Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2306: Where are the mortals?

In the holy beast Dihuai, the elders Li Wen and others came to Wanlongfeng, Huang Xiaolong is coming out of the secret room.

"How?" Huang Xiaolong saw the secret outside and sealed the sky and other people staring at his own look, could not help but look at his whole body, jokingly said: "I don't wear clothes, right?"

Feng Tianyi looked bitterly: "Of course, I didn't wear it. It's just the yellow brother. You are too shocking people. It is so fast that you can break through the Supreme. It is estimated that after a few years, I will ride the holy beast. I can't catch up with you, and it is estimated that you can't even see your ass."

Huang Xiaolong smiled.

Xue Qi and Zhang Wenyue also laughed softly.

"Let's go." Huang Xiaolong laughed, and then let Zhang Wenyue on the side tell him to banquet, and celebrate it. This time, he successfully broke through the Supreme Realm and should celebrate.

Of course, this time, it is not just to celebrate his successful breakthrough in the supreme realm.

Huang Xiaolong did not expect that he succeeded in breaking through the supreme realm, and he was able to get the power of the sacred world to be able to condense the imprint of the Holy Life!

Holy Seal!

Like the Holy Beast, he does not understand the importance of the imprint of the Holy Spirit.

This is the fourth holy mark of the Holy Land!

He is the fourth person in the sacred world who has the mark of the Holy Life for millions of years!

Originally, he was worried that he could not catch up with the seven-roasted and half-sacred peaks in the millennium. He had Jiang Tian, ​​who ranked more than one hundred in the sacred, but now, Xiaolong is no longer worried.

After a while, the holy beast Di Huai, the veteran Li Wen and others arrived, looking at Huang Xiaolong, that look, very complicated, it is simply love and hate.

Anyway, I stared at Huang Xiaolong's heart and hair.

"I said Li Wenyuan, can you not look at me with this kind of look." Huang Xiaolong said with a smile: "I don't want to let others misunderstand."

Li Wen and others glimpsed, and then some embarrassed laughed.

The sacred Dihuai looked at the mark of Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows, and his eyes envied: "Little guy, I really want to see your parents."

Huang Xiaolong has a glimpse.

The sacred Dihuai smiled and said: "I want to see what your parents look like, and you can give birth to such a enchanting one."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "My parents? Di Huai adults, you can guess wrong, my parents are just people in the world, are mortals."

"The people of the world? The mortal?" The sacred beast, Dihuai, and then his eyes puzzled: "Impossible, it is reasonable to say that this is impossible."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "What is impossible, my parents are indeed mortal." Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong did not hide, and he said that he had passed the thirty-three-day gate and came to the holy world from the lower bound. Elder Li Wen and others.

"This is my friend in the lower bounds, Feng Tianyi, who came with me through the thirty-three days to the Holy Land." Huang Xiaolong pointed to the side of Feng Tianyi.

Feng Tianyi was busy explaining it to Huang Xiaolong.

"Dihuai adults, you are the elders, you are coming right, I am looking for you to talk about it." Huang Xiaolong ushered the holy beast Di Huai, the veteran Li Wen and others into the main palace of Wanlongfeng.

Some banquets and deep talks, the next day, the sacred Dihuai and the elders Li Wen and other talents left.

Huang Xiaolong sat in the secret room and raised his hand to touch the mark of the eye of the eyebrow. In normal times, if he did not push the seal of the Holy Life, the seal of the Holy Life was only a tiny gold pattern, and others could not recognize his mark of the Holy Life. I only thought it was the pattern of some ancient ethnic eyebrows.

Some ancient races have special patterns on their eyebrows.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong is not worried that other people can recognize his miraculous imprint.

Now, knowing that he has the seal of the Holy Life, only the sacred beast Dihuai and Li Wen thirteen old, even Feng Tianyu, Zhang Wenyue does not know.

However, this breakthrough in the supreme realm, Huang Xiaolong not only got the power of the Holy Land, but also condensed the imprint of the Holy Life, Huang Xiaolong found that he actually awakened the other two holy bodies!

Previously, although he had three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs, he had only one kind of sacred body, but now, with the help of the source of the sacred world, he has simultaneously awakened the two holy bodies!

Now, he has three kinds of Eucharist, not one.

The three evolutionary saints, the three holy veins, the three great saints!

These two sacred bodies, although they do not know the ranking, are estimated by Huang Xiaolong to be a lot higher than the previous sacred body, at least one thousand.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong came out of the secret room and then came to the underground space of Wanlongfeng, opening the treasure of Wan Zhuoyuan.

With his current strength and realm, he can open the second major hall of Wan Zhuo Yuan Treasure.

Last night, he talked with the Holy Beast Dihuai for one night. He had decided to leave the Zhuoyuan Holy Land for two days and went to the Holy Day organization. So, before this, Huang Xiaolong naturally had to be the first and the first in the Wanzhuoyuan treasure. All the heavens and the earth, the heaven and earth spirits are taken away.

After entering the first major hall, Huang Xiaolong will take away the remaining heaven and earth Lingdan in the first major hall, and take away all the heavenly spirits. He will enter the space of the beast and the thunder, and then continue to open the second major hall, which will be the second major temple. All the six products of the heavens and the earth, the six products of the heaven and earth elixir also rolled away.

When Huang Xiaolong tried to open the third major palace ban, he found that he could not open it.

"You can only wait for you to come back later, and then open it again." Huang Xiaolong looked at the door of the third major hall, thinking.

This treasure space, the secret of the extreme, only a special way to make it revealed, so Huang Xiaolong is not worried that others will find and take it away.

After taking away all the heavens and spirits in the first and second major temples, after the heavenly spirits, Huang Xiaolong specially commented on the sacred soul of Wan Zhuoyuan. When he saw Huang Xiaolong, Wan Zhuoyuan’s holy soul was naturally roaring.

"talking" to the sacred soul of Wan Zhuo Yuan for a while, Huang Xiaolong continued to collect the specific space of the beastly ramie, and then began to prepare other things.

This time I left Zhuoyuan Holy Land, I don’t know what year and month to come back. So, in these two days, many things need to be prepared and arranged.

Two days rushed past.

The holy beast Dihuai once again came to the convergence of Wanlongfeng and Huang Xiaolong.

This trip to the headquarters of the Holy Day organization, the distance is extremely far, for the safety of Huang Xiaolong, the Holy Beast Di Huai decided to personally send Huang Xiaolong.

In this regard, Huang Xiaolong did not refuse, after all, the distance is indeed too far away, with his current supreme first-order strength, to cross the sacred world of countless mega-stars, it is indeed too dangerous, the holy land has a robber, the holy world is vast There are also robbers. If he encounters some semi-sacred, supreme high-ranking robbers, the trouble is not small.

However, considering that when the Hualong Holy Land really attacked the Zhuoyuan Holy Land, Wanlongfeng was not safe. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong also left with Feng Tianyu, Zhang Wenyue and Feng Tianyi female Ai Xueqi.

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