Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2299: White bone knife

"Go, bring this kid directly and ask." The male disciple said to the disciple of the Fan River.

Obviously, he and the former female disciple, whose status is higher than that of the ordinary disciples of the Vatican, can be ordered by other disciples.

"Yes, Master Cheng Cheng!" The Fans of the Fan River, nodded, and then flew over to Huang Xiaolong.

This disciple of the Vatican is a half-step supreme, and it is not the kind that has just broken through. It can always break through the supreme realm and achieve the supreme power.

The disciple of the Fan River came to Huang Xiaolong and did not say anything about it. He took it directly to Huang Xiaolong.

The Van Gogh is the first sacred gate of the Holy Land. Its power is not weaker than that of the Jiang family. Like the Jiang family, the disciple of the Fan River has always been overbearing. Therefore, the former male disciple also ordered the disciple to directly ask Huang Xiaolong to ask questions. Instead of asking.

Looking at the disciple of the Van Gogh, who was taken by the photographer, Huang Xiaolong did not look at it. When the finger was shot, the disciple of the Fan River was exploding directly, turning into a **** fog, and there was no chance of screaming.

For the Vatican Emperor, Huang Xiaolong did not have any good feelings, and the following hands did not show mercy.

"What?!" That Xiaocheng brother and the disciple of the Fanjiang gods and other disciples looked at this scene, all with a look of horror.

But very soon, the Yu Cheng brother and other people reacted, and looked angry, his body flashed, surrounded by Huang Xiaolong and the holy beast.

"Kill my Van Gogh gods!" The brothers of Yu Cheng are full of killing: "Boy, I don't think you want to live!"

However, he just said this, Huang Xiaolong took a single shot, he took the picture of this singer, and then lifted his neck like a duck.

"You!" That Yu Cheng only felt weak, and his heart was shocked and angry.

He was shocked by the fact that Huang Xiaolong dominated the late tenth-order strength. He had no resistance in front of Huang Xiaolong in the late stage of a supreme one. The anger was that Huang Xiaolong even dared to do it to him!

Other disciples of the Vatican Shenzong are also angry.

"Quickly let the brothers of Yu Cheng!" Wu Weiwei, a female disciple of the Vatican Shenzong, said with anger: "Tell you, the brother of Yu Cheng is the pro-disciple of our elders of the Fan River Shenzong Chen Shaokang! If you dare to hurt the brother of Yu Cheng, your family And Zongmen, no one can protect you!"

Other disciples of the Fan River Shenzong also angered Huang Xiaolong, let Huang Xiaolong put the Yu Cheng.

"Chen Shaokang?" Huang Xiaolong said.

"Yes, it is the elder of Chen Shaokang, the sacred mission hall of the Vatican River." The female disciple Wu Weiwei said: "I am the daughter of the Lord of the Van Gogh Gods Law Enforcement Temple, you are not ready to release the brother of Yu Cheng!"

Just when Wu Weiwei thought that Huang Xiaolong would put the Yucheng, Huang Xiaolong suddenly took a grip and then pinched the neck of the Yucheng, and then the palm of the hand flew out of the fire, burning it into a group of ashes.

Wu Weiwei and other disciples of the Vatican Shenzong were horrified there, staring at the ashes.

The other party actually killed them. !

"You, you!" Wu Weiwei pointed to Huang Xiaolong, not angry, or was scared, anyway, his face is ugly.

"What Chen Shaokang, I have never heard of it." Huang Xiaolong is a look of indifference: "And, this person, I hate people pointing fingers at me."

That Wu Weiwei stayed, although I did not believe that Huang Xiaolong really even dared to kill her, the daughter of the Van Gogh Shenzong Law Enforcement Hall, but in the end she still dared to point her finger at Huang Xiaolong and was busy taking her fingers back.

"My father still has the mission hall, Chen Shaokang, the elders, they are all around!" Wu Weiwei looked at Huang Xiaolong with a roar: "You can't escape!"

Huang Xiaolong said lightly: "Who said that I want to escape, you can now roll, you can inform your father and Chen Shaokang to come over, I will stay in the magic island for two or three days."

Wu Weiwei suddenly took a look at Huang Xiaolong and left with a disciple of the Vatican.

"Slow, I am talking about you, not them!" Huang Xiaolong said.

When Wu Weiwei did not respond to the meaning of Huang Xiaolong, the chaotic axe appeared, and instantly killed more than a dozen other disciples of the Van Gogh.

Looking at the Van Gogh disciple who accompanied him, he was instantly cleaned by Huang Xiaolong. Wu Weiwei was scared and bloodless, and his eyes finally had a trace of fear.

In the end, Wu Weiwei escaped in horror without a trace.

Huang Xiaolong let the other party leave, and then continued to ride the holy beast to the north of the wilderness.

One day later, Huang Xiaolong stood on a mountain cliff and looked at the desolate, lacking a little wasteland.

Over the wasteland, from time to time there is a group of condensed into a group of cold magic gas.

Huang Xiaolong launched the soul of the gods, shrouded the heavens and the earth, and then entered the wasteland with the colorful phoenix.

Suddenly, a group of cold demon gas swept through the top of Huang Xiaolong, and a black shadow suddenly slammed out and rushed to Huang Xiaolong, and the cold light flashed.

However, this black shadow has not yet rushed, and Huang Xiaolong took a shot and flew it back.

The black shadow fell to the ground, and it was a black warrior that resembled a black panther and a wolf.


One of the World of Warcraft is the Warcraft of Warcraft, which is good at hiding and speed.

Huang Xiaolong continues to move forward.

A few hours later.

Huang Xiaolong stopped in the sky above a wilderness, only to see the front of the knife rushing into the sky, a figure was wrapped in layers of knife, the knife passed, there must be a Wade Warcraft was strangled.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of heads of Warcraft were killed.

The knife gas disappeared and the figure stopped.

Huang Xiaolong looked at this man who was skinny, his eyes were dark green, and his lips were white: "White bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan."

The white bone knife Mo Yu Dongyuan’s eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong, and then stared at the colorful phoenix of Huang Xiaolong’s ride. He grinned and smiled: “Good beast!”

With his gaze, although it is impossible to determine the true origin of Caifeng, it also shows that Caifeng is extraordinary.

"You are a holy disciple? Come and kill me?" The white bone knife Mo Yu Dongyuan then asked at random.

"Not bad." Huang Xiaolong did not hide.

Yu Dongyuan smiled indifferently: "In these years, the disciples of the Holy Gate often took the task of hunting me. However, I have always lived well, and those holy disciples have become my souls under the knife!" Stroking the white bone knife in your hand: "You will be the twenty-third!"

Huang Xiaolong looked calm: "But this time, I am afraid to let you down. This time, I will kill you and bring your head back to the headquarters of the Holy Gate."

Yu Dongyuan heard it, haha ​​laughed: "Is it by you? One dominates the late tenth stage? Do you think that you are Jiang Tian, ​​Zheng Yongjia, Wu Shi?"

He is the middle of the third-order of the Supreme, and he also has a low-ranking sacred sacred sac and a holy pulse. His combat power is not weaker than the ordinary sage. Even some holy sages of the same level are not May have killed him, not to mention a small district of Huang Xiaolong dominates the late tenth stage?

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