Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1951: Huang eleven proposed

"Little 妃." Huang XI meditation in the heart.

He believes that with his status, with the relationship between his master Huang Fangzhen and Chang Zhizong's ancestors, Tao Yu, when he asks for his pro-independence, Chang Zhizong will certainly not be very happy, and Shi Xiaoyu will certainly not refuse.

This time, he also brought a very amazing gift and dowry. He can already imagine that Chang Zhizong was shocked and surprised when he saw the gift and the bride price.

Three days later.

The Zihuang Emperor Palace spacecraft came to the Datong God's plane, and then went straight to the Changzhizong headquarters. Soon, the Zihuang spacecraft came to the Changzhizong headquarters and then received the plazas at the Changzhizong headquarters. It landed on it.

"This is the purple phoenix ship of the Purple Emperor Palace! I heard that this is the first person of the younger generation of the Zihuang Emperor Palace to come to congratulate!"

"Phoenix eleven, Tianzi is unparalleled, although it is not a supreme genius, but has the blood of the ancient phoenix, and has received the great adventures, the future achievements will certainly not be weaker than some of the supreme geniuses of the former imperial palace, and will certainly be able to break through the emperor and become A great emperor!"

The arrival of the purple phoenix spacecraft has aroused the shock of the powerful parties, envy and discussion.

Although there is still one day to be a teacher's ceremony, but many of the world's many supernatural family members have arrived.

"I heard that this phoenix eleven represents the Zihuang Emperor Palace and his master Huang Fangqi to come to congratulate him, but also brought a gift, and will propose a proposal on the spot!"

"No, even the phoenix eleven has taken a look at this Xiaoxie? I heard that the Chiyuan emperor of the Chiyuan Imperial Palace is also interesting to this interpretation, and there are many family leaders in this four-day god. They all want to follow the elders, and they are all rushing to this small scorpion. Is this the charm of Xiao Xiaozhen so big?"

"I have seen Xiao Xiaoyu on the one hand. It is indeed beautiful and it is a waste of sleep. I have seen so many large families and so many female disciples, and there has never been a comparison with this one, and this is a natural light. The jade Buddha body has a bright light and a godhead, and it is no wonder that the phoenix eleventh, the emperor of Chiyuan, and the others have their intentions!"

"If this is the case, then it will be even more lively at the teacher's ceremony tomorrow. I wonder who will hold the beauty?"

In the voice of the public, the Huang 11 and the Zi Huang Emperor Palace masters walked down from the Zihuang spacecraft.

Huang 11 listened to the discussion around the crowd and his face was calm. He was confident in this engagement.

At this time, in the courtyard of the Changzhizong headquarters, there is a beautiful woman who is sitting in the country. It is Shi Xiaoying, and some rumors about the marriage proposal of the Huangyan Emperor and others in the ceremony. She also heard some, between the eyebrows, worried.

"Xiaolong, where are you now?" Shi Xiaoxiao asked himself over and over again.

Ten years ago, she and the Huang family all flew up to the realm of the gods, but they were swept away by the space storm and landed on a barren hill in the face of Datong, and they were seriously injured.

In the past few years, she has been hiding in the barren hills to heal the wounds. Until the first few months, the wounds recovered. Later, I heard that Changzhizong recruited disciples and came over to try. I didn’t expect to be seen by Changzhizong’s ancestors, Tao Yu. Received as a pro-disciple.

Chang Zhizong is the first-class power in the realm of the gods, and Tao Yu is the strongest ancestor of Changzhizong. I heard that it is the tenth-order peak of the Tianjun period. It can be seen by Tao Yu and accepted as a pro-disciple. This pair just came to God. For her, it is a happy event.

But I didn't expect troubles to follow.

Tomorrow phoenix eleven, if the emperor of Chiyuan really wants to marry in public, what should he do?

The Purple Emperor Palace and the Chiyuan Imperial Palace are all super-powers of the gods. If Huang Huang, if the emperor of Chiyuan is seeking marriage, she will refuse it. I am afraid that Changzhizong will not allow her to do so for the benefit. of.

How to do? How to do? escape? In the past few months, although she broke through to the realm of the gods, how can she escape from the realm of a god?

Shi Xiaoxiao’s heart sighed.

In the crowd, I waited overnight and passed.

The sun shines on the earth, and Changzhi Zong is even more hilarious.

"Miss, the hour is coming, the ancestors and the lords are asking you to go to the main hall." At this time, a female waitress came in and respectfully said that she was still sitting in the frowning.

After the release of Xiao Xiao, he finally stood up and followed the waitress out of the yard and came to the main hall.

Along the way, I met all the strong and strong families of all the factions, and the strong men of all parties saw the expression of Xiao Xiaoying, and they were all amazed.

"She is the release of Xiao Xiao? It is really beautiful and beautiful. It is no wonder that even Huang Huang, the emperor of Chiyuan has been enamored with it. I heard that Huang Yi, the emperor of Chiyuan have only seen this And already."

喁喁 Talk about whispers and continue to spread into the ears.

Shi Xiaoxiao frowned.

She had thought about it yesterday. Since the phoenix eleventh, the emperor of Chiyuan looked at her appearance. If she really couldn't do anything, she would ruin her own face.

But if there is still a chance to see Xiaolong, will Xiaolong dislike her face with a knife-scarred face?

In the middle of the battle, Shi Xiaoyu came to the main hall.

At this time, the temple has already been filled with the family heads of the parties, the young master, and the release of Xiao Xiaoyi. The phoenix eleven and the emperor of Chiyuan are not bright.

Next, it is a series of tedious etiquette.

After an hour, the teacher ended, the powerful parties sent gifts.

Due to the relationship between Huang Fang and Tao Yu, and the status of the Purple Emperor Palace, Huang 11 was the first to send a gift, and Huang 11 handed a jade box to the elder of Chang Zhizong.

The box opened, suddenly, the aura overflowed, the madness of the machine, everyone was shocked, only inside the jade box, is a whole body red blood forming king.

"This is a **** ginseng! It has not evolved to the ginseng! The priceless treasure!" A homeowner exclaimed.

The crowd was violent.

Even Chang Zhizong’s lord and Tao Yu and others are very excited.

Tao Yu himself is the peak of the tenth step of Tianjun. If he swallows this blood-sucking ginseng, refining it, the chance of breaking through to the great emperor will be much higher.

In fact, this blood-sucking ginseng is a baby, but it is still much worse than the blood-stained ginseng that Huang Xiaolong swallowed in the Qianshen Mountains in the Devil.

Of course, in the eyes of Chang Zhizong and others, it is also an invaluable treasure.

Huang 11 sees Tao Yu and the powerful people are shocked and excited, and their hearts are proud. With this **** ginseng, when he goes down to the bride price, he will have a chance to succeed.

Next, it was the emperor of Chiyuan who sent a gift on behalf of the Chiyuan Imperial Palace. The red emperor sent the nine-color Ganoderma lucidum. The nine-color Ganoderma lucidum is also a rare elixir in the world. It is not much inferior to the blood-stained ginseng.

The powerful people are amazed again.

Finally, the strong parties in the main hall will finish the gift.

At this time, Huang 11 stood up and said to Tao Yu and Chang Zhizong's lord Fu Yangchen: "Tao Yu's predecessor, Fu Zongzhu, a few months ago, after seeing Shi Xiaoying girl, he fell in love at these sights. Full of brains are small girls, can not eat, can not sleep at night, so today, Phoenix eleven daring to marry Xiaoyan girl, Huang eleven wish to guard the little girl in her life, also invited Tao Yu predecessors, Fu Zongzhucheng! ”

Huang 11 was extremely sincere and the voice echoed the hall.

The people were quiet. (To be continued.)


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