Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1950: Shi Xiaoying

After reading the letter of Bei Xiaomei repeatedly, after confirming, Huang Xiaolong’s face was overjoyed.

"Little dragon, Xiao Yan has news?" Su Yan came over.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and sent the letter to Huang Peng, Su Yan and others.

According to Bei Xiaomei's letter, now Xiao Xiaoying is in the face of Datong God. This Datong God is not far from the Flint God's plane. At the speed of the Pluto spacecraft, it can be reached in up to four days!

Moreover, Shi Xiaoyu now worshipped the Datong God's face, a first-class big force, Changzhizong, and was seen by an ancestor of Changzhizong. It was an exception to be a pro-disciple, and a few days later he held a teacher's ceremony. Shi Xiaoyu is now very safe.

Huang Xiaolong is relieved.

"Small, you wait for me!" Huang Xiaolong secretly.

Four days!

In this case, it is just enough to catch up with Shi Xiaoying’s apprenticeship.

Huang Peng, Su Yan and others read the letter, they are all overjoyed.

"Xiaolong, then we are now in the same place as Datong?" Su Yan asked.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Well, go to the Datong God's plane, after picking up the Xiaoyan, we will return to the Imperial Palace."

Guo Xiaofan said: "Da, you are the ancestor of the emperor's palace? But why did Gu'an Zong Hu Qingzhong call you Pluto?"

Although they learned from the occasional talks of the dozens of custody guards in the mining area that Huang Xiaolong had broken through to the great emperor, and knew that Huang Xiaolong had got what the magical demon monument, but for the things of Huang Xiaolong, still know very little, but I don’t know the Pluto. What it means and represents.

"Are you a king of a superpower?" Guo Xiaofan guessed: "Is it the dynasty of your dynasty?"

Fang Wei, Peng Yu two women grinned.

Huang Xiaolong was speechless and smiled. "I am not a superpower king. It is not a dynasty. I went to **** a few years ago and got the inheritance of the Lord of Hell. Now one of my identities is the Lord of Hell, Hell's Three Realms. I am under my rule."

Fang Yusheng is afraid of Guo Xiaofan, Huang Peng, Su Yan and others who do not know what the Lord of Hell represents, and explain: "God world, hell, Buddha world, demon world, demon world, and called the five major worlds, the gods are ruled by Heavenly Emperor, and Hell It is ruled by the Lord of the Lord of Hell, and the dragon is the Lord of Hell!"

Guo Xiaofan, Huang Peng, Su Yan and others are shocked.

Lord of hell!

Rule the **** three circles!

Originally, they felt that Huang Xiaolong had been practicing for hundreds of years. Now it is extremely shocking for the great emperor. After all, even the existence of the Gu’an patriarch Hu Qingzhong is only a god.

Now, Huang Xiaolong is actually the Lord of Hell, who rules the Three Realms of Hell!

Guo Xiaofan opened his mouth and exaggerated: "Da, you are too bully too much, then don't you say that I can go sideways in the realm of the gods?" Grinning.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "You will walk with your hands in the realm of the gods."

When Guo Xiaofan saw it, everyone laughed.

Hey, Guo Xiaofan is also smirking at the head.

"Da, what are they all under your hands?" Guo Xiaofan said that he did not die, he did not die, and tomorrow he said: "Are they all powerful emperors?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Yes, they are the strongest of the great emperor, it is my men." Then I simply said that four are not like, undead, and tomorrow, the origin of the ice dragon.

Guo Xiaofan’s eyes brightened and he said: “Da, when you can let them follow me, it’s just too windy.”

Huang Xiaolong kicked his ass: "No way!"

Everyone is laughing again.

Along the way, Guo Xiaofan asked this question.

Although Guo Xiaofan and Huang Jiazhong people came to the world for ten years, they were imprisoned in the cracking area, and the cognition of the gods was almost equal to zero. Therefore, although Guo Xiaofan asked non-stop, Huang Xiaolong also explained and explained patiently.

Occasionally, Fang Wei and Peng Yu are also on the sidelines.

Some things, Huang Xiaolong does not necessarily know more than Fang Yi and Peng Yu. After all, Huang Xiaolong has only been flying into the world for hundreds of years, and most of the time he is practicing.

With the explanation of Huang Xiaolong and Fang Wei, the Huang family’s cognition of the gods gradually increased.

Just as the Pyongwang spacecraft was moving towards the Datong God's plane, the Datong God's Face was governed by the Changzhizong Headquarters. The lights were everywhere, and the festive red crystal and festive things were everywhere.

Hundreds of thousands of disciples from the Changzhizong headquarters are busy.

Because in a few days, they were the days of the ancestors of the Changzhizong ancestors, Tao Yu, this is a grand event of Changzhizong for millions of years. Their ancestors, the ancestors of Changzhizong, have not received any apprenticeship for a million years.

When Changzhizong was busy, the major families of all the major families in the four sides of the sects also sent masters to come and congratulate. Countless ships are coming from the four gods to the Datong God.

Among them, a ship with a huge purple phoenix portrayed on a ship at a very fast speed in the vast sky of the gods.

This spaceship is the spaceship that the Zihuang Emperor Palace sent to congratulate.

The Zihuang Emperor Palace ranks one hundred and twelve in the realm of the gods. Although it has not entered the top 100, it is the existence of the top giant for the Datong God plane and the surrounding million gods.

This time, the Zihuang Emperor Palace can send people to come and congratulate, mainly the ancestors of the Changzhizong ancestors, Tao Yu, and the ancestors of the Zihuang Emperor Palace, who are friends of life and death.

Before Huang Fangzhen did not break through the Great Emperor, he and Tao Yu got to know each other. The two often went in and out of danger. Tao Yu saved the Phoenix Square and saved it more than once.

However, this time, Huang Fang had something to do, and he could not come in person. He sent a seated disciple, Huang Zi, to represent the Zihuang Emperor Palace.

Huang 11 is the first genius of the Purple Emperor Palace. Although it is not the supreme god, it is also extremely close to the supreme level of the emperor. It is also the tenth-order powerhouse of Tianjun. Therefore, it also shows the Zihuang Emperor Palace and the Phoenix. Fang Wei attached great importance to Chang Zhizong’s apprentice ceremony.

Inside the purple phoenix spacecraft, the phoenix eleventh, the imposing manners, surrounded by the elders of the Zihuang Emperor Palace.

"I heard that the interpretation of Xiaoxuan not only has the glazed light and the gods of the top level of the emperor, but also the natural light of the jade and the Buddha body. Its high talent is the highest genius in the history of Changzhizong, and it is directly pursued by the founder of Changzhizong!" Huang Pei, the elder of the Emperor's Palace, exclaimed: "It is no wonder that Tao Yu will break the case and accept this release as a pro-disciple."

"Also, this interpretation of Xiaoxiao is very beautiful, and the beauty is not square." Another elder of the Purple Emperor Palace, Huang said: "I heard that even the Chiyuan Emperor of Chiyuan Palace has come. Around the gods, the major families, the young and the young, also came in, and they all came to this small raft."

Huang eleven did not speak, and there was a shadow in his mind. A few months ago, when he saw Shi Xiaoyan, he was also shocked as a god. In the past few months, this figure has been imprinted in the depths of his mind. This is one of the reasons why he came to congratulate this time.


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