Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1991: Corruption

Later, the old man turned to the boundary of the Zushan Mountain, the prohibition of the boundary of the Zushan Mountain, the light shook a bit, but then, the body of the old man worshipping the moon through the border of the Zushan, walked in without hindrance.

Huang Xiaolong and the son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping, were both taken aback. Just now, Binge wanted to force him in. He was immediately banned by the banquet of Jiezu Mountain. Now, the prohibition of Jiezu Mountain is not effective for the elderly in the moon!

"What do you kidnapped, hurry, come in!" The old man who saw the moon saw Huang Xiaolong still standing in the same place.

Huang Xiaolong came back to God and quickly followed up. Huang Xiaolong resurrected the soul of the fourteen-winged angel. Therefore, the prohibition of Jiezushan was ineffective for him. Later, when Huang Xiaolong wants to come in again, it will take long.

After the old man entered the border of the ancestral mountain, the old man with the yellow dragon came to the palace on the top of the mountain and stood in front of the palace. The old man said with a smile: "How many billion years have passed, my old man has not died yet. You are no longer there."

He recalled the time when he joined hands with the Guangming ancestors to establish the Moon Church.

Huang Xiaolong taunted.

After a minute, the old man of the month raised his footsteps and stepped into the palace. He looked at the planets that had been searched for in the palace space. The old man smiled and said: "You are really welcome."

Huang Xiaolong said: "It doesn't matter if you put it here anyway. Don't take it without taking it."

The old man smiled and said: "You kid, you will talk." Then he went to one of the planets and sat down with Huang Xiaolong to choose a mountain.

"You are very like Ke Wei." The old man suddenly said.

Huang Xiaolong sighed, and immediately understood that the old man of the month said that the ancestors of the Guangming ancestors, the Guangming ancestor called Ke Wei?

"At that time, the ancient Emperor and the Buddha joined forces and fought against Ke Wei. At that time, I was trapped in the rot, and I was unable to leave." The old man said that the pain in his face flashed past: "When I was not reluctant, I had to smash the rot of the rot. When I was there, I would not be able to do anything with Ke Wei."

Huang Xiaolong was silent and comforted: "The predecessors do not have to blame themselves. This is not your responsibility."

The old man shook his head and looked sad. "I have blamed myself in my life. I owe it to your master. Later I came out of the rot. After I knew the news, I was furious and found the ancient Emperor."

He has already seen that Huang Xiaolong has obtained the complete inheritance of the ancestors of the Guangming dynasty. Since Huang Xiaolong is the ancestral patriarch of the Guangming ancestors, then the ancestors of the Guangming ancestors were the masters of Huang Xiaolong, so the elderly who worshiped the moon had previously taken the shots and punished the cypress for Huang Xiaolong. Hui, a few people.

Huang Xiaolong has a tight heart: "What later?"

"Later, I found that the ancient emperor couldn't even recognize who he was." The old man smiled and smiled, showing his white teeth, which was very childlike.

Huang Xiaolong is sweating.

This is too arrogant, and his master, the king of Hongmeng, said that the ancient heavenly emperor could rank in the top ten among the heavens and the world.

Then what about the old man?

"However, the ancient Heavenly Emperor had the ancient heavens and treasures, so I couldn't kill him." The old man of the moon was a pity: "Then the Buddha's kid knew that I was so old that even the gods couldn't recognize who he was. I was scared to hide in the Sumiyama Mountain and I have not come out. I have been swearing for a hundred million miles in the mountain of Mizu, and this is leaving."

Huang Xiaolong is speechless.

However, I did not expect that there would be such a ranking in the past.

"Later, when I came back to the Moon College, I retired." The old man said: "In these years, I stayed in the rot, murdered the carrion, and vented my heart."

"Corrosion?" Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

The old man said: "The rot is one of the worlds. However, within this emperor, there is a space entrance that can enter the rot. The rot is not the five major worlds, but it is the most mysterious and dangerous. In the world, there are all kinds of carrion genus. These carrage are terrible. I learned that there was a treasure in the depths of the rot, so I ignored the danger and forced the depths of the rot, and later!"

When the old man said this, he stopped and later said that the ancestors of the Guangming ancestors happened.

"The most mysterious and dangerous world!" Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

It can make the old man of the month say so, it seems that the danger of this rot can be imagined.

The old man looked at Huang Xiaolong and smiled. "Why, I want to see it too? However, your strength is not enough now. When you break through the dominance, the two grandfathers join hands and smash the corpse of the rot."

I am afraid that Huang Xiaolong does not understand, and explains: "The corpse is the most dangerous place in the rot, and it is also the most precious place in the rot. If you are lucky, it is possible to find the third-order heaven and earth."

Huang Xiaolong was shocked. This corpse of rot has a third-order heaven and earth spirit!

The old man said this, I am afraid that it is true.

Later, the old man talked with Huang Xiaolong a lot, because Huang Xiaolong is the ancestors of the Guangming ancestors, so he often showed a kind smile to Huang Xiaolong. If he was seen by Bai Hui and Binge, he was afraid to drop his chin. Because the elderly have never laughed at them.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and the old man talked to each other more and more chatted, it didn’t take long for the gods of the moon to pass out and worship the old man, and they will be beaten by Bai Hui, Binge, Bailuo and Banke. The message of losing teeth.

The news came out, and the whole city of the moon shook.

"What, the old man of the moon is born! Playing Bai Hui, the four vice presidents of Binge have lost their teeth? Will it be fake?!"

"That is true! This is what the son of the Dragon Kingdom, Zhang Ping, saw with his own eyes. The Emperor's Court had enlightened the four-worded Ori of the Moon Temple in the past few days. He resurrected the soul of the four-winged angel and entered the boundary of the Zuzu Mountain. Zu Baozang, but later Bai Hui, the four people of Binge disregarded their identity, and even tried to **** the treasures of Ori’s ancestors. Finally, the old men appeared on the moon and beat the four people to break their teeth!”

"What, the treasure of the ancestors! That Ori actually got the treasure of the ancestors!"

For a time, the strong people of the city of God worshiped.

Because the time of the establishment of the dynasty of the brightest son of Dunhuang has not yet ended, the strong parties who came to worship the gods of the moon have not left. Now, the news is shocking.

One is because the old man of the moon is born, and the other is because of the treasure of the ancestors.

No matter which one, it is a matter of shocking the public.

And Bai Hui, Binge, Bailuo, Bank, the son of the light, returned to the temple after the moon, his face was ugly, especially the four people, but also the eyes of the strong.

"Dun Yu." Binger said to the son of the light, "Ohri will challenge you. In the ring, you must use all methods and use all means to kill this Ori. Die! If you don’t kill this Ori in the ring, don’t blame us for not being able to read the mentoring.” (To be continued.)

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