Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1989: Hand over the treasures of the ancestors

"Damn! That kid resurrected the soul of the fourteen-winged angels, and surely went in!" Binger angered, his eyes beating in the cold.

Originally, he was still lucky, and hoped that Huang Xiaolong did not resurrect the soul of the fourteen-winged angels, hoping that Huang Xiaolong did not enter!

But now that I have arrived, I saw the disappearance of the angel jade wall, and the ban on the Zuzu Mountain has obviously been opened. There is no doubt that Ori has already entered the boundary of the mountains.

Binge suddenly rushed to Jiezu Mountain and tried to break in. However, he had just rushed to the boundary of the Zuzu Mountain, and was instantly shocked by the banned forces of Jiezu Mountain.

After being shocked back, Binge only felt the blood rushing, and his heart was even more annoyed. This angel jade wall, this tens of billions of years, he tried countless times, the treasures of the ancestors in the border of the ancestral mountain, for many years, Unexpectedly, I was finally taken by a freshman who had just entered the imperial court!

This makes him think that the more he vomits blood.

"Say! How long has Olyn been in?" Binge saw the son of the dragon in the distance, Ping, and asked.

The son of the dragon king shrugged and smiled brightly: "It’s been almost a day. It is estimated that this will be the softness of the treasures in the treasures of the ancestors."

Bing looked at the dragon's son, Ping Ping, and smiled. He only swallowed something, his face was ugly: "Oli resurrected the soul of the fourteen-winged angels, why didn't you report it to us?!"

The son of the dragon king, Ping Ping, looked at Binge with a strange look: "Why should I report to you?"

Binge stunned, and his chest was up and down. If it wasn't for the sake of the dragon, he would have passed.

Compared with Binger, Bai Hui’s face is much calmer. He stands volley and quietly looks at Jiezu Mountain. I don’t know what to think about.

An hour later, Bank and Bailo also arrived.

The two saw the disappearance of the angel jade wall, and the boundary of the Zuzushan was opened, and his face was similar to the bingo.

In the end, Dunzi, the son of the light, arrived, and when the son of Guangming arrived, he panted, as if he had just finished the super physical activity.

After arriving, his eyes stared blankly at Jiezu Mountain, just like a poisonous wolf staring at food.

He did not speak.

Binger was quiet after the initial anger.

In the midst of a few people waiting for it, half a day later, the boundary of the Zuzushan banned again, and a figure flew out, it was Huang Xiaolong.

Binge, the son of Guangming, a few people suddenly stunned, almost instantaneous, Binge, Bank, Bailo, the son of the light, Dunhuang rushed to Huang Xiaolong, and stopped Huang Xiaolong.

"Hand over the treasures of the ancestors!" After stopping the Huang Xiaolong, Binge directly opened the cold channel and used the tone of the command.

Huang Xiaolong's face is calm: "According to the regulations of the ancestors of the year, who resurrected the soul of the fourteen-winged angels, who can enter the boundary of the ancestral mountain, who is inside, I can enter the boundary of the ancestral mountain, things are my own, you want to be strong Can't you get it?"

He had long expected that Binge would not be so easy to let himself take away the treasures of the ancestors. However, if Huang Xiaolong dared to come out, he would not be afraid of a few people.

At this time, the son of the light is cold and cold: "Ory, what are you, you are a new student of the emperor, but also want to get rid of the treasures of the ancestors? The treasures of the ancestors are not the first stage of your little emperor. Treasures are the things of the Moon College. Do you want to steal them? As long as you hand over the treasures of the ancestors, the four deputy deans read that you are a new student of the emperor, you can ruin your sins! Otherwise!"

"Yes, the treasures of the ancestors are the things we worship at the College of the Moon!" Bailuo said: "Now, you return to the treasures of the ancestors, we read you as a new student of the Imperial Academy, not familiar with the rules of the school, and sin against you. ”

The son of the dragon king, Happiness, laughed happily, staring at Binge with glare, and several people from Bailuo: "I didn't expect the deputy dean of the worship hall to be a slap-up villain. You blatantly grab the disciples of the college. If you pass it out, you are not afraid. The world is ridiculed?"

The brightest son of Dunhuang’s eyes blinked, killing and shooting, sneer: “As long as you don’t say it, who else knows this?”

Binge, Bailo, and Banke’s three hearts moved.

The meaning of the bright son of Dunhuang is undoubtedly a reminder to a few people, only the dead will not say it!

So, will this Ori, Muping kill two people? !

In the eyes of Binge, the killing of the violent shot, although killing Muping, may have no small trouble, but for the sake of the treasures of the ancestors, this trouble is still worthwhile.

"How? Want to kill people?" Huang Xiaolong saw the killing in the eyes of the guest, sneer.

Binge heard that the killing in the eyes was even more prosperous. Just when he wanted to start, suddenly, Bai Hui, who had never opened his mouth, said: "Oli, as long as you return the treasures of the ancestors to the worship temple, we can give You reward, a reward that is enough to make you tempted."

Binge, Bailo, and Banker are three.

"Bai Hui brother, this?" Binger frowned.

Bai Hui ignored the three people and said to Huang Xiaolong: "How?"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "What reward?" For Bai Hui's tempting reward, he would like to hear, of course, just listen.

"That way, in the future, you can enjoy the resources that Dunhuang can enjoy in the Temple of the Moon." Bai Hui thought about it and said: "And, we can give you 10,000 tablets a month, and in addition, Give you another 10 million chaotic Lingshi."

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, he couldn’t help but smile. “This is what you said about the motivating reward? Tell me the truth, what is the moon god, I don’t need it, and it doesn’t work for me. You know what God has in the treasure. Dan? There are 100,000 bottles of angel soul jade **** in the treasures of the ancestors!"

"What, angel soul jade **** Dan! 100,000 bottles!" Binge listened to a few people, suddenly, his eyes were hot, blood red as a beast.

Angel soul jade **** Dan! Even the two wings, it is invaluable, and it is 100,000 bottles, this is simply!

Even Bai Hui was shocked, and the son of the light was even more short of breath.

"As for the 10 million products of Chaos Lingshi?" Huang Xiaolong taunted a smile: "I am now with more than one billion of chaotic Lingshi. Do you think that I need your 10 million chaotic Lingshi?"

"And, with my talent, enjoy the same resources as Dunhuang, that is what it is, why do you need to reward?"

Huang Xiaolong seems to have not seen the blood red, greedy eyes of the people of Binge, still slowly speaking.

Just when Huang Xiaolong’s voice fell, suddenly, Bing’s glimpse, the whole body surged, and suddenly he shot down to Huang Xiaolong, and his hand was violent, as if a palm could smash through time and space, and the power of the ruler was raging.

Seeing that Binge had to shoot Huang Xiaolong into a slurry, at this moment, suddenly, a thin arm stretched out from the distant sky. (To be continued.)

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