Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2307: 禹皇圣地

In addition to Feng Tianyi, Zhang Wenyue, and Xue Qi, Huang Xiaolong also brought a few talented talents. After all, the road is too far away. When going through some holy places to stop, what to do, how many people can make it or not some.

However, there are not many people with Huang Xiaolong. Plus him, there are ten people.

If you add the Holy Beast Dihuai, there will be eleven.

In the 13th year of Li Wen, the main hall of the main hall, Yang Jing, the main lord, the son of the sacred son, Huang Xiaolong and others left the Zhuoyuan Holy Land on the spaceship of the Zhuoyuan Holy Land.

However, the entire sacred world is too big. Even if there is a spaceship with a half-sacred level, it will take six or seven years to get to the headquarters of the Holy Day organization.

According to the sacred Dihuai, this is still good. If there are some more remote holy places, even if there is a semi-sacred spaceship, it will not be able to reach the Holy Land headquarters for three or four decades.

"Semi-Sacred spaceship, flying for thirty or forty years!" Zhang Wenyue screamed, this is something she could not imagine before her.

The semi-sacre spacecraft, the speed is absolutely amazing, flying for thirty or forty years, how far is that?

The sacred Dihuai smiled and said: "The little girl, this is nothing strange. There are some holy places to go to another holy place, even for hundreds of years. This is still the case with a semi-sacre ship, if there is no half-sacred The spacecraft, even for thousands of years, is normal for thousands of years."

"Thousands of millennium, thousands of years?!" Zhang Wenyue, Xueqi two women took a breath.

Is this really a hurry? !

"The greatness of the sacred world, even I can't know and imagine." The sacred beast Di Dihua shook his head: "Don't even say that even me, some of the peaks of the Holy Land do not know how big the sacred world is. It is estimated that there are only those like the predecessors of God. Only know beyond the existence of the Holy Land."

God's predecessor?

Huang Xiaolong couldn't help but think of the God of the lower bounds of Heaven. However, he also knows that this God is not the other God. This holy heavenly ancestor is the strongest of the Holy Day and one of the founders of the Holy Day. One of the strongest people in the world.

"Dihuai's predecessors, listening to the Yellow Brothers, said that the Holy Day organization is one of the greatest forces in our sacred world. The recruitment of disciples is extremely strict. Can the Yellow Brothers really go to the Holy Day organization this time?" I didn’t evade, I asked.

The sacred Dihuai heard the words and smiled: "Yes, the Holy Day organization recruits disciples is extremely strict. Even when I wanted to join, I failed."

"What?!" Zhang Wenyue, Xue Qi and others were shocked.

Huang Xiaolong was also surprised. He didn't know about it before.

“I am very surprised?” The sacred animal Dihuai smiled and said: “I have the top 100 sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac It’s hard to get into the holy day."

"Isn't that yellow brother, he?"

Although he does not know the specific talent of Huang Xiaolong, he knows that Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment, the Holy Pulse and the Eucharist are definitely not in the top 100.

The sacred Dihuai smiled and said: "Some things are not absolute. They have the top 100 sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs. St. Ge, the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist can't enter the Holy Day."

Feng Tianqi, Zhang Wenyue, Xue Qi, a few people in the clouds.

"Actually, the sacred sacredness, the Holy Venetian and the Eucharist are not the only criteria for measuring the organization of the Holy Land." The sacred Dihuai smiled and said: "The little guy of Huang Xiaolong, entering the Holy Day, is definitely no problem."

Of course, there is still a saying in the sacred animal Dihuai. With Huang Xiaolong’s talent, even if he is a teacher, there is no problem.

time flies.

Soon, half a year has passed.

In the past six months, Huang Xiaolong has already consolidated the realm of supremeity, and has reached the peak of the first step of the Supreme!

Huang Xiaolong was sitting in the secret room of the spaceship, and saw the golden seal of Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows. At this time, the golden light was turned into a strange symbol of the little finger.

This is the shape of the Holy Seal.

Under the urging of the imprint of the Holy Land, the golden energy of the road continued to roll down from the depths of the vast sky of the Holy Land, and then poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

This is the source of the Holy Land!

Under the infusion of the sacred powers of the sacred world, under the tempering, in the minds of Huang Xiaolong, the three sacred sacred sacred radiances shine with dazzling light, and the surface also has a layer of sacred light.

As for the three great veins in Huang Xiaolong's body, they are equally golden.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong stopped, and the seal of the Holy Life slowly narrowed down, faint, and returned to a small gold pattern.

"According to this, six years later, before rushing to the headquarters of the Holy Day, I should be able to reach the second-order late stage of the Supreme, the second-order late peak or even the third-order!" Huang Xiaolong thought.

He has a feeling that for up to ten days, he can break through to the middle of the Supreme.

This speed, if it was before, is unimaginable.

But after possessing the imprint of the Holy Life, plus the six elements of the Wan Zhuo Yuan Treasure, the speed of his cultivation has reached an astonishing degree. It is no exaggeration to say that the speed of his cultivation is now higher than that of Chiang. Heavenly talented disciples like this are going up a lot.

And this is the reason why he is now a sacred sage, and the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist are ranked in a thousand or so. If his enlightenment is holy, the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist are ranked one hundred, now, I am afraid that I have already reached the Supreme First Order, instead of The first stage of the first peak is over.

However, now, only after he has worshipped the Holy Day organization, he will find a way to evolve into a sacred sacred place, a holy pulse and a Eucharist.

On this day, the spacecraft stopped when it passed a holy place.

The sacred Dihuai and Huang Xiaolong and others came out.

Looking at the huge holy place floating in the vast sky of the Holy Land, the sacred Dihuai sighed with emotion: "The blink of an eye is 1.6 billion years."

1.6 billion years ago, he came to this sacred place, as if it was yesterday.

I don't know how old friends are doing now?

After a while, Di Huai retracted his thoughts and smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "Let's go, Huang Xiaozi, since passing by, I will take you to meet my old friend."

Then he took up the spaceship and took Huang Xiaolong, Feng Tianqi and others to fly to the front of the Emperor.

On the ship, Di Huai and Huang Xiaolong mentioned the sacred land of the Emperor, and also briefly mentioned some of the things he had stayed in the Holy Land of the Emperor.

Huang Xiaolong knows that the old friend in Dihuaikou refers to the sage of the Emperor of the Emperor.

However, when Huang Xiaolong and others just approached the Emperor's Holy Land, they were intercepted by the masters of the Emperor's Holy Land and then examined the identity of Huang Xiaolong and others.

Seeing the martyrdom of the Emperor's Holy Land, Huang Xiaolong and others were amazed, even the Holy Beast Dihuai was also very strange.

"Friends of the Sage Emperor?" Hearing the sacred beast, Dihuai claimed to be the friend of their sage, and the masters of the sacred sacred land looked at Dihuai with a look of suspicion.

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