Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2277: Jiang Jia Dashou

Feng Tianyi sees Huang Xiaolong laughing and laughing, but the old face is uncomfortable. He quickly explained: "I mean, I really see her qualifications, so she only accepts her female disciple. Although she does not have a sacred personality, The Holy Spirit and the Eucharist, but with a divine that is close to the Holy Ghost, is a Thunder God! And her gods and gods are no worse than Yan Lei."

Huang Xiaolong has some accidents.

Yan Lei Shenge?

If so, the day is indeed good.

In the sacred world, there are some gods with strong powers, which are hailed as the second only to the existence of the sacred gems. Among them, there is this sacred god, and this sacred god, the cultivation of the sacred sacred tribes, It can be said to do more with less.

"If this is the case, then we will now have Jiang family digs." Huang Xiaolong said.

Since he has encountered this, he can't care.

"This, the Yellow Brothers, Jiang Jiake is the first family of the Central Holy Dynasties. The strength is far from being comparable to Chen's family. Moreover, the sects of the various parties in the past few days, the family came to give the birthday of the Jiang family, and gathered together in the Jiang family, or else, we Or?" Feng Tianyu heard the words, but hesitated.

The strength of the Jiang family made him worry and hesitate. He was afraid that he would not be able to save his loved ones at the time. Instead, he would put Huang Xiaolong in danger.

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly: "Nothing, I also want to visit the Jiang family."

Feng Tianyi.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was going to take the Feng Tianyu to the Jiang family, he saw hundreds of slaves who were imprisoned by Jiang’s family in the alchemy hall together with Feng Tianqi, and walked out from there. Then they saw Huang Xiaolong, his face was overjoyed, and his face was stunned. In front of Huang Xiaolong: "Gonggong adults, please save us together!"

"Yeah, Grandpa, please rescue us together, we are willing to work for you, no, we are willing to do the horse for you, just ask you to save us!"

These hundreds of slaves cried.

It is really crying.

They did not want to continue to be imprisoned by Chen in the alchemy hall day and night to refine the alchemy to death.

However, if Huang Xiaolong did not save them, once they escaped from the Chen family, they would never escape the central pilgrimage to the capital, and then they would be taken back by Chen, and the end would be even worse.

Looking at the hundreds of slaves of the Chen family who crouched on the ground and cried, Huang Xiaolong frowned.

"Scorpio brother, beg you, please beg you, this friend, grace, save us, if we continue to stay in the Chen family, we must die, God, brother, please see what we know each other." I beg you, my friend, you!" A family slave suddenly asked for a seal.

Feng Tianqi was imprisoned in Chen’s family these days, and his relationship was good. He was taken care of by him, and Feng Tianyi could not help but look up.

However, he also knows that if Huang Xiaolong brought these Chenjia slaves, I am afraid that these Chenjia slaves will become Huang Xiaolong's cumbersome, so it is not easy to open to Huang Xiaolong.

"Okay." Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment and nodded.

Now, his Wanlong Peak is empty, only he and Zhang Wenyue, but indeed do have to add some people, and he is not about to expand the power of the Bohai Sea, there are some Chen family slaves to join, how much help for his expansion of the Bohai Sea.

Most of these Chenjia slaves are the same as Feng Tianqi. They are half-step supreme. They have reached the edge of breakthrough. As long as they have their help, they will soon be able to break through to the Supreme.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong nodded and promised that Chen’s five or six hundred slaves could not help but overjoyed, and Huang Xiaolong was very grateful.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong selected two and a half steps to respect the peak of the peak, let him temporarily make the heads of the Chen family, and temporarily resettle these Chenjiajia slaves in one place, and then wait for themselves to go to the Jiang family to save the Fengtian prostitutes. Then take everyone away from the central sacred.

After resetting these Chenjiajia slaves, Huang Xiaolong gave each of them two world spirits, one to recover the injury and one to improve strength and breakthrough.

After doing all this, Huang Xiaolong and Feng Tianyi and the four guardians went to the Jiang family.

Just when Huang Xiaolong went to the Jiang family, Jiang Jiaxi had a trouble.

I saw the Jiang family's lanterns, a piece of joy and enthusiasm.

The lamp is made from the rarest kinds of gems in the holy land. The color is made of silk woven from the top silkworm.

The light in the sun, blooming brilliantly, charming and not glaring, let the entire Jiang family look far away, like the huge color of the central sacred sun.

Jiang’s sky has a huge birthday.

This word of life is made of many rare symbols of the sacred world that symbolize the longevity. This single word is worth hundreds of millions of holy notes.

It can be seen that Jiang’s wealth is thick.

Although there are still two days from the grandfather of the Jiang family, but the great dynasties of all continents, major dynasties, and the great supreme ancestral gates have come to the end, it is a constant stream, from half a month ago, every day. Twenty-four hours, the people who came to pay for it were not interrupted.

And more often, even the Jiang family's wide door was crowded and blocked.

At this time, above the General Palace of the Jiang family, they were filled with powerful parties.

Those who can come to the Chiang family to pay tribute are the supreme ancestors of the major dynasties of all continents, and can enter the main hall of the Jiang family, and are qualified to sit in the main hall of the Jiang family, and they are the top of the major dynasties of all continents. The lords or homeowners of the Supreme Zongmen, these lords and their owners, are every continent, every dynasty, and a slap in the face, can make a continent and a dynasty tremble on the big man.

Sitting in the middle of the main hall of the Jiang family, there are two people, one of whom is the Jiang Tian who is the head of the Holy Gate!

The other is the silver-haired, ruddy, smiley Jiang Jia old man Jiang Wuji!

Jiang Wuji, a legendary figure in the Holy Land.

According to the rules of the Holy Gate, in addition to the Holy Gate elders, it is necessary to bow down to the people, but there is one exception, that is, Jiang Wuji!

Jiang Wuji once made a striking contribution to the Holy Gate, and was later given the privilege by the Lord of the Holy Gate, Wan Zhuoyuan.

Some people even listed Jiang Wuji as a person who could sit side by side with the Holy See.

Others said that this Chiang Kai-shek is already a semi-holy peak, and its strength is not weaker than the holy gates.

No matter which one, it is the status of Chiang Kai-shek in the Holy Land.

Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji left the first, the first row of seats, sitting on the current home of the Jiang family, the Van Gogh ancestor, the central sacred royal prince and some of the top family owners of the Central Sect, and so on, and Chen Jiajia, the owner of Chen Jiabin Sitting in the first row, but sitting at the end.

Although Chen is also the top family of the Central Sect, it is still a lot worse than the Van Gogh.

Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji, the two on the right, the first row of seats, the front is sitting on a few young people wearing robes, with the spirit of the Holy Spirit, this is the holy son of the Holy Dragon The first one is Tan Hongyi.

Although Tan Hongyi is not the first son of the Holy Land of the Dragon, but the talent is among the sons of the Holy Dragon, it is definitely the top three.

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