Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1987: Resurrection of the Spirit of the Fourteen Winged Angels

In the end, only the son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping, stayed there.

However, looking at the angel jade wall that did not have any movement, Mu Ping also secretly shook his head. Originally, he thought that Huang Xiaolong could realize the horror talent of the four-word school of the Moon in just over three months. It is hopeful to resurrect the angel jade. The soul of the fourteen-winged angels of the wall, but now it seems that there is no hope at all.

For a month and a half, the angel jade has no reaction at all! What does this mean? Explain that Huang Xiaolong's bright power has no effect on the angel jade wall, even if it continues, it is the result.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong, who is still insisting, he opened his mouth and wanted to open his mouth to persuade him to give up. Now, the nine top-level light gods in the eyes of the Nine Gods have been faint, and this continues for up to 20 days. The energy of the top light of the block will be exhausted and the big array will stop.

"Brother, I see, we are going back." Yu Ping, the son of the Dragon World, hesitated: "In the future, we will find another way."

Huang Xiaolong did not speak.

It took another two days.

Angel Yubi is still not moving at all.

The son of the dragon king shook his head.

At this time, the top light of the gods in the eyes was faint.

time flies.

One day, two days, ten days passed.

The nine top-level light gods are almost dull, and the nine gods of light on the Nine Gods are like the candle in the wind.

The son of the dragon king saw it, and there was no hope at all.

But seeing Huang Xiaolong still insisting, he couldn't bear to open his mouth again to persuade him. He went to the grass at the foot of the mountain and lay down. He looked at the sky, and the sky was clouded.

Just as he was bored and staring at the high-altitude Lingyun, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong clung to the palm of the angel's jade wall, and the light shone. Then, with Huang Xiaolong's palm as the center, the angel jade burst out of the horror. This light, like being silenced for a long time, suddenly exploded.

The light of the angel jade wall scared the son of the dragon world, and he jumped up. He saw the angel jade on the stream being violently shaken, and the heavy and heavy light constantly rushed from the jade wall. Shooting, and soon, the entire angel jade wall is shooting and focusing on the light.

The image of the fourteen-winged angel was even more radiant. First, the hands began to open, then the legs began to move, and then the head of the angel lifted up, only to see the eyes of the four-winged angels as two bright suns. The light is bright, and the whole world is bright.

The son of the Dragon Kingdom, Ding Ping, stayed in a hug: "This, this is?!"

Then, his expression was shocked.

Is it? !

At this time, the original fourteen wings of the fourteen-winged angels began to emit dazzling light, and the light runes on the fourteen wings flowed.

When the fourteen wings completely bloomed and returned to life, the 14-winged angel soul suddenly came out of the angel jade wall, and the light shined for nine days. At this moment, everyone in the entire emperor felt it. The power of the ruler of the fourteen-winged angels.


Under the dominance of the spirit of the fourteen-winged angels, the space of the emperor was shaken.

In the temple of the moon, Bai Hui, Binge, Bailuo, Bank, the son of the light, when several people are talking about the hidden dangers of the rot, suddenly, the whole temple of the moon was shocked by what force, shaking it.

A few people were a glimpse, and then their faces changed.

"This is?!" Binger exclaimed, and instantly flew out of the hall. Several people rushed out of the hall, and then they saw the horrible pillars of light in the distance, even if they were far apart. People can still feel the amazing power of the pillar of light.

"This is the direction of Jiezu Mountain!" The son of Guangming lost his voice: "It is the position of the border of Zushan!" After that, his face changed greatly and he thought of something.

Bai Hui, Binge, Bailuo, Banker are also very face-changing.

problem occurs!

And it is a big deal!

"Fast, go to the border of Zushan!" Binge almost snarled.

"Can't let that kid get the treasure of the ancestors!"

The sound of Binge fell, and several people were already hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The brightest son, Dunhuang, quickly rushed to keep up. His face was as dark as a cloud of tens of pounds. Didn't he think that in the last few days, did Ori really resurrect the soul of the fourteen-winged angel? This, damn, **** it!

The more he thought, the more his eyes and the flames became more powerful.

That is the treasure of the ancestors!

Even the treasures of the heavens and the kings are dying!

The light gods he cultivated were taught by his father, but only twelve layers were not complete. In the treasures of the ancestors, there are legends of complete light and magical works, a total of sixteen layers.

A complete 16-story light **** is a priceless treasure. It is the dream of all the bright gods.

"No, absolutely can't let that Ori get the treasure of the ancestors!" Dunhuang's eyes are strong, and this time he must get a sixteen-story light god.

Just in Baihui, Binge, Bailuo, Bank, the son of the bright man, when a few people desperately came to Jiezu Mountain, the 14-winged angel soul and the angel jade wall illuminated a beam of light, which gathered together. Together, they rushed to somewhere in the foothills of the border.

Suddenly, the whole boundary of the ancestral mountain was greatly shocked, and one after another, the banned light continued to flash.

This is the prohibition of the Guangming ancestors who stayed in the boundary of the ancestral mountain. Only the soul of the fourteen-winged angels who resurrected the angels of the jade wall, the soul of the fourteen-winged angels and the angel jade wall can solve this prohibition.

In just a few minutes, all the bans in Jiezu Mountain were lifted, and a strong absorption force was sent out in the depths of Jiezu Mountain. In the instant, Huang Xiaolong was absorbed into the boundary ancestral mountain. The soul of the 14-winged angel did not enter the boundary of Zushan, Angel Yubi Disappeared and everything returned to normal.

The son of the dragon king, Hiramoto, wanted to follow him, but he was banned by the ancestral mountain.

After Huang Xiaolong was absorbed into the Zushan Mountain, he fell to a palace on the top of Jiezu Mountain. Huang Xiaolong stood up from the ground. The soul of the 14-winged angel came to Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the soul of the fourteen-winged angel in front of him, Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved, called out the paradise, and then let the soul of the fourteen-winged angel enter heaven, and later search for time, then refine the soul of the fourteen-winged angel. Into the heavenly spirit, with this four-winged angel spirit, the power of heaven will definitely increase, and maybe it will be transformed into a treasure.

Before Huang Xiaolong came to the palace gate, his hands were pushed, and a burst of light emerged. After a few breaths, the light was flattened, and Huang Xiaolong stepped forward.

The palace is a space, the vastness of the space, one planet after another suspended in the air, above these planets, filled with countless gods of light, countless bright weapons of the gods.

Huang Xiaolong looked at it and could not see the end. (To be continued.)

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