Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1948: Rescue Huang Peng

Seeing the mother, the younger sister dressed in a broken, draped hair, shaped like a sly surprise to himself and cried and ran over, Rao is Huang Xiaolong's heart is tough and both eyes are red.

Huang Xiaolong came to his mother with the fastest speed and shouted: "Mother!"


Hu Qingzhong, Cheng Guotao and the **** help the masters are even more fierce.

This god-level slave who is mining in the cracking ground is actually the mother of Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong’s mother actually mined in the mining area where they cracked the ground!

They cracked the ground to help the mining area, actually hiding one? !

Then, Cheng Guotao and the crackers helped the masters to be pale and bloodless. They, they actually captured the mother of Huang Xiaolong, imprisoned here to mine them? Give them a crack to help mine? !

At this time, Huang Xiaolong clung to his mother, and then to Huang Mindao: "Second sister!"

Second sister!

At this time, Huang Xiaolong went to the Heavenly Buddha and the Queen of Heaven and Buddha: "Father-in-law! Mother-in-law!"

Father-in-law! Mother-in-law!

Cheng Guotao, cracking the ground to help the masters are crumbling.

"Mother, wait a moment, I will cure my father and Xiaofan first." Huang Xiaolong told Su Yandao.

Su Yan woke up from joy and reunion, and panicked Huang Xiaolong: "Yes, Xiaolong, come on, save your father and Xiaofan, they will not die!"

Huang Xiaolong, Su Yan and others rushed over to Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan.

Cheng Guotao, cracked the ground to help the masters fall completely, before Cheng Guotao fell, swept Huang Peng, only one sentence in his mind, father! That is the father of Huang Xiaolong!

He just let the disciples help the disciples to bury the father of Huang Xiaolong!


This is completely finished! Even their eggs are finished!

When Huang Xiaolong went to Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan, the dozens of defenders who guarded the mining area directly frightened their lives and fainted.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the dozens of crackers to help the disciples. However, now, the most important thing is to save the father and Xiaofan first. Therefore, he has not helped the disciples for the dozens of crackers.

After coming to his father Huang Peng, Huang Xiaolong immediately took out Da Vinci Sheridan.

However, although Da Vinci Sheridan is healing the Shen Dan, it is the best Hong Meng Ling Dan. With his father Huang Peng and Xiao Fan’s current realm, it can’t be swallowed. Therefore, after Huang Xiaolong took out Da Vinci’s relic, he only grinded a bit. At the end, he swallowed his father Huang Peng and Xiao Fan respectively.

Even if it is only a bit of the end of the Great Vatican Lidan, the effect is extremely amazing. I saw both Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan suddenly shuddering. The vitality of the cockroach is like a huge wave.

Huang Xiaolong did not dare to care about it. He quickly pressed his hands behind the two men, and the supreme light of the gods poured into the two bodies to help the two men refine the power of the Dafan relic.

Soon, the horrible welts of Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan began to heal at the speed visible to the naked eye. The wounds that had just been bleeding were almost completely stopped after two breaths. Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone Start scabbing, then the scar disappears, just like there is no whip at all.

Huang Peng, Guo Xiaofan's pale face began to float blood, breathing began to stabilize, and the body was alive.

Su Yan, Huang Min, Guo Tai, a few people do not like to be in color.

Fang Wei, Peng Yu and the two women also showed a smile.

However, after Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan recovered their injuries, Huang Xiaolong did not stop, and he continued to inject the supreme light of the two.

Not long after, the two men were shocked, the body cracked, the sky was discolored, and countless thunderclouds rolled.

Huang Peng and Guo Xiaofan finally broke through the realm of the gods and attracted the gods to rob the thunder!

In Su Yan and Huang Min, a few people were surprised and happy. The robbery thundered like a dragon and a dragon with a destructive force. However, Huang Xiaolong just looked up and saw that it contained a robbery of amazing destruction. The thunder will be scattered and dissipated between heaven and earth.

This is naturally the will of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong's great will, can be invisible as other great emperors, or can be turned into a chaotic axe to attack.

With Huang Xiaolong now the great will of the great emperor, even if it is an invisible attack, under the full force, it is enough to kill the ordinary third-order early power of the great emperor, not to mention the little gods robbery.

When Su Yan and Huang Min were stunned, Huang Xiaolong said: "Mother, second sister, I will help you break through the gods now!"

"We also?" Su Yan, Huang Minyi stayed.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and immediately, Huang Xiaolong also helped Su Yan, Huang Min, Guo Tai, Tian Buddha the Emperor to release Brahma, and the Heavenly Buddha Queen Lin Meng broke through the gods.

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min and others are the tenth-order late peaks of the **** level. With Huang Xiaolong's current realm, it is easy to help several people break through the realm of the gods.

When Huang Xiaolong was Huang Peng, Su Yan and others broke through the realm of the gods, the Gu’an patriarch Hu Qingzhong and the cracked land helper Cheng Guotao and others were all stiff and did not dare to move a bit, even if it was just falling, the **** was just right. Sitting on a sharp broken mine did not dare to move a little.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong finally gave Huang Peng, Su Yan and others all to break through the realm of the gods. Gu Qingzhong, the owner of the Gu’an ancestor, moved his **** on the ground in panic and uneasiness. He came to Huang Xiaolong and kneeled on the ground, trembled: Gu Anzong Hu Qingzhong sees the prince of Pluto!"

The **** helped the main Cheng Guotao and cracked the land to help the masters but did not dare to go forward, just crouched there, the whole body shrank.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Hu Qingzhong in front of him in a cold and indifferent manner. He said: "I know that you are the lord of Gu'an, and you are going to crack the red gold mine that doubled next month, so my parents were only helped by the crackers. Forced to work day and night to mine."

Hu Qingzhong, the prophet of Gu’an, trembled and his face was scared. When he was about to ask for mercy, Huang Xiao took a finger and pointed his finger at the eyebrows. Gu Qingzhong’s lord Hu Qingzhong stopped there and then fell down. When he fell, he The center began to slowly turn into light particles and float the world.

A burst of snoring and smell came, Huang Xiaolong looked, it was cracked to help a lot of masters to scare the urine.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the cracking ground of the hedgehog to help the main Cheng Guotao, and his eyes were cold and cold: "The **** helps the main Cheng Guotao, don't you introduce yourself?"

Cheng Guotao suddenly slammed his head and cried awkwardly: "Ping Wang has spared his life and spared me. I won't dare next time. No, I don't dare any more. I really don't know if they are!" Incoherent.

"I only know that you just ordered to bury my father!" Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and shot Cheng Guotao. However, under the attack of Huang Xiaolong, he did not kill it, but he was scrapped.

Huang Xiaolong will never let it die so easily.

Cheng Guotao fell in the distance, just in front of the disciples who were in charge of the mining area. The dozens of disciples who were in charge of the mining area had just passed out. Under this embarrassment, more than a dozen people woke up.


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