Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2177: Rush to the sky

"Looking for us?" A giant singer of the heavenly king sneered: "I don't believe that Huang Xiaolong dared to find us. If he defeated the horror kingdom and God, he dared to come. Kill him!"

When I think of the giant lord, the original panic of the giants of heaven and earth is high.

"Yes, in front of our lord, Huang Xiaolong is a fart!" Some giants of heaven and earth will talk.

The giant son raised his hand and everyone was quiet.

"I didn't expect Huang Xiaolong to be so strong." The giant scorpion said coldly: "However, Huang Xiaolong can defeat the horror kingdom and God, mainly relying on the original strength of the sacred heaven. If he leaves the holy heaven, he is definitely not a terrorist country. Main opponent!"

"Let's go back to the giant heaven!" said the giant scorpion, and stood up: "The space outside the sky is about to open, let's go back and be prepared!"

"At least Huang Xiaolong, when the space outside the sky opens, he will definitely go. At that time, we will join forces with the horror kingdom to completely resolve Huang Xiaolong!"

"Yes, less master!"


A few days later.

In the shock of the countries of the Tianlu, the leader of the terrorist state, East, finally fled back to the terror heaven.

All the way without stopping, the horror of the horror of the horror of the horror of the heavens was fleeing back to the horror of heaven, and this was the rest of the world.

"Yellow, small, dragon!" I thought that I was defeated by Huang Xiaolong, and fled back like a funeral dog. The terrorist lord would not stop the violent killing of the heart.

This time, not only failed to kill Huang Xiaolong, but the horror of the heavens has damaged countless masters. He even lost the Luobao Golden Pig, not breaking the shield, the bones of the bones and so on.

When I think of the falling treasures, I don’t break the shields and other treasures. I think that I will be laughed at by the Tianlu countries. He has the urge to vomit blood.

"Yellow puppy, next time, I must trample you to death, swear to death!"

"Don't step you into a shit, I don't swear!"

The lord of the terrorist country was screaming in the sky, and the snoring sounded through the horror of heaven. The treacherous kingdoms of the heavens were stunned.


No matter how shocking the outside world is, how to vibrate, how incredible, how to talk about madness, Huang Xiaolong sits in the holy shrine, and his whole body is skyrocketing.

At this point, he has swallowed the light source.

The light source of Dan is not weaker than the low-order high-level heaven and earth of Dan Luobao Longdan. After swallowing, the power of the heavens and the earth of the light source has set off a huge wave in its body, impacting Huang Xiaolong over and over again. All corners of the body.

The pure and bright forces of the group are constantly ejected from the body of Huang Xiaolong. From a distance, Huang Xiaolong is like a huge bright crater.

Soon, the light filled the entire holy shrine.

Not long after, many masters of the Holy Trinity saw that the light of the heavens rose from the holy shrine and formed a sea of ​​light over the holy shrine. Even the defense of the holy shrine could not block the light.

The sea of ​​light illusion shows a **** of light.

Under the bathing of this bright sea, everyone in the holy world feels comfortable, full of vitality and vitality.

Day after day.

The Sea of ​​Light continues to expand, and a year later, the Sea of ​​Light has enveloped tens of billions of miles.

On this day, all the masters of the Holy Trinity only felt that the space of the holy heaven was suddenly twitched, as if it had been hit by the terrorist forces. Then, all the masters saw the glory of the sacred shrine.

This light is so embarrassing, so dazzling, so dazzling and fascinating, everyone can hardly forget this light in his life, this light seems to be imprinted into the depths of all people.

Along with this ray, countless dragons flew out, and hundreds of thousands of demon gods covered the sky, and the golden Buddha disk sat as a mountain.

A strong breath that suffocates everyone, and even the sacred kingdom is so hard to breathe.

"this is?!"


Under the stunned eyes of the Holy Lord, the Marshal of the Holy See, the old man, the Golden Horn and the Mavericks, a beam of light hits the sky and easily smashes the defense of the Holy Heaven. Rushing out of the Holy Spirit, stirring the Holy World, I don’t know how many thousands of miles of chaos.

A figure slowly came out of the holy shrine, and behind him, there seemed to be countless Buddhas.

Everyone trembled.

"Little Dragon!"


It’s Huang Xiaolong.

The Golden Horn Mavericks, the King of Hongmeng, the Holy Lord and others are all happy, and they rushed over to Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing everyone, Huang Xiaolong's body is full of momentum, light, Tianlong, demon, and Golden Buddha all dissipated.

"Xiaolong, you already?" After the king of Hongmeng came to Huang Xiaolong, he was surprised.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. He knew what the Master wanted to ask. This time, he retired, and he finally succeeded in breaking through to dominate the high-level, and the achievements dominated the seventh stage of the early stage!

Feeling the power of the body, Huang Xiaolong is confident. Even now, even if he does not use the power of the Holy Spirit, even if he does not use the four fires, he has the confidence to easily defeat the terrorist king.

Although the peak of the late sixth-order stage is only half a step away from the beginning of the seventh-order stage, once it breaks through, the strength doubles.

Everyone saw Huang Xiaolong nod and they were all overjoyed.

Dominate high-level!

In Tianlu, only when you step into the high ranks can you be regarded as a real master, and everyone knows that Huang Xiaolong is not the dominant high-ranking high-ranking, and Huang Xiaolong has not broken through the seventh-order, and he is capable of trespassing the country. Now that the breakthrough is made, how strong will the strength be?

After Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks, the kings of Hongmeng talked about their family routines, they asked the Holy Lord about the situation of the countries in the past and the current situation of the terrorists.

After hearing the lord of the lord saying that the lord of the horror fled back to the horror heaven, the horror of the horror was fully opened. Huang Xiaolong sneered, even if he opened the horror, it was a few punches for him.

But now, he is not in a hurry to kill the horror kingdom. He first refining the Luobao gold pig, burying the gods, and not breaking the shield and other treasures to kill the terrorists.

A few months later, Huang Xiaolong will drop the treasured golden pigs one by one, and will be buried in the gods.

However, when Huang Xiaolong went out to go to the terrorist world to kill the terrorist king, the lord of the lord suddenly reported to Huang Xiaolong: "The Lord, we got the news, the thirty-three-day gate ban has begun to weaken!"

"What?!" Huang Xiaolong looked very excited.

The thirty-three-day gate ban is weakened. Doesn't that mean? !

Then, the sages of the sacred kings reported to them that the giants of heaven, the nine heavens, the horror heavens, the dragons and the heavens had already rushed to the heavens.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong will let the sages of the sages summon the masters of the sacred kingdom, and send orders to the gods and kings to go to heaven.

Heaven outside!

This time, he must find the chaotic domain air mine pool, get the Lei Yuan Shen tree and Hong Meng Ziqi!

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