Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1990: Being beaten

This thin arm is unremarkable, there is no horror, no endless light, no horrible power, just like an ordinary human arm, just like that from the distant sky.

The distant horizon is far from the Zushan Mountain. I don’t know how many trillions of miles. However, when the thin arms are stretched out, the distance of this trillions of miles seems to be non-existent, as if they are only one meter two meters apart.

A thin arm and a palm, caught the destruction of Binge.

No, to be exact, it is the destruction of Binger’s palm on the palm of his hand.

And Binge ruined a palm on the palm of the palm of his hand, began to faint, weak, and finally dissipated, this process, like a blooming flower suddenly lost its vitality, suddenly withered.

Looking at the thin arms that suddenly appeared, watching the palm of their destruction was dissipated, and Binge stayed, and then looked shocked, Bai Hui, Bai Luo, Ban Ke were surprised.

Although the strength of Binge is not as good as Bai Hui, it is not the ordinary master. It is the master of the first stage, and its combat power is amazing. I am afraid that it can dominate the second stage of the battle. , even by people easily dissipated, the strength of the other side? !

Huang Xiaolong and the son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping, were also surprised.

Originally, Huang Xiaolong saw Binge’s shot and was planning to summon the soul of the fourteen-winged angels, heaven, the city of the ages, and the one hundred undead meditations, and then do a big job.

Just when everyone was surprised, the thin arms shrank and closed back. A thin figure appeared suddenly in the distant sky. The figure came from the sky under the sun, and the sun took a long picture of it. There was a long road. feel.

The thin figure is tied with a wooden cane, and the waist is awkward. It is an old man, extremely thin, as if a big wind can blow it down. The old man slowly walks over here, separated by billions of miles, but everyone I feel that the other party is in front of me.

The old man has come to the public in one step, two steps, and the third step.

When the old man came to the public, Bai Hui, Binge several talents can see the face of the old man. When you look at the old man's face, Bai Hui and Binge all have a look and panic, and quickly squat: " Old Dean!"

Old Dean!

Old man by the moon!

Not only Huang Xiaolong, the son of the Dragon World, but also the son of Guangming is also shocked.

The brightest son, Dunhuang, was also the first to see the elderly.

The son of the dragon king, Ping Ping, and the son of Guangming, also rushed down: "See the old president of the moon!"

Huang Xiaolong, like Bai Hui and Binge, just said: "The old dean."

The old man of the moon showed a smile on Xiaolong, and he said with kindness: "Child, you are finally here, get up."

finally come?

Huang Xiaolong was puzzled in his heart.

Bai Hui, Binge, the son of Guangming, a few people also want to get up, but the old man is a sinking face: "I didn't ask you to get up!"

Bai Hui, the four people of Binge were so timid, and they stopped there. However, after all, they did not dare to disobey the old man of the moon and still stayed there.

Later, the old man of the moon let the son of the dragon world rise up, but still let Bai Hui and Binge stand there.

"Do you know why I didn't let you get up?" said the old man of the month.

Binge swears: "We don't know."

"I don't know?" The old man worshipped the moon with a cold sigh. He could use his cane to wave his hand and hit the face of Binge. Binge was shocked and was about to hide. But he had not escaped and was swung by a cane. The face, the whole person flew out, stuck to the ground, hit the distant rock.

The son of the bright man was shocked to see that several teeth of Binge were shot and splashed on the ground.

Binge is the master of the first-order late stage, and he was beaten by a man with a cane! If this is spread out, the turmoil in the world.

The old man who looks at the moon looks at the punch that has been knocked out of his teeth: "Do you know now?"

Binge panicked: "The disciple knows!"

Although the four of them are the deputy deans of the Moon College, they are also the earliest students of the Moon College. They have been pointed out by the elderly and the Guangming ancestors, so they are also half-disciples of the elderly.

The old man heard the words and nodded. "I thought that with your three-legged cat kung fu, I was so mad that even my old man was not in my eyes."

"The disciple did not dare!" Binge hurriedly said that he did not dare to look up. However, he did not dare to complain to the elderly who worshiped the moon. However, he had a strong killing of Huang Xiaolong. In his opinion, it was not because of this emperor. The hospital's freshman Ori, he is not likely to be beaten by the old man with a cane to kill a few teeth.

Then, the old man of the moon was waving with a cane, one by one, Bai Hui, Bai Luo, and the three people playing the ball, and the teeth fell.

The strength of Bai Hui is much stronger than that of Binge. Even Elan believes that this is not the opponent of Bai Hui, but there is no evasion in front of the elderly.

"In the past few years, I have asked you four people to take charge of the Moon College, but see what you have done in the past few years?" The old man said coldly: "Do you think that your wings are hard, you can not put me this old man? In the eyes? Do you think that this old man is dying, you can do whatever you want, even the rules set by the ancestors of the year can be ignored? Even the rules I set can be ignored?!"

Bai Hui, the four people are cold and sweaty.

"The disciple does not mean this!" The four men suddenly nodded.

"There is no such meaning?" The old man of the moon snorted: "I see you mean this!" After that, the crutches hit the ground, and suddenly, the entire Bay of Academies, no, the whole month of the gods were violently shocked.

The emperor's court is a self-contained city. However, if the old man hits the moon, he can pass through the emperor's court space and pass the moon to the **** city. This is beyond the public's perception.

The old man of the moon looked at the bright son who was crouching there, and said coldly: "I will not punish you, lest others say that I am deceiving myself. In a few days, someone will clean you up. Let's go. !"

The son of the light, Xiao Yu, thanked him, and then carefully left. When he left, his face was pale and bloodless. He was still unsettled after he left for a long time.

"Well, let's go!" The old man of Baiyue said to Bai Hui, Binge four people: "However, I hope you remember, as long as my old man has not died one day, the rules of the Moon College, or I have the final say! ”

Bai Hui, Binge four people quickly thanked, and then left.

The old man smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "Old, not used, waved a few crutches, and my arms are sore."

Huang Xiaolong is speechless, not used? Not used, but it is playing Bai Hui, Binge lost his teeth.

"You are old and strong." Huang Xiaolong said.

The old man smiled and smiled, his teeth were very white: "Or your kid makes me look pleasing to the eye, and the words are good." When it comes to this, the son of the dragon world squats: "Kid, you are here, etc., me and this kid." Go in and talk about a conversation."

The son of the dragon king, Ping Ping, was flattered and suddenly should be. (To be continued.)

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