wall, no, I want to hit the earth!"

"I bumped into your fart, I didn't see you hit, the red gold mine in front, you go and knock it out!"

The dozens of crackers helped the gods and disciples to talk and laugh, and the voices still sounded from time to time, and they were constantly passed into the ears of Huang Peng and Su Yan.

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min and others heard that when Huang Xiaolong flew into the realm of the gods for hundreds of years, they were all shocked and face-to-face. Is this true?

Is it true that Huang Xiaolong in the mouth of the disciples of the gods is really Huang Xiaolong? !

Is it really their son? Really her big brother! Big bang? !

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min, Guo Xiaofan are not excited.

However, it is too difficult for them to believe.


How many dozens of cracked land help disciples say that Huang Xiaolong has broken through the Great? !


In the past ten years, when they occasionally listened to these cracks to help disciples talk about the realm of the gods, they gradually understood the level of the realm of the gods and knew that the emperor was above the heavenly king.

The great emperor, this is the existence of the cleavage to help the former lord not qualified to see.

This kind of existence is no longer Huang Peng, Su Yan can imagine and dare to imagine.

Therefore, Huang Peng, Su Yan and others are excited. Although they feel that these little crackers help Huang Xiaolong in the mouth of the gods, it is very likely that they know Huang Xiaolong, but they can't believe it is true.

"The existence of such things as Huang Xiaolong, the heavens and the world, I am afraid that no woman is worthy of him?" At this time, those who helped the gods and disciples talked about Huang Xiaolong.

"I heard that Huang Xiaolong already has a woman. It is a name called Li Wei and what is called Yao Chi. Yes, there is also the silver fox chamber of commerce, Miss Bei Xiaomei, as well as the founder of the Imperial Palace, and the palace of the dynasty. Supreme genius disciple Peng Yu, I don’t know if it’s true or not!”

"Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce second Miss Bei Xiaomei, Ms. Emperor Palace II Miss Fang Fang! Hey, Huang Xiaolong is really beautiful."

"It should be said that the silver fox chamber of commerce Miss Miss Bei Xiaomei, the founder of the emperor's palace, the second party, Fang Hao, left the **** transport, is the whole **** world, now I do not know how many women lined up waiting for Huang Xiaolong to take a look, even We helped my wife, I heard that I was yelling at the name of Huang Xiaolong, and I was so angry that I vomited blood!"

"No, you know this even? But, to help the lady's wife, be careful to be heard by the helper and the wife, otherwise, you are not guaranteed!"

Listening to cracking the ground to help the gods and disciples laugh, Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min and others are excited and shaking hands.

Li Wei!

Huang Xiaolong's woman Li Wei!

They don't know what the silver fox chamber of commerce, Miss Miss Bei Xiaomei, doesn't know the sacred emperor's palace, but they know Li Wei!

Li Wei!

Just when these crackers helped the gods of the gods to mention Li Wei, Huang Peng, Su Yan has been 100% sure to help the gods and disciples of Huang Xiaolong is their son!

"Xiaolong, we found the dragon! We found the dragon!" Su Yan was very excited, holding Huang Peng's hand: "Peng Ge, we found our little dragon!" Both eyes are red.

Huang Peng was also excited and nodded. "Yes, we found our son!"

In the past ten years, they have been forced to mine day and night. In the middle, whenever they can't keep going, they think of their son Huang Xiaolong, and their son Huang Xiaolong gave them the belief to stick to it.

Now, they finally know the news of Huang Xiaolong!

Their son Huang Xiaolong has already broken through the Great! Their son is the great powerhouse!

Huang Peng, Su Yan excitedly and stood up, then weakly went to the dozens of crackers to help the gods disciples, Huang Min, Guo Tai, Guo Xiaofan, Tianfo the Great and others all stood up, followed by Huang Peng two people behind.

"Stand up, what are you doing?" A **** helped the **** disciple to stand up, holding a whip and pointing to Huang Peng and others, and swearing.

In the crack of the ground to help the gods of the disciples, Huang Peng, Su Yan several people scared to stop.

"This adult, we have no other meaning, just want to ask you about the Huang Xiaolong thing." Huang Peng trembled.

Other crackers helped the disciples of the gods to look over.

One of the crackers helped the disciples of the gods to calmly sigh: "Huang Xiaolong and you are able to inquire about these things. You can now go back and sit down, ask more questions, I will give you a whip!" Get up, the iron whip in the hand is bright.

Huang Peng, Su Yan and others were frightened.

The taste of this iron whip, a few people have tasted, the pain, no one wants to taste the second time.

However, Huang Peng thought of Huang Xiaolong, or bravely daring to argue: "Yong Xiaolong you just said should be my son, I am Huang Xiaolong's father!"

Huang Peng’s voice fell, and he helped a dozen disciples of the gods to stay, and the disciples who were mining around were also shocked to see Huang Peng.

Suddenly, the dozens of crackers helped the gods disciples laugh.

"What did this thing say? I said that Huang Xiaolong is his son. He is the father of Huang Xiaolong?!" A **** helped the gods and disciples laugh.

It’s no wonder that they don’t believe it. It’s like a cockroach suddenly saying that the president of a certain country is his son. Who will believe it?

Huang Peng, Su Yan sees these crackers to help disciples no one believes, his face is ugly.

"I said dog slaves, do you take us for fun?" A **** helped the **** disciple smile and stopped, and Huang Peng coldly said: "If Huang Xiaolong is your son, that day Emperor Jun is my son!" Without waiting for Huang Peng to explain, he took a whip and took it to Huang Peng.

In order to give Huang Peng a long memory, this pumping, the strength is not small, Huang Peng screamed and flew out, the whole body is a whip mark and blood marks, blood DC.


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