Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2298: Meditation Island

"White bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan." Huang Xiaolong gaze for a moment, and finally fell on the task of the second difficulty in the remaining four tasks.

This task is to kill the white bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan.

The basic task scroll description, this white bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan, is hiding in the Bohai Sea near the island of Longxin Island, this island is called the magic island.

He is now in the ancient emperor's continent, and the past is not far from the sea.

Moreover, after he killed the white bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan, he could just find Longxin Island, find the dragon and the purple air of Longxin Island, and then break through the power to dominate the tenth-order late peak, and then kill the remaining three.

He intends to put the most powerful Zhou Ze on the final task.

At that time, after he swallowed Zhou Ze, he should be able to break through to the half step.

As for the sacred sect, it should be able to squeeze into a thousand before.

In the sacred ranks, every thousand is a watershed, 4,000 and 3,000, the difference is great, and the difference between 2,000 and 3,000 is even greater. If he can squeeze into a thousand, then his The three great sacred sects, the three great veins and the Eucharist will undergo great changes and changes.

Of course, after entering a thousand, it is difficult to evolve again. It is only from a thousand to nine hundred. It is no exaggeration to say that it will be hundreds of times more than a thousand times.

As for the evolution from 900 to 800, it is even more difficult.

However, this is something that Huang Xiaolong has to consider in the future. The most important thing now is to advance to a thousand.

The next day, Huang Xiaolong left the Sanmen branch of the ancient emperor, and then went to the Bohai Sea again.

However, Huang Xiaolong is not riding a golden pig, but a small colored phoenix filled with Xiaguang.

This little phoenix phoenix was hatched by the sacred animal egg that Huang Xiaolong got. It has been hatched for some days. However, what surprised Xiaolong Xiao is this small phoenix, but it has nine tails, just like the nine-tailed fox. Nine tails.

Feng Shou nine tails, Huang Xiaolong looked through the memory, can not find out what is the holy beast in memory.

However, don't look at this small color phoenix body shape is still petite, but the flight speed is very fast, it is not weaker than the Luobao gold pig.

This Xiao Caifeng has already had such a speed in early childhood. Once it grows up, the speed can be imagined.

Xiao Caifeng took Huang Xiaolong and continued to shuttle through the clouds in the sky, crossing one mountain after another.

Suddenly, Xiao Caifeng slowed down and opened his mouth. He made a clear wow to Huang Xiaolong. When Huang Xiaolong heard it, he couldn’t help but smile. Then he took out a flaming and fascinating piece of heaven and earth and threw it into Xiao Caifeng’s mouth. .

Xiao Caifeng swallowed his mouth and screamed, and the speed was getting faster again.

After the hatching of Xiaocaifeng, Huang Xiaolong will feed him a piece of Tiandi Lingdan every day, and it is a fire system, because this Xiaocaifeng only swallows the heaven and earth of the fire system.

Under the fire of heaven and earth every day, Xiao Caifeng grows fast, and the more colorful feathers on his body shine.

"Little guy, fortunately, you followed me. If you follow the ordinary holy disciple, it is estimated that you will raise you for one year. If you have not starved to death, he will be poor!" Huang Xiaolong laughed.

Luobao Jinzhu is one of the best chaotic Lingshi in the day, but it is good, but this Xiao Caifeng is a day of the world!

Although it is only a product of the world, but the price is far more than a superb chaotic Lingshi.

A year later, more than three hundred pieces of a world of spirits, how many sacred money?

Ten years?

And this little guy is still in the early childhood stage, if this little guy grows up, I am afraid to swallow the second product, the three products heaven and earth, the spirit and even the four products!

At that time, if Huang Xiaolong was too rich, he would have to stretch his head.

At this time, Xiao Caifeng turned back and called a few voices to Huang Xiaolong, looking like a good look.

Huang Xiaolong smiled: "In the future, I will call you to do Xiaojiu."

Xiao Caifeng nodded and agreed.

Ten days later.

Huang Xiaolong came to Bohai again.

Once again, I went to the Bohai Sea, and Huang Xiaolong went to Hailing Island and Haishen Island. After seeing Hailing Island and Poseidon Island, I continued on my way to the Demon Island.

After half a month.

Huang Xiaolong and Cai Feng Xiaojiu stopped in a huge island.

This giant island is different from the vast islands in the Bohai Sea. I only see the magical sky above, the chilly atmosphere, this is the Devil Island!

Although in the sky above the Devil Island, but Huang Xiaolong can also hear the sound of screaming and screaming in the island.

After staying for a while, Huang Xiaolong rode the holy animal color phoenix to break the magical cold of the Demon Island, and then entered the Devil Island.

Although the magical cold of the Demon Island is amazing, but Huang Xiaolong is now strong in the Eucharist, he is not afraid, so Huang Xiaolong has no defense at all, and the Holy Beast is not afraid of this cold wind. Jiuwei Caifeng itself is the fire attribute holy beast.

After entering the Demon Island, Huang Xiaolong took the colorful phoenix directly to a wasteland north of the Devil Island.

The white bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan hides somewhere in this wasteland.

All the way, I saw the bones piled up on the ground below, all kinds of bones are densely packed, there are ancient beasts, there are ancient races, and there are some creatures that even Huang Xiaolong can't identify.

Some bones are huge like mountains, and some are as small as dust.

Above these bones, the corpse gathers from time to time, forming a vortex sweeping through, this corpse is a poisonous thing, even if the ordinary half-step supreme **** a bit, there is also the possibility of corruption.

It didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong to enter the island, and he encountered some of the World of Warcraft. These meditations of World of Warcraft, which devour the magical cold of the Demon Island, are even more amazing. They are one of the famous beasts in Bohai.

However, these meditations are still not close, and the chaotic axe that was dominated by Huang Xiaolong’s will will kill them instantly.

Along the way, Huang Xiaolong probably killed thousands.

"Sister, this is really a banyan tree? But we have been in the island for ten days, and we have not seen the shadow of the banyan tree!" When Huang Xiaolong flew forward, there was a voice in the distance.

"Absolutely there will be no mistakes." A female voice rang: "This is what I learned from the main mouth of the Black Wind Zongzong. I gave the Black Wind lord a hundred darings. He did not dare to lie to me. However, he only knew that The enchanted island, the specific location does not know."

Soon, Huang Xiaolong saw the appearance of the face, the other side has more than a dozen people, but see the other side of the robes, Huang Xiaolong accident, Van Gogh Shenzong! The first door of the Holy Land!

For this Fanhe Shenzong, Huang Xiaolong is no stranger to him. When he went to Jiang’s old man, Jiang Wu’s great life, he saw the Fanfan, the sect of the Fan River, who gave Chiang Kai-shek a long life.

The relationship between the Van Gogh and the Jiang family is tight.

At this time, the disciples of the former Fan River Shenzong turned to the first, and also saw Huang Xiaolong.

"Sister, if you want to catch this kid and ask?"

"Alright, he is suspicious, maybe it is for the eucalyptus." The woman nodded.

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