Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1947: Xiaolong! Big brother!

Almost the same time, all the gangs of all the gangs of the Flint Gods raised their heads and looked up at the sky.

Whether it is hiding in the secret room to bury a hundred years or some of the ancestors who have just retired, they are all scared and changed their faces.

In the cracking area, the Gu’an patriarch Hu Qingzhong also had a cracking gang to help the main Cheng Guotao and the crackers to help the masters.

"This, this is the pressure of the great emperor! It is the pressure of a group of great emperors!" Hu Qingzhong's voice, Hu Qingzhong, trembled: "How come there are so many great emperors coming to our Flint God?"

Cracking the land to help the main Cheng Guotao is also shaking up and down the lips: "It seems that there are dozens of great emperors strong? Is it a shocking event in our Flint God plane?"

Hu Qingzhong, the proprietor of Gu’an, shook his head in fear: “No, there are definitely more than a dozen! I’m afraid there are one hundred, one hundred great emperors! So many great emperors, is it that we have nothing to do with the Flint Gods? Baby, motivated so many great emperors!"

The plane of the Flint God plane, the strongest is Tianjun high-order, and it is just the ordinary Tianjun high-order, it is difficult for a billion years to have a great emperor to come here. Now, there are a hundred!

In Huang Xiaolong, four are not like the horror of others, even if Cheng Guotao is outside the tens of billions of miles, Hu Qingzhong’s Tianjun first-order powerhouse is also scared by his legs.

As for the cracking of the land to help those masters, not to mention, and dragged away Huang Peng, Guo Xiaofan's cracked to help the gods disciples even scared to soften on the ground, do not dare to move, no, the whole body is shaking!

Originally, the silver fox chambers secretly hid in the dark, those line people saw these crackers to help the disciples to toss Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan, and when they were about to kill Huang Peng, they were also scared by Huang Xiaolong and four. Come down, don't be surprised.

The Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce has no divisions in the small gods such as Flint. These informants are just outside informants of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, the strength is not very high. It is just an ordinary high-ranking ancestor. Even Hu Qingzhong and Cheng Guotao are scared. Have legs soft, let alone them?

After falling to the face of Flint, Huang Xiaolong screamed at the dragon, and shook the whole face of the Flint, revealing infinite killings, with four different images, and tomorrow will let the people fly in the direction of the cracking gang.

"Is it the strong dragon of the Dragon Emperor?" Cheng Guotao was frightened: "They seem to be flying in this direction!"

Hu Qingzhong swallowed his throat: "Is the peerless baby hidden somewhere near here?"

The baby who can alarm so many great emperors can imagine how amazing it is.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are blood red. According to Bei Xiaomei's position, he is fully rushing to the direction of the cracking ground. In the four, the light tomorrow will make people wait for momentum, and the landslide will break.

I saw the mountain below, the original forest below, the blocks fell, and the pieces rose from the ground, and even a river flew from the ground.

After the rivers flew up, they were instantly formed into ice by the icy air of more than 70 ice dragons. When they fell to the ground, they broke into countless pieces of crushed ice.

Fang Wei, Peng Yu and the two women are closely behind Huang Xiaolong. When they see such a scene, they are also shocked. This kind of momentum, I am afraid that the dominant power will also be scared off!

Below, the strongest of the Flint Gods face one after another, looking at Huang Xiaolong, four are not like, Guangming makes people fly from high altitude, all crouching.

"That is the light tomorrow?! God, twelve wings, no, that is the fourteen wings!"

"What is that ice monster? A horrible ice cold!"

"Is it **** undead?!"

Some crouching ancestors are awkward.

Every time after passing through a city, the city wall below is layer after another, and the whole city is crumbling.

"This, is this the power of the world?!" A high-ranking ancestor of Tianjun muttered to himself.

In the Flint God plane, all the strong people were horrified and trembled. Soon, Huang Xiaolong came to the sphere of influence of the cracked gang and saw thousands of cities under the control of the cracked gang.

When Huang Xiaolong’s soul was swept away, he discovered the mining area where his parents and others were located, and discovered the horrors of his parents and others. When he saw Huang Peng, who was burying the burying by the disciples, Guo Xiaofan’s body was bloody. Lying on the ground, when I saw Huang Peng, Guo Xiaofan's amazing whip marks, the **** whip marks, Huang Xiaolong!


The sky is broken.

I saw that under the shackles of Huang Xiaolong, countless waves of waves swayed, and the city walls in front collapsed, and all the buildings were flying.

The surrounding land began to crack.

Huang Xiaolong took four, and Guangming made the others fly to the mining area.

In the mining area, Hu Qingzhong and Cheng Guotao, as well as the cleavage gangs, under the shackles of Huang Xiaolong, all flew out and it was difficult to stand firm.

When Hu Qingzhong, Cheng Guotao and the **** helped the masters to climb up, they saw that Huang Xiaolong was coming from a distance at a high altitude, followed by the giants of the four giants, following the bright light, shining the light of the heavens and the earth, one hundred undead Wei, more than seventy ice dragons!

When I saw that Huang Xiaolong was behind him, the light of tomorrow, the undead clan and the ice dragon, Hu Qingzhong, Cheng Guotao and other people’s face shocked and feared, this is more than one hundred masters!

"Yes, it is Huang Xiaolong!" Suddenly, Hu Qingzhong saw the face of Huang Xiaolong, but it was a shock to the whole body. He said: "Ming, Pluto!"

In the battle of Tianting in the past, Hu Qingzhong led the disciples of Gu Anzong. On the rooftop, he was fortunate enough to see Huang Xiaolong from afar, so he recognized Huang Xiaolong at a glance.

"What! Huang Xiaolong!" The **** helped the main Cheng Guotao and cracked the ground to help other masters face a big surprise.

The dozens of disciples who guarded the mining area helped the gods and disciples to be more fearful, pale and bloodless, because they thought of more things!

Almost at the same time, these dozens of custody guarding the mining area helped Tiandi disciples to look at Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan who were lying not far away. They, are they? !

The name was won by Huang Peng, and Guo Xiaofan was very cool and helped his disciples to face his face.

With the arrival of Huang Xiaolong, Su Yan, Huang Min, Guo Tai, and the Emperor of Heaven also saw the face of Huang Xiaolong, all of them were overjoyed and cried.

Su Yan ran wildly to Huang Xiaolong, and cried with surprise and cried: "Little Dragon!"

Hu Qingzhong, Cheng Guotao and the elders who cracked the ground help could not help but stay, can the slaves in this mining area know Huang Xiaolong?

At this time, Huang Min also ran to Huang Xiaolong, surprised and shouted: "Big Brother!"

Big brother!

Hu Qingzhong, Cheng Guotao also cracked the ground to help the masters stunned, the brain burst into flames, and the dozens of guarded mines in the mining area to help the disciples completely softened on the ground.

It turned out that what they said was true!

Is Huang Xiaolong really theirs? !

(Little **!) (To be continued.)

The first thousand nine hundred and forty-seven chapters Xiaolong! Big brother! :


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