Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2064: Open the ancient heaven treasure

Unification of the demon world, almost no resistance, as in the fire sector, extremely smooth. ?

After all, Huang Xiaolong successfully survived the demon world and got the devil's heritage and the devil's cloak. With this premise, plus the name of Huang Xiaolong, the devil's powerful allegedly rebelled.

After more than a month, Huang Xiaolong and the King of Darkness began to return to the realm of the gods.

For more than a month, Huang Xiaolong has obtained the situation of the gods from the mouth of the king of darkness. In the previous year, after the Golden Horn Mavericks integrated the power of the demon world, he led the demon army and the six-winged green mosquito family and the dragon bear. A group of people began to help the gods.

With the assistance of the Golden Horn Mavericks and others, the forces of the old monster alliances in the realm of the gods were destroyed one by one. Just a few months ago, his brother Jiang Hong had successfully unified the realm of the gods and was planning to take the place of the emperor. Control the heavens and become the master of heaven.

At this point, if Huang Xiaolong rushed back, he would just be able to catch up with his brother Jiang Hongdeng.

"Xiaolong, now the five major worlds, hell, demon world, the gods, the three worlds have entered our hands, and the devil world, but also sooner or later, waiting for you to gather the six magic monuments, you can achieve the position of the supreme magic ancestor, control the devil world, Then, in the end, there is only the Buddha world!" On the road, the king of darkness said: "If I said, after your brothers boarded the position of the Emperor, we attacked the Buddha world and conquered the Buddha world by the way!"

Speaking of this, the king of the darkness blew his eyes and licked his tongue: "The blood of the old Buddhas in the Buddha world is very delicious, but I have not tasted it for a long time."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and did not speak.

At the end of the War of the Ming dynasty, the Buddha explained the truth, the rotation of the old blame and other people urged the sacred mountain, awakened the spirit of the old man in the sacred mountain, and saw the spirit, he already knew him. When I was in the lower bound, I found the old man who was met by Sumiyama.

He couldn't help but remember the vow he made in front of the old man.

"Why, what happened?" The King of Darkness asked Huang Xiaolong's expression and could not help but ask.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "Nothing." After thinking about it, he talked with the king of darkness when he met the old man in the lower bounds and made an oath in front of the old man.

When the King of Darkness heard it, he was shocked. He did not expect Huang Xiaolong to meet the old man in the lower bound.

Moreover, he also made an oath with the old man.

After listening to the king of darkness, he was silent for a moment, and then said: "You used to swear by the old man, and said that he would not attack the Buddha world. However, it was in the case that the Buddha did not attack the hell, the Buddha explained the truth and Eclipse and others have joined forces to deal with you, so you are now attacking the Buddha world, and it is not a violation of the vows of the year."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "The Buddha's interpretation of the truth and the eclipse and others joined forces in the battle of the gods of the gods, but did not attack the hell, so the vows of the year are still valid, if I attack the Buddha world now, it is against the vows of the year. ”

"And speaking of it, the old man in the past was also a great grace to me." Huang Xiaolong said again: "After attacking the Buddha world, let's talk about it later."

At that time, the old man of the Sui Mi will be given to him. This is a great grace for the yellow of the year.

In the lower bounds, the Shoushan Mountain is the first treasure, and it is precisely because of the help of the Mishan Mountain that Huang Xiaolong is in the lower bound, and the strength can be improved rapidly.

The role of Sumiyama in the lower bounds is no exaggeration to say, comparable to the role of the ancient heavens.

The king of darkness said: "I didn't expect that the old man really entered the reincarnation and rebuilt the world. In this world, it seems that the old man must break through the high-ranking."

"If it is the old man who breaks through the dominance of the high-level, I don't know where to stand." The king of darkness worried.

It is no wonder that the King of Darkness will be worried. After all, the Buddha is now a pro-disciple, and he and Huang Xiaolong have only one side in the lower bound. Generally speaking, the old man will favor the Buddha.

Huang Xiaolong did not care to smile: "Let's talk about it later."

Thinking about this now, I don’t think so much.

However, Huang Xiaolong believes that the old man will stand on his side when he arrives. Although he was only one side of the old man, he insisted that the old man would not help the Buddha to explain the truth.

This is a kind of trust that has no reason.

Just as the old man trusted him, he would give him the same.

"Right, Xiaolong, haven't you opened the ancient heaven treasure?" Suddenly, the king of darkness began.

Huang Xiaolong’s glimpse, this only remembers that he has not yet entered the ancient heavenly treasures.

Before, when the Magic Yuan refining the ancient heavens, he was about to open the Temple of Heaven, and suddenly received the letter of his master, the king of Hongmeng, saying that the situation of the gods was jeopardized, so they rushed back to the Guangming gods, and then unified In the light **** world, they went to **** again, ruining the nine yin corpse, Tushenmen, Fengducheng.

Later, the temple and the demon temple were opened, so the temple was never opened.

"Go, let's go to the Temple of Heaven!" Immediately, Huang Xiaolong and the King of Darkness went out of Zhoutian Temple and came to the Temple of Heaven.

Because the Temple of Heaven is near Zhoutian Temple, soon, the two came to the Temple of Heaven.

Standing in front of the gate of the Tianzang Temple, I saw the magnificent gate of the Tianzang Hall, flowing with another dazzling pearl.

That's right, it's jewels.

The gate of the Tianzang Temple is inlaid with a whole 10,000 bright pearls. In addition to this 10,000 bright pearls, there are countless treasures.

Of course, this bright pearl is not an ordinary bright pearl. All of them are the demon nucleus of the top gods of the gods. The treasures are not the treasures of the real world. Every treasure has an ancient history and its history is amazing.

"Good guy! This is the door, it is a treasure." The King of Darkness lamented.

Huang Xiaolong runs with his hands and prints the door. Ten thousand bright pearls and gates are all radiant, and the treasure door slowly opens.

Suddenly, a burst of amazing glory glowed, and Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but block his eyes. After a while, the treasure light softened, and the two looked at each other and suspended the pieces through the layered space. Baby's income is in sight, and I can't help but be shocked.

"That is the dragon **** armor!"

"Golden Spider Blade!"


The king of darkness counts one baby after another.

Zulong Shenjia is the **** created by the ancestors of the Dragon Kingdom. It is known as the first defensive artifact in the Dragon World and the only one in the Dragon World.

However, after the disappearance of the Dragon's ancestors, this ancestral dragon armor disappeared. I did not expect it to be in the ancient heaven treasure.

"The flower of the dragon!"

"Immorescent Venus!"

"Stars and fruit!"

When the king of darkness sees some of the elixir in the depths, it can't help but tremble. This is all the first order, the second order heaven and earth spirits! There are more than twenty first-order, second-order heaven and earth spirits in the treasures of ancient heavens! Moreover, these heaven and earth spirits are obviously mature, some have matured for hundreds of millions of years, and at least millions of years. (To be continued.) 8

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