Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1944: Fabricating lies

"Peng Ge!"

"Father!" "Grandpa!" "Family!"

Su Yan, Huang Min, Guo Tai, Guo Xiaofan, Tianfo Emperor and others are not changing.

The crowd rushed to Huang Peng's side and helped Huang Peng to get up and watched the horrible welt of Huang Peng. Everyone was angry and angry and hated.

"Peng Ge, do you have anything?" Su Yan cried, holding down Huang Peng's wound tightly, fully urging the body's remaining power to try to stop Huang Peng's wound.

Because they don't have healing remedies, they can only use this stupid method.

However, Huang Peng’s wound is too long and too big, and the blood is still flowing out.

Huang Peng grinned and shook his head weakly: "Do not worry, I am fine, I will live to see our son."

Su Yan couldn't help it anymore, crying loudly.

The **** helped the gods and disciples to collect the iron whip, and saw Su Yan crying, tired of saying: "If you dump the goods, if you cry again, believe it or not, I will give you a whip now!"

Huang Peng rushed to Su Yan and shook his head.

Su Yan tried to bite her teeth and tried not to let herself cry.

At this time, Guo Xiaofan couldn't help but explain to the dozens of crackers who helped the gods and disciples: "You adults, I am really called Huang Xiaolong. I know Li Auntie, when Li Wei is in the lower bound, I am a big brother with me. I am a sweetheart."

Although I know that these dozens of crackers help the disciples of the gods do not believe, but Guo Xiaofan still wants to say.

Do not say, there is no chance at all, said, maybe there is still a chance, maybe these cracks will help the disciples of the gods to believe?

The **** helped the disciples of the gods to hear the words and sneered: "You still don't give up! Don't think that I don't know what abacus you are playing. You think that you are together, saying that Huang Xiaolong is your son, saying that Huang Xiaolong is your big brother. We will release you in the crackdown? We have seen so many tricks!"

Indeed, these god-level miners have made various reasons for their escaping for freedom, and they have all kinds of thoughts.

Guo Xiaofan would like to explain again. The **** helped the gods and disciples to pull over, and Guo Xiaofan also flew. When landing, the same half body was a whip mark. Even the whip marks on Guo Xiaofan were bigger than Huang Peng. Blood sprinkled around the ground.

"Xiaofan!" everyone shouted.

Huang Min, Guo Taichong used to help Guo Xiaofan.

The crowd was full of hateful look at the cracked earth to help the gods disciples.

The **** helped the gods disciple to scan other miners and dig the miners and said: "In the future, I will see who will dare to make up all kinds of lies and reasons. Whoever dares to fabricate them, each person draws three whip, and then scraps one arm. !"

Everyone's face changed.

If the miners are smashing, they mainly rely on their hands to mine. If the arm is scrapped, it will definitely not be able to pay the amount of each month. If it is not completed, it will definitely die very badly.


A few days later, in the creation of God, Huang Xiaolong sat on the top of the mountain, watching the aura around the mountain, but it was frowning. It has been more than a month, and the parents have no news.

These days, he is like a year, especially these two days, the more uneasy.

In the distance, two figures flew over.

It is Fang Yi and Peng Yu two women.

Soon, the two of them came to Huang Xiaolong and fell down. Looking at Huang Xiaolong’s incompetence and murder, Fang Yi and Peng Yu looked at each other and did not know how to open their comfort.

"Little dragon, you can rest assured, uncle, aunt, they will not have anything, you have to worry too much." In the end, Fang Kai said.

"Yeah, Xiaolong, the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce is all over the realm, and the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce should have news soon!" Peng Yu continued.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and sighed: "I hope."

"Xiaolong, these days, some imperial palaces have a message that the emperor's emperor has broken through the great emperor, and integrates with the heavens and the heavens. No one can kill the emperor." Fang Hao suddenly thought of something. Said.

Huang Xiaolong "Oh," some surprised, did not expect that the emperor of Tianzi actually broke through the Great.

Incorporating with Heaven, will it not die? Huang Xiaolong blinked.

"And, I heard that Emperor Tianjing and Emperor Tianjun went to invite a peerless old monster. This peerless old monster will sit in the Tianting Temple. Some people say that Emperor Tiandi and Emperor Tianjun invited this old monster to When it comes to eclipsing, but some people say that it is to deal with the old man of Hongmeng." Peng Yu said.

Huang Xiaolong frowned and was surprised. He asked: "Do you know which old monster is it?"

Since the outside world is like this, 90% is true, and this old monster, whether it is against the eclipse or the king of his master Hongmeng, is afraid that the strength is not weaker than the eclipse or the king of his master.

"I don't know who it is now." Fang Wei shook his head: "Maybe the king of Hongmeng can guess."

Huang Xiaolong nodded. When he found his parents and went to the bright world, he had to take time to go to the land of Hongmeng.

I don't know how the chick is recovering now. Huang Xiaolong thought.

Now, although there are many masters around him, the forces are large, but they lack the dominant power. If the strength of the chick is fully restored, then he will have more protection.

Also, he had to find a way to make the four heads and fours different. The two heads and four wings were light tomorrow, and the giants of the wild, Taiyue, and the king of Shura, the golden man, broke through.

Whether it is four or not, or the fourteen wings of tomorrow, or the giants of the wild giant Taiyue ten, are stuck in the late tenth stage of the Great Emperor for many billion years, and they break through the dominance, just need an opportunity.

Just when Huang Xiaolong thought about it, he was looking for an opportunity to make four different. When the 14th wing light made a breakthrough tomorrow, suddenly, the letter was shocked. Huang Xiaolong quickly took it out and saw it. It was the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce's Beixiao Hairdressing!

"Flint God plane, cracked help!" Huang Xiaolong could not help but his parents finally found it!

According to the letter from Beixiao Hairdressing, his parents Huang Peng, Su Yan and others are now in the face of Flint.

"Little dragon, what's wrong? Is it the uncle and aunt, do they have news?" Fang Yan saw Huang Xiaolong's face and could not help but ask.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and handed the letter to the two women.

After reading the two women, they are all pretty faces.

"Great, my uncle and aunt finally found it, Xiaolong, then we are now in the face of Flint God." Fang Xinxin smiled.

Huang Xiaolong said: "You have to go too?"

Fang Wei, Peng Yu and the two women nodded at the same time, but then seemed to think of something, a blush on the pretty face.

"Okay, let's go to the Flint God!" Huang Xiaolong stood up and did not discuss this issue. The most important thing is to get to the Flint God as soon as possible.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong and the two women went out to make the gods of the gods, and then took out the Pluto ship, and quickly went to the Flint.


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