Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2063: Unity demon world

"Oh, oh God magic water, even the soul of the master can melt?" Huang Xiaolong was taken aback.

Under the heavens and the world, there are very few things that can threaten the soul of the ruler. It is the ordinary Hongmeng treasure, and it is difficult to kill the masters, because once they break through the dominance, their souls have been integrated into the heavens and the earth. The world is in harmony, and it can be quenched with the help of the power of the heavens and the earth.

I did not expect that the **** of the gods and the waters of the gods can melt!

The horror of this magical water can be imagined.

Huang Xiaolong stepped out and came to the surface of the sacred magic water.

When Huang Xiaolong entered the sacred magic waters, suddenly, the original calm and waveless sacred magic water swelled into the huge waves, and suddenly rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

"Well?" Huang Xiaolong saw it, and did not call out the ancient heavens. The energy of the dark lotus in the body was motivated, and the lotus of the darkness was condensed under the feet, forming a dark enchantment with the heart of hell.

Suddenly, these sacred magic waters were blocked out.

Before Huang Xiaolong came to the gate of the Devil's Temple, on the gate of the Devil's Temple, he depicts two ancient demon statues. The statue is realistic, like a real person, revealing a heart-warming power. Two ancient demon statues open their mouths and mouth spit. Tooth decay, above the fangs, there are ancient demon runes.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved, the demon god’s supreme **** was pushed, and his hands pressed to the giant mouth of the demon god. Under the power of Huang Xiaolong’s demon god, suddenly, the devil’s giant mouth screamed and the two ancient demon statues burst out strongly. The darkness of the light, then, the door slowly opened.

It seems that without the darkest supreme power, even the gates of this demon temple can't get in.

When the door was completely opened, Huang Xiaolong walked in.

When Huang Xiaolong entered, he saw the boundless darkness. This darkness is different from the darkness of the inheritance of the Lord of Hell. This darkness appears evil and reveals evil.

In this boundless darkness, a huge demonic demon was born.

These demons are formed by the most primitive energy of the demon world.

After these demons condensed, they continued to rush to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not use the bright Scepter, and he gathered the blade of darkness in his hand, waving his hands and welcoming him.

A demon is killed by Huang Xiaolong, and then re-converted into the devil's most innate energy constantly flowing into the body of Huang Xiaolong, swallowed by Huang Xiaolong.

These demons are extremely difficult to kill, and the more they get to the back, the stronger they will be.

At the beginning, Huang Xiaolong was still at ease, and later, he had to take it seriously, and then felt awkward.

“10 million!” After half a year, when Huang Xiaolong killed the latest demon, he recited it.

According to the king of darkness, 100 million demons will be derived.

When you kill the 100 millionth most powerful demon, you can successfully pass through the demon temple and get the inheritance of the demon gods.

When killing 10 million demons, Huang Xiaolong clearly felt that the newly derived demons began to change again, whether it was dark power, speed, or the body.

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath, and the Devil's Supreme God was fully motivated, and the dark blade of his hands was strengthened again.

Whenever the devil changes and ascends, the power of the Dark Blade in the hands of Huang Xiaolong is also enhanced. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong has maintained the same killing speed.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong's heart of **** and the darkness of the dark lotus enchanted the dark enchantment, the dark light automatically circulates, constantly consuming the power of darkness in the void, adding the power of consumption.

One year, blink of an eye.

Huang Xiaolong, who was originally in the late eighth stage of the Emperor, began to approach the peak of the eighth stage of the Emperor.

Two years, three years.

One day in the fourth year, Huang Xiaolong’s whole body shook his body, his body cracked and his breath soared, and he broke through to the early stage of the Great Emperor!

"85 million heads!"


"Ninth of a million!"


"The ninth nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand!"

When Huang Xiaolong’s hand in the hands of the black mans smashed the 99.9 million ancient demon, Huang Xiaolong’s light once again vibrated and broke through to the mid-ninth stage of the Great Emperor.

The king of darkness has been sitting on the void, paying close attention to the movement of the demon temple. Although Huang Xiaolong used to spend more than six years, he successfully passed through the temple and created a miracle. However, whether Huang Xiaolong can survive the devil In the temple, he is still a little worried.

After all, the demon temple is more dangerous than the temple.

In the temple of the moment, if you can't get rid of the prohibition, you can generally retreat out, but the demon temple can't do it. Once you pass it, you can't come out. You can only be shredded by the devils from the source, and then by those The devil swallowed, and at the end the **** could not be left.

This is why the Devil's Temple is rarely visited.

In the temple of the moment, almost every hundred years, there are people to go, but the demon temple, 10,000 years, no one.

Just as the King of Darkness pays close attention to the movement of the demon temple, and worried about the situation of Huang Xiaolong in the demon temple now, suddenly, the demon temple bursts out of layers of dark light, these dark rays pierce the infinite space of the void, and the demon temple The bottom of the sacred magic water, the sea began to boil, flashing dazzling red light.

This red light, the extremely demon *** reflects a void and a red, the entire **** plane no matter which corner has seen this vision.

In the face of God, the disciples and the mighty who guarded the demon temple were stunned.

"Devil Temple! Someone succeeded in the demon temple!" A great emperor of the Demon Temple is very excited.

"It's Huang Xiaolong!"

Go with me and meet the Lord! ”

For a time, countless strong men came from all directions, and when Huang Xiaolong pushed open the door of the Devil's Temple, when he came out from the inside, he saw the surrounding area of ​​the demon **** water, which was already crowded with the powerful devils.

"See the Lord of the Lord!"

When Huang Xiaolong came out, countless strong men in the demon world were full of excitement, and they bowed down and shouted loudly, shaking the Jiuyun Magic Cloud.

The king of darkness looked at the innumerable strongmen in the demon world who were kneeling on the ground. For a time, they were also excited. They wanted to be in the same year. He fell down and gathered countless dark army. He once fought with Wanjie and stepped on countless gods.

Huang Xiaolong waved the devil's cloak and let everyone get up.

This demon cloak, with a hundred million ancient demon spirits, was obtained by him through the demon temple. Although the demon cloak is not a treasure, but it is also a super good spirit, its power is 14 The paradise of the Winged Angel Soul is not much weak.

And this demon cloak, as long as it devours enough dark energy, there is hope that it will become a treasure.

Next, Huang Xiaolong began to call the demon world super powers as the demon world leader.

When the real demon world is unified, Huang Xiaolong intends to return to the realm of the gods. (To be continued.).


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