Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1985: So find an excuse

~?eh_6?n#h+??kn55k"????r??-?*l?j0 people under the eyes of the shock, the four words of the Moon College suddenly turned up, I saw the flow within the huge meteorite The brilliance of the veins flew out of the huge meteorites and instantly poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s whole body was full of light, and his sacred light column was fully extended. The whole month of the gods was trembled violently, just like it was going to collapse. r

Some of the onlookers were rushed by the power of Huang Xiaolong's undulations. r

Just as the glory of the huge meteorite poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong, the space of the emperor’s courtyard was deep in a very secret space. The thin old man sitting on the plate opened his eyes and worshipped all the corners of the city. Every inch of space was printed with his eyes. Among them, including the change of meteorites and the four-word change of the Moon Palace. r

His gaze fell through the void and fell on Huang Xiaolong, staring for a while, then showing a loving smile: "Wait for so many years, finally waiting!"

At this time, the brilliance within the huge meteorite is still infused into the body of Huang Xiaolong, constantly tempering the body of Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong was pleasantly surprised to discover that these brilliances are like the power of the heavens and the earth, which made his strength even rise. With. r

Half a day later, when these brilliance dissipated, Huang Xiaolong has already reached the second middle stage of the Great Emperor! r

Around the crowd looked at this incredible scene, not a look of stunned, half a day before, Huang Xiaolong even the second stage of the Emperor's second peak is not, but after half a day, it has broken through to the second middle of the Emperor! r

This is simply shocking. r

This is only because the third-order heaven and earth spirits have no such effect! r

Huang Xiaolong looked at the already bleak and restored the huge meteorite. It was a pity that it was a surprise. If this pebbly Guanghua continued for a few more days, I was afraid that he could directly break through to the third stage of the Emperor. r

After the huge meteorite was restored to its original state, only the top of the Baiyue Academy was filled with layers of brilliance, as if to show everyone, Huang Xiaolong had just fully realized the four words of the Yueyue Academy. r

The son of the Dragon Kingdom, Yu Ping, came out of the crowd. Huang Xiaolong fully realized the four words of the Moon Palace. He was naturally delighted, but he was as shocked as the strong players. r

He looked at Huang Xiaolong and his complex look. r

"Your boy, now the name is bigger than me!" r

Indeed, now, the name of the new student of the Imperial Academy, Ori, is even more famous than the son of the dragon. r

Huang Xiaolong smiled. In fact, the reason why he was able to enlighten him so quickly was that he had a great relationship with the complete inheritance of the Guangming ancestors. If he had obtained the complete inheritance of the Guangjie ancestors, even if he had three major The Supreme King, with the blood of the three great deities, has the power of comprehension, and it is impossible to enlighten him so quickly. r

This time, I learned the four words of the Moon Palace, and the benefits of Huang Xiaolong are not only the improvement of strength, but also the perception of the power of the heavens and the earth and the improvement of all aspects of the body. r

Within this huge meteorite, that Guanghua is a force of heaven and earth. The power of the heavens and the earth, after hundreds of millions of years of great meteorites, has reached a level of deafness. This is why Huang Xiaolong can be promoted to the Great Emperor in half a day. The reason for the mid-stage. r

However, he has enlightened the four characters and won the rewards. It is only a small part of the power of the heavens and the earth. In the future, if anyone can enlighten the four words of the Moon Palace, he will also get the power of the stone to reward the heavens and the earth. r

"Let's go, worship the moon peak, it is time for the four old men of Bai Hui to redeem the agreement." Huang Xiaolong said to the son of the dragon world. r

Immediately, the two returned to the Moon College. r

The strong parties of all parties looked at Huang Xiaolong's figure and his mind was different. r

"The origin of this Ori, check clearly?" Hell Fengdu City, the master of the city, Qin Huangzhong asked his ancestors. r

His ancestors shook his head: "I can't find it. This is the first time that Ori appeared in the sea of ​​light. It seems to be out of thin air. It is said that he has been practicing in the sea of ​​light before."

"Then continue to check!" Qin Huangzhong blinked: "In addition, see what he needs, hand in this Ori, let this Ori can be used for my Fengdu City!"

"Yes, the little city owner! However, if we take this Ori, I am afraid that I will offend the son of the light!"

"For this Ori, offend a child of light, value!"

"Okay, I understand!" r

Like Qin Huangzhong, the superpowers of all parties have explored the origins of Ori and wanted to recruit them. r

At this time, in the temple of the moon, Binge’s face was gloomy: “Oli and Muping came from the gate!” r

Ban Ke Shen said: "Even if he can understand the four words of the Moon Palace, it does not mean that he can resurrect the soul of the four-winged angel of the angel jade."

Bai Hui asked: "If he can really resurrect the soul of the fourteen-winged angels when he arrives?"

Bank sneak. r

Binge sneered: "We naturally can't open the seal of Angel Jade Wall so easily!"

A few people glimpse. r

"What does Master mean?" asked the bright son of Dunhuang. r

Binge said: "We used to seal the angel jade wall with the Great Nine Gods. Every time we open this nine-god big battle, we need nine top-level bright **** stones." Speaking of this, it stopped. r

Everyone’s eyes brightened and they understood the meaning of the guest. The son of the light smiled and said: “It’s still Master’s wise!” r

A few days later, Huang Xiaolong and Yan Ping stood again in the Temple of the Moon. r

Binge said: "Oli, since you have enlightened the four words of the Moon Palace, we will follow the agreement to open the seal of the angels and jade, but at that time, we sealed the angels with the Great Goddess of the Nine Gods. To open, you must have nine top-level bright stone inlays, but we haven't had the top light in the past few years, so we can only open the seal for you when we find nine top-level bright stones!"

"What? You!" The son of the Dragon World screamed and glared: "You are the deputy dean of the worship of the Moon, and you are actually looking for an excuse!"

What is the top light **** stone, this is clearly an excuse. r

Bailu said: "Mu Ping, pay attention to your identity, even if you are the son of the Dragon World, in front of us, it is only a college student, we do not agree to open the seal, but there is no top light god, we have any way!" r

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Binge, and the bright son of Dunhuang looked at a few people. He said coldly: "So, if you have nine top-level bright gods, can you open the seal?"

Binge nodded: "Yes, if you can get nine top-level bright stones, we can open the seal!"

They don't think that Huang Xiaolong and Yan Ping can get it. This top-level light stone is extremely difficult to find, even if there are more Lingshi can't buy it. r

The brightest son of Dunhuang smiled and said: "Oli, you also heard, there is no top light god, four vice presidents can do nothing, wait for the four vice presidents to find nine top light gods and then inform you!"

Just in the light of the son of Dunhuang, Huang Xiaolong waved with one hand, the hall was bright and bright, and I saw nine white brilliant stones on the ground. r

Previously, in order to open the array of origins, Huang Xiaolong collected a hundred top-level bright **** stones, each of which used only a small amount of energy, and one hundred top-level bright **** stones could still be used. r

"This is nine top-level bright gods." Huang Xiaolong said: "You don't have to wait for the notice, open the seal now." (To be continued.)

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