Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1986: No movement

>?[?vnd?-?ku?u??o%l?50???0&?1?{u?? is to use the tone of the order to let the four people open the seal. r

Listening to the tone of Huang Xiaolong's command, Binge was angry, but looked at the top nine bright gods in front of him, and did not know how to refute. r

Even the bright-eyed son who had just smiled, looked at the nine top-level light gods on the ground, and his face was similar to eating flies. r

The son of the Dragon Kingdom smiled and said: "How? The four deputy deans will not find any excuses this time. It is a stomachache, so I want to rest for a few days? Then wait a few days before telling us?"

"You!" Listening to the words of the dragon's son, Ping Ping's ridiculous words, Binge's face is red and angry. If ordinary students dare to ridicule them, it is estimated that he has already made it into a muddy body, but Yu Ping is after all The son of the Dragon Kingdom, and his father also had a good relationship with them. r

Counting, Mu Ping is also their nephew. r

"Well, since there is a top **** stone, we will now go to the border of Zushan to open the seal of the angel jade wall." Bai Hui said. r

"Bai Hui brother, this!" Binge, Bank, Bailo three look. r

"Let's go." Bai Hui stood up and left. r

When the bingo saw a few people, they could only get up and keep up. r

When the bright son of Dunhuang passed by Huang Xiaolong, he said: "You don't want to be proud. Even if you open the seal of the angel jade, you can't resurrect the soul of the fourteen-winged angel. The soul of the 14-winged angel is not the master. You can resurrect the first stage of a small emperor!"r

Looking at Dunhuang's shadow, the son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping said with angrily: "What stuff!" Turned to Huang Xiaolong: "Brother, when you are on the stage, you defeated him three times and stepped on him." At the foot, let him stick to the ring to eat ****!"r

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "If I really beat him with three strokes, then I will make a gamble with you, you can lose."

The son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping, smiled: "If you lose, do you really let me give you a hand?"

Huang Xiaolong joked: "But I want to think that there is a son of the Dragon World, and it is also very powerful."

The son of the Dragon Kingdom slammed his face: "Brother, don't you tell me?"

Huang Xiaolong laughed and put away nine top-level bright **** stones, and then he and the son of the dragon world, Ping Ping, followed Bai Hui several people to the boundary of the mountains. r

Since Jiezu Mountain is also deep in the space of the Imperial Academy, it is not far from the peak of the moon. After one day, everyone came to Jiezu Mountain. r

At this time, Bai Hui, Binge, Bank, and Bailo walked over to a Lingquan creek at the foot of the mountain, and then stopped in front of the creek. r

The four men waved at the same time, and the light of the Lingquan creek bloomed, and the sounds of the ancient light runes emerged from the stream. These runes formed the ancient sacred gods of the Ming dynasty. r

"Put the top light **** stone into the eye!" Binger chilled at Huang Xiaolong, his tone was not good. r

Huang Xiaolong looked at Binge coldly, and then took out nine top-level bright **** stones, which were embedded in the nine-eye array. r

He decided that when he collapsed, he would kill the son of Guangming, and then he would smooth the city of Guangming and kill Dunhuang. Then he would pick up the four people. r

Seeing nine top-level bright gods inlaid into the eyes, Bai Hui, the four people waving with both hands, urging the nine gods, but the expression is somewhat reluctant. r

Soon, a burst of light bursts, and the nine gods of light floated from the big array. r

This lasted for twenty minutes. When the nine gods of light gathered together, suddenly, on the stream, a huge jade wall slowly rose. r

This jade wall is hundreds of feet high and dozens of feet wide. The entire jade wall is milky white. The whole body is crystal clear, exuding a charming luster, and the aura is compelling. This jade wall itself is an invaluable treasure. r

On the top of the jade wall, there is an image of an angel. This angel image has fourteen wings behind it. Even if the fourteen-winged angels are sealed and sleeping, they also give people a strong oppression. This is from the power of the dominant strong, even Bai Hui is also a solemn face. r

Before the 14-winged angel was sealed, the strength was extremely amazing. It was not an ordinary master. Otherwise, it would not be the right thing to do with the bright ancestors of that year. You can do it right with the ancestors of the light. You can imagine this. The strength of the first fourteen wings of the angel itself. r

"Well, the seal has been opened." Binge said coldly to Huang Xiaolong: "Now, I see how you resurrect the soul of the fourteen-winged angel!"

"Right, kindly remind you again, the nine top-level bright stones that you provide can only support the nine gods for more than two months. For more than two months, if you can't resurrect the soul of the fourteen-winged angels Then we won't open the seal for you next time!"r

The son of the dragon world changed his face: "What, you!"

Binge said: "We agreed to open the seal, but did not say how many times to open it for you, we can open this time for you, it is enough to pity you!"

Huang Xiaolong ignored the guest, went to the front of the angel jade wall, stood on the stream, staring at the image of the fourteen-winged angel on the jade wall. r

Although the image of this four-winged angel is vivid and has a dominating power, the entire image is dull, and even the fourteen wings behind it are dead. r

Huang Xiaolong slowly extended his palm and posted it on the wall of the angel jade. The golden Buddha's supreme godhead was urging, and the light and divine power of the array of continually emerged constantly, and then penetrated into the angel jade wall, but the angel jade wall was like no Like the abyss, no matter how Huang Xiaolong’s bright powers poured in, there was no reaction. r

In the eyes of several people, one day passed. r

The son of the bright man, Dunhuang, smiled at the son of the dragon world. "Every day, there is no movement. I have already said that with his first small emperor, how could he resurrect the fourteen-winged angels who are the masters?" The soul, I only had an hour before, and this angel jade wall will shine."

The son of the dragon king, the flat bird, is not the brightest son of the bird, and continues to watch the angel jade wall. The son of the light sees it, his eyes flash a bit of anger and killing. Before, he wanted to lure with the trunk of the ancestral tree. This Ping Ping and his alliance, did not expect this Ping Ping not only refused, but also stood with this Ori, three times to give him a look. r

Waiting for my bright **** city to destroy the Guangming Knights, unify the bright world, and annex the fire world, the next one is your dragon world! The son of the light, the heart of the mind, hates the voice. r

Day after day. r

Soon, one month passed. r

Huang Xiaolong stood on the creek, and the palm of his hand continued to infuse the gods with the light of the gods, but the angel jade still had no reaction at all. r

The bright children who had some fears, such as Dunhuang, Bai Hui, Binge, Bank, and Bailo, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. r

It is half a month later. r

Angel Jade still has no movement. r

"Let's go!" Binger said, he was too lazy to look at it again. He didn't need to look at it. He had already guessed the result and said that he had left. r

Bai Hui, Bank, Bailo, and the son of the light, also left. (To be continued.)

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