Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2176: Did Huang Xiaolong escape?

Lei Yuan Shenshu, known as the first **** tree of the heavens, is above a thunder mountain in the depths of the sky!

Huang Xiaolong's eyes blink, if he can get the Lei Yuan fruit, then he not only has a strong rise, the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit, but the enlightenment is even more reborn.

Moreover, if the Leiyuan tree is planted in the space of the beastly thunderbolt, and the thunder of the Leiyuan tree is constantly warmed up, then the beast will be slowly repaired, not only to restore the power of the beast and the thunder. Maybe it can go beyond it.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong searched for the soul.

God restored his mind and felt that Huang Xiaolong was killing. When he was about to speak the conditions, he was swallowed up by the four gods fired by Huang Xiaolong.

Under the devour of the four gods, God finally turned into a smoky smoke, disappearing without a trace.

Huang Xiaolong took one shot and took the space artifact of God to the front, opened the space artifact, and saw that there were countless treasures inside, there were immature heaven and earth spirits, one-order, second-order, and even third-order. The next product, the middle product, the top grade chaotic stone.

However, Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was on the two jade bottles in the corner. Huang Xiaolong took out the two jade bottles and opened them separately. I saw the amazing Dan gas constantly rushing out from the mouth of the two jade bottles, such as churning. Waves.

One of the jade bottles is the one that was previously swallowed by God. Although God swallowed two, there are two in the jade bottle!

Huang Xiaolong smiled. With these two Yuan Dan, it is almost equal to two lives, then he will be more secure when he enters the outer space.

In another jade bottle, there is a bright golden dragon lying down.

This Jindan is like a huge bright world. There are countless angels in Jindan, countless bright gods, and countless bright beasts.

"The light source of Dan!"

Low-order high-level heaven and earth!

The light source of Dan, its Dan effect can not be worse than the low-order high-level Luobaolongdan.

After God got it, because he cultivated the law of burial, he and the light of the light of the conflict, has not swallowed refining.

He is now the peak of the sixth-order late stage. This time, with this light source, Dan must break through to dominate the high-order!

After breaking through the high-level rule, refining the Luobao Jinzhu and burying the gods, he will kill the horror kingdom and destroy the terrorist kingdom!

Just when Huang Xiaolong wants to swallow the light source, when the impact dominates the high-order, the terrorist king Dong Cheng still flies all the way, and Sun Bo and others are looking forward to the horror days, waiting for the terrorists and God. return with glory.

At the beginning, the terrorist host and the terrorist marshal led many of the masters of the horror heaven, but there were still some generals who stayed behind in the horror heaven. Sun Bo was one of the generals who stayed behind in the terrorist world.

"I don't know how the Lord and the Lord of God are now in the Holy Spirit." Sun Bo looked at the direction of the Holy Heaven, guessing.

"What else can you do." Another horror king of heaven said with a smile: "It must be that the Lord and the Lord of the Great have joined forces to kill the Huang Xiaolong. If the Holy Lord dares to shelter Huang Xiaolong, maybe even the Holy The kingdom of heaven is now destroyed by us!"

"If you destroy the Holy Kingdom of Heaven and get the treasure of the Holy Kingdom, when the Lord returns, you will certainly reward us." Other horror kings of heaven will laugh.

These generals just finished, the letter vibrates, take a look, all smiles and stiff, as if to see something terrible, his face is getting paler, his body is shaking.

Sun Bo saw it and his eyes were puzzled: "What is it?"

The generals nodded.

"The terrorist king and the lord joined forces. Didn't the town kill the yellow dragon?" Sun Po brows and asks.

Several people nod and shook their heads.

"The horror kings, they, they." A horror king of heaven eats, and does not seem to know how to proceed.

"Is Huang Xiaolong escaping?" Sun Bo said, while he took the letter of the general, and then he saw it. Suddenly, his hands were stiff, his body was holding the letter, and he stared at the letter.

"This, this is impossible!"

"Absolutely impossible, it can't be true!"

"How can the horror of the lord of the horror and the lord of the United States join forces? How could it be defeated by Huang Xiaolong?! How could it be!"

Sun Bo-like whispered to himself.

At the same time, he remembered what Huang Xiaolong had said, and when he came to the terror heaven, he hung his head above the horror shrine.

Now even the horror kingdom and God are not the opponents of Huang Xiaolong. When Huang Xiaolong came to the horror of heaven, then? !

It was not long before the people of Terror Heaven believed that they had received the letter. Finally, the horror kingdom and the heavens joined forces. The terrorist leader and the gods personally led the army to kill Huang Xiaolong, but the news that Huang Xiaolong was defeated, such as the super bomb, was fried in Tianlu. After the opening, the countries of Tianlu have received news, and they are dead.

All the super-national kings looked at the letter and reported that they had been sitting there for a long time and did not move.

"What?! What the **** are you talking about, the horror kingdom and the lord are defeated?!" The giant scorpion got the news and stunned, and jumped up in shock, staring at the stunned man with a look: "You, you say it again." The terrorist host and the lord teamed up, not the yellow puppy opponent?"

The grand princes of the Great Hall of Heaven also had a look of horror and a look of disbelief.

That man’s fear, crouching on the ground: “Yes, little master, I heard that it is like this. I heard that the heavenly master has almost never escaped. God was taken by Huang Xiaolong. Every morning, Wan Shi, Wan Xiaorong and others were all Huang Xiaolong killed, only the terrorist king escaped!"

"Only, only the terrorist country has escaped?" The giant son and the public will be stunned.

"Yes, I heard that the Marshal of the Horror was seriously injured by Huang Xiaolong, and later wanted to escape, and was killed by the Holy Lord!" The man trembled: "The horror of the horror of the country, most of them did not escape. If you are not dead, you have chosen to pay for it. As for the horror of heaven and the heavenly army, only a few people have escaped."

The giant scorpion looked blank and fell on the throne: "How could this be, how could this be, Huang Xiaolong, he, he has not yet broken through to dominate the high-level? How can his strength be so strong!"

"I do not believe!"

Not to mention the giant son, it is that many super-national kings who have received false reports also do not believe that they have not broken the dominance of high-order, can defeat the lord who dominates the ninth order and the horrible king who dominates the tenth order?

Can a person’s combat power be so enchanting to this extent?

"Less Lord, then, what do we do now?" After a long time, a giant scorpion king said, "You said, Huang Xiaolong, will you find us?"

After all, they originally revealed the identity of Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong will definitely find it later.

The giant **** has a ugly face and some cold hands and feet.

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