Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1984: Full enlightenment

Half a day later, the sacred light of Huang Xiaolong became more and more intense. The radiance of the huge meteorite at the gate was getting stronger and stronger. The sacred light of Huang Xiaolong went straight for nine days, and almost all of the moon gods were clearly seen. ┡

More and more powerful people in the city of the moon were alarmed.

Close to a certain mansion in the south of the city, the Emperor Fengdu City, the master of the city, Qin Huangzhong, squatting in the square, thinking about the scene of being defeated by the bright son of the six-handed man in the ring in the past few days, the more he wants to be more angry.

At this time, Qin Huangzhong heard a noisy outside, could not help but frown, and called his ancestors: "What happened outside?"

"Returning to the Lord of the Lesser City, I heard that the new student of the Emperor's Academy of the Moon, Oli, was enlightened in the four-word school of the Moon, and the light scattered on his body alerted many strong people in the worship of the gods!" The ancestor replied quickly.

Qin Huangzhong was surprised: "You mean, the first madness of the Moon College, claiming that you must defeat the brightest son of the Olympics in the ten strokes?" Huang Xiaolong and the son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping, are now in the bookstore. Spread.

Many people say that Huang Xiaolong is the most mad student in the history of the Moon College, the first madness of the Moon College.

"Yes, that is Ori!" the ancestor replied.

"Go, let's go out and see." Qin Huangzhong walked out of the main hall. He also wanted to see this first mad student in this month's college.

After leaving the house, Qin Huangzhong and his ancestors came to the gate of the Moon College. The closer they came, the more they felt the energy of the sacred light of Huang Xiaolong. The more Qin Qinzhong was surprised, this!

This sacred light, I am afraid that even the son of the light is not as good as it is?

A few days later, in the ring, he and the bright son of Dunhuang had a hand and felt the divine light of Dunhuang.

Soon, Qin Huangzhong came to the entrance of the college.

"That is Ori? What is going on?" Qin Huangzhong asked his ancestors.

Because Huang Xiaolong changed his face, he could not recognize Huang Xiaolong.

"I heard that this Ori is going to enter the boundary of Zushan. The four deputy directors of the Yueshou Academy said that as long as he can understand the four words of the Yueyue Academy, he will be given an opportunity to try to resurrect the fourteen-winged angel of the Angel Jade. The soul!" The ancestors replied quickly.

"Against the four words of the Moon Academy?" Qin Huangzhong.

The ancestors nodded: "Yes, but since the founding of the Moon College, I have not known how many billion years, no one can understand the four characters, even the ancient Heavenly Emperor, the king of Hongmeng, the Buddha, The king of darkness can't understand these four words. It is impossible for Ori to understand the four characters.

Just then, suddenly, the huge meteorite on the moon, the four words suddenly shook a little, and everyone saw that the first "Bai" word burst into a ray of light, this light, beautiful, brilliant, Let people watch 10,000 times and watch it for thousands of times.

Looking at the word "Bai" that seems to have come alive, Qin Huangzhong and his ancestors and all around are all staying.


The first word of "Bai" was actually enlightened!

"This is too evil! It’s only half a day before, and I’ve learned the first one!"

"Ten thousands of years ago, it took him more than three years to realize the first word in the light of His Highness," said the students of the Moon College.

At this time, the Imperial Court worshipped the Moon Hall, Bai Hui, and Binge were teaching and pointing to the light of the child.

Suddenly, Bai Hui stopped and looked strange.

"How?" Binge felt strange.

Bai Hui looked at the four people, and slowly said: "Just in the moment, Ori has already learned the first word!"

"What!" Binge, Bank, Bailo, the son of the light, the four men shouted in unison.

The brightest son of Dunhuang looked ugly: "This, how can this be!" He used it for more than three years, how long does this Ori?

Bai Hui said: "It seems that we still underestimated this Ori."

Binge said: "Even if he is acquainted with the first word, it is fine. The second word, the third word, the harder it is, the more difficult it is to understand the first word. It does not mean that he can understand the second. The word, he can understand the first word so quickly, does not mean that he can also understand the second word so quickly!"

Another four days passed.

In addition to the big mouth of the Moon College, the powerful parties who came to watch the crowd were overcrowded. Since Huang Xiaolong used half a day to understand the first word, the news spread, and the powerful parties in the city of God visited the city. Even He Jingyan, the smokehouse of Hell, and the Bodhisattva of Buddhism, have come.

At this time, the sacred light of Huang Xiaolong is like the same blazing sun. It shines brightly around. This is a kind of true brilliance. The light is holy and jade. The surrounding space is like jade, and it is extremely white.

The white halo of the huge meteorite has changed a little more than it was four days ago, and the color and halo are also more beautiful and embarrassing.

With the white halo of this huge meteorite constantly alternating with the sacred light of oneself, Huang Xiaolong, his own strength, has obviously improved a lot.

Although there is not much improvement, it is only four days to know that enlightenment is just that it is not so fast.

It took another two days.

Suddenly, the four words of the Moon Temple once again violently trembled, and the screams of light screamed. The word "month" was even more astounding. The whole "month" word was mellow.

"The moon is enlightened! Less than seven days!"

The strong people around the crowd screamed loudly.

Almost in the short period of Huang Xiaolong's enlightenment to the moon, the emperor's court visited the moon hall, Bai Hui, and the five people of Binge knew the news. This time Bai Hui, the five people of Binge did not speak for a long time.

The brightest son of Dunhuang blinked with cold light and clenched his fists. In those days, he spent more than two hundred years to realize the moon!


More than twenty days later.

The four words of the Moon Palace have once again radiantly shaken, and the word "book" has radiantly shined.

The city of the moon shook the city.


At this time, it has been more than three months since Huang Xiaolong’s first worship.

Today, the entire month of the **** city seems to be quiet.

The sacred light of Huang Xiaolong’s body has turned into countless stalwart beams of light, which are between the heavens and the earth, forming a landscape that is shocking.

Around the gates of the Moon Palace, the strong parties are not able to pass through, and they do not know how many layers.

Everyone's eyes were gathered on the words of Huang Xiaolong and the Yueyue Academy. They looked at the huge meteorites that carried the Baiyue Academy, and they were almost transparent. Everyone held their breath.

This huge meteorite has changed so much since the establishment of the Moon College.

When the huge meteorite is almost transparent, it seems to have a life in it, and a piece of brilliance flows like a vein in the meteorite.

Finally, when the huge meteorite was completely transparent, the four-word school of the Moon Church violently vibrated, and the fourth "院" word burst into the air, piercing countless voids, and the whole moon worship city seemed to be shaking. (To be continued.) 8

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