Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2278: Jiang Wuji's guess

"The old man is living this life, thank you to the brothers of Tan Hongyi who can come, and several people come to make the Jiang family greatly radiant!" Jiang Tian held a fist on Tan Hongyi and smiled.

It is indeed a supreme honor to let Tan Hongyi come to the Holy Son of the Dragon Land.

Jiang Wutai’s Jiang Wuji is also full of red light, although Tan Hongyi’s several sacred sons have come to pay for his birthday in Jiang Tian’s sentiment. However, in the view of Chiang Kwong-e, there is no difference. This is him and The glory of the Jiang family.

Tan Hongyi smiled and said: "We have a good relationship with Jiang Tianxiu. I came to give Jiang Laotai a birthday. It should be. We haven’t prepared any good things this time. This is a dragon, and I also asked Jiang Laotai to accept it. ""

The other few dragons also have a smile.

"The dragon is a gas!"

The Lord of the Vatican and the patriarchs in the main hall, the owners are all shocked.

This dragon is a qi, but it is the top **** of the dragon. Only the lord of the dragon sacred land can be refining. It is the world of the six highs, even for the dragon. It is also extremely cherished. I did not expect that a few people from Tan Hongyi actually sent this dragon to the eternal life.

The Holy Land of the Dragon Land is really extraordinary!

Although the birthday of the Vatican Emperor Sect is the Baolong Tianshou Shendan, although it is also a six-pronged product, it is only a six-pronged ordinary heaven and earth, and it is far worse than the six-product high-grade dragon.

Jiang Wutai’s Jiang Wuji laughed and took over Tan Hongyi’s Hualong Yiqi Dan. He said: “Tang Hongyi’s several sons of the Son are really polite. Tan Hongyi’s several sons of the Son can come. It’s already old and the Jiang family is honored.”

Tan Hongyi and Jiang Wuji were very polite.

Subsequently, Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji, Tan Hongyi, and the Fanjiang Sect of the Fan River, a few people laughed and talked.

Among the halls, the other owners, the lords did not dare to speak freely, just listening to the smile and nodding their heads.

Chen Jia, the owner of the Chen family, sat there and closed his lips, but there was no smile, and his face was a bit ugly, because he had just received a report and knew about Chen’s headquarters.

Chen’s headquarters has been turned over!

Although it is not the real end, but thousands of masters of the Chen family headquarters, all of them were seriously injured! Chen Wanyi and Chen Yan, both of whom are in the Chen family, are also seriously injured!

Even the door of the Chen family was shot by a fist!

This is simply the biggest shame in Chen’s history.

Moreover, it is said that it is only because of a family slave of Chen family!

Chen Kebin sat there, looking at the smile, the red-faced Jiang Laoye Jiang Wuji, and the smiling Jiang Tian, ​​Zhang Zhangkou, wanted to open the two to ask for help, after all, the other hand can easily seriously hurt the Chen family two veterans The strength is only the late tenth order? Only help the Jiang family, please Jiang master can suppress the other side.

However, it is now that Jiang’s old man, Jiang Wu’s great life, suddenly turned to help, and he was afraid of sweeping the Jiang family’s prosperity and making Jiang Tian and Jiang Wuji unhappy.

Just when Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji and Hualong Shengzi Tan Hongyi, the Fanhe Emperor Sect of the Fanfan and others laughed, suddenly, a Jiang family too elders came in, and then came to Jiang Tian and Jiang Wuji, whispering what.

When Jiang Tian and Jiang Wuji both heard it, they were both surprised and amazed.

After the Jiang Jia’s elder elders finished the report, Jiang Tian waved his hand and let the other party retreat.

"Chen Jiazhu." Jiang Tian said: "I heard that your Chen family headquarters has just been attacked, and even the two elders who lived in your Chen family were seriously injured."

When Jiang Tian’s words came out, the lords and the owners in the hall were all shocked.

Chen’s headquarters was attacked by people? !

Chen Kebin hurryed up and stood up. Christine said: "When I return to the Highness of the Emperor Jiang Tian, ​​I just got the news. I didn't think about the Chen family. I was shocked by the imperial court of Jiang Tiansheng and the old man Jiang, and Chen Kebin was ashamed."

Jiang Wutai’s Jiang Wuji shook his hand and said: “Chen’s family is my Jiang’s ally, Chen’s family and my Jiang family are also in-law family. The Chen’s business is the thing of my Jiang family. There is nothing to worry about.” Speaking of this, the eyes are fascinating: "Who does not know the relationship between Chen and my Jiang family? This person dared to attack the Chen family headquarters at this time. It is simply not to put my Jiang family in the eye!"

At this time, a family leader stood up and said: "I am willing to serve the old lady of Chiang, and capture this person, and report this revenge for the Chen Kebin brothers."

This owner is the master of the family.

Gaojia is also one of the top families of the Central Sect, although it is not as good as the Jiang family, but it is even stronger than the Chen family.

Suddenly, other family owners and sovereigns in the main hall also stood up and claimed to be willing to take the shot.

At this time, the Jiang family’s elders came back and whispered to Jiang Tian and Jiang Wuji.

Jiang Tian and Jiang Wuji were both surprised.

"The Jiang family, the elders of the elders, reported that this person and his men are coming to our Jiang family." Jiang Tian raised his head and said to everyone.

Everyone looked at each other and looked at each other and saw each other's surprise.

After the other party attacked the Chen family headquarters, he even dared to come to the Jiang family at this time?

How is this going? Does the other party really dare to come to Jiang’s family at this time?

Jiang Tian glanced at the crowd and said indifferently: "According to the description, if I have no guess, this person should be the newest son of my holy gate, Huang Xiaolong!"

When referring to the three words of Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Tian’s body was strong.

"What, is that Huang Xiaolong?!" The owners, the lords are all changed.

Although the Holy Gate strongly blocked the battle between Huang Xiaolong and Huang Zhouping, the two holy sons fought against the holy platform. How could such a big event be concealed, so some top families and sects of the Holy Land know it, and I know that the final result is that Huang Xiaolong killed Huang Zhouping!

Of course, some people even know that Huang Xiaolong had previously killed Jiang Tianxi’s Jiang Hejun.

The high-ranking family and others who had previously claimed to be willing to serve the Chiang Kai-shek and arrest the murderer could not help but be silent.

Even if they are bold again, they will be "loyal" to the Jiang family and will not dare to blatantly shoot a saint.

"The new Son, Huang Xiaolong?" When the masters and the lord were silent, Tan Hongyi, the holy son of the Dragon Land, was interested in saying: "Jiang Tianxiong, this Huang Xiaolong, he and you are not dealing with it?"

When he first arrived at Zhuoyuan Holy Land, he was the first to hear about Huang Xiaolong.

Jiang Tian nodded: "This Huang Xiaolong was arrogant and arrogant, and took advantage of the Son's identity, robbed my nephew Jiang and Yi, and later clashed with Huang Zhouping's younger brother, signed a battle for life and death, and killed it on the platform. Huang Zhouping, younger brother!"

"Oh, killing Huang Zhouping?" Tan Hongyi and other saints in the Dragon Land are small snacks.

Immediately, Jiang Tian told the details of the battle of the Holy Taiwan and Tan Hongyi and others.

"Right, old man, there is one thing, I haven't had time to tell you." Jiang Tian remembered something, suddenly said, and then when Huang Xiaolong detected the second time, it was detected as Xuanlong Shengge, but during the battle of the Holy Taiwan, St. Ge Shengwei can suppress Huang Zhouping’s image of Shengli and Jiang Wuji.

Jiang Tian also said his doubts in his heart: "Old Master, with your knowledge, you said, will it be a mistake when the Holy Spirit was detected?"

The owners, the lord is also amazed.

"The Holy Spirit of the Holy Gate headquarters is arranged by Zhuoyuan saints personally, and will not go wrong." Jiang Wuji shook his head, and suddenly his face changed: "When the Battle of the Holy Taiwan, the Holy Ghost is different from the second test?! Is it! Will it be! Just this, is it impossible?"

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