Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2324: Master, you are here.

Falsification? In the face of Xie Yao’s questioning, Zhang Yuwen hesitated a moment and replied: “His Royal Highness, this, I have ordered the order of our Lord to come and guard the order of the scene.”

"Your lord?!" Li Wei, Xie Yao, and Chen Kaiping are all very surprised.

"Yes, our lord said, anyone who dares to interrupt this Huang Xiaolong's assessment will be dealt with according to felony!" Zhang Yiwen replied truthfully.

Xie Yao heard the words and sneered: "Is it handled as a felony? Then, if I interrupted the assessment of Huang Xiaolong, even I would be guilty of felony?"

Zhang Yuwen took a cold sweat and hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, I don't mean this."

In the same year, Xie Yao enlightened ten holy monuments, and was accepted as a pro-disciple by Wu Song, the main lord of the main hall. Xie Yao was the pro-disciple of their Wu Ge main hall, and they dare to deal with felony!

"It's not that good idea!" Xie Yao turned to the first time and said to the appraisal officer Zhou: "I still don't let this Huang Xiaolong stop the assessment! Is it not big enough for us to lose our face?"

If the appraisal officer Zhou was shocked, he quickly said: "Yes, Your Excellency Xie Yao."

However, at this time, the law enforcement hall Zhang Yiwen quickly slammed the appraisal officer Zhou Ruo, and suddenly said: "Slow!"

He remembered clearly that their lord had said before, if Huang Xiaolong’s assessment was interrupted, let him look up!

Xie Yao saw Zhang Yuwen even dare to stop, his face sinking: "Zhang Yuwen, you are holding your lord, so I am against you, I think I can't clean you?"

Zhang Yuwen’s face panicked and cried: “No, under the courtesy of Xie Yao, I have a hundred courage in Zhang Weiwen, and I dare not do it with you, thank you, our Lord, if Huang Xiaolong’s assessment is interrupted, let me mention Head to see, so please look down at the head of my worthless person, please don’t let the little ones!”

Li Wei, Lin Yijia, and Chen Kaiping face each other.

Looking at it?

"Is this really the command of your lord?" Li Wei asked.

"How can I deceive you under the command of Zhang Yiwen?" Zhang Yiwen hurryed.

Xie Yao brows.

This thing seems to be eccentric?

"Then I will wait for this Huang Xiaolong to finish the assessment, and then ask your lord to see how your temple owner explains?" Xie Yao cold channel.

Zhang Yiwen heard the words, the heart was relieved, and the forehead was all cold sweat.

He was really afraid that Xie Yao had interrupted the assessment of Huang Xiaolong.

In fact, Zhang Yiwen, Xie Yao and others do not know that even if the Supreme Palace of the Demon Palace led the army of the evil spirits, no one could interrupt the assessment of Huang Xiaolong.

In the deep space of the void, the high-ranking Long brother looked at Wu Song, the main hallkeeper behind him, and smiled: "Wu Ge, it seems that your disciple is quite worthy of the reputation of our holy day."

Wu Ge, the main lord of the Holy Day, has a tight body and a strong smile. He respectfully said: "The dragon is laughing and laughing. This kid is stunned. After I go back, I will reprimand and discipline it!"

God said indifferently: "It is time to discipline. However, the things of Xiaolong, which should be said, and which should not be said, the three of you should be clear."

Wu Ge, Yu Mingjiang, and Du Chengrui quickly crouched down.

"Please ask the four ancestors to rest assured that today, we will swear by the Holy Path and will never reveal a half sentence."

"Yeah." God is okay, let the three get up.

At this time, the heavy light from the heavenly bridge rises from the sky, and it shines hundreds of millions of miles high. There are countless holy shadows, and the shadow of the holy beast is like a tide. Half of the powerful people of Shengtiancheng have seen this strange and shocking heart. Scene.

The eleventh holy monument, enlightenment!

Even Xie Yao, Chen Kaiping is also one of the lost.

How many years have passed!

After Li Wei, someone finally realized the success of the eleventh holy monument again!

"It’s another 20 seconds? It’s not true.” Xie Yao sneered and said: "Otherwise, this kid has become a pro-disciple of the ancestors!"

According to the Holy Day, if you can enlighten the eleventh monument, you can be accepted as a pro-disciple by an ancestor of the Holy Day.

Any ancestor of the Holy Day can be the supreme being beyond the Holy Land!

Li Wei was a wrinkle. He had just used the ancient secrets of the ancients, and he could not find out what Huang Xiaolong had done in the end.

In the sound of everyone, Huang Xiaolong came to the twelfth monument.

Looking at the twelfth monument, Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath. This is the last one. If he can enlighten all the twelve monuments, then he can worship the four ancestors of the Holy Day. division!

That is to say, by then, he will become the only one of the Holy Day, who can be accepted as a pro-disciple by the four ancestors of the Holy Day!

Huang Xiaolong printed the palm of his hand on the twelfth monument, and began to sense the origin of the sacred world contained in the twelfth monument.

The original stunned square began to quiet down, and everyone stared at Huang Xiaolong and stared at the twelfth monument, for fear of missing any details.

Even if he thinks that Huang Xiaolong is falsifying Fu Yunjie, Feng Yuanyuan, Xie Yao and others, he is also staring at it for a moment.

A minute passed.

Another twenty seconds passed.

The monument is still not moving.

Two minutes later, the monument still did not move.

Just as Fu Yunjie wanted to scream, suddenly, the twelfth holy monument slammed, and the holy light was like a centuries-old centuries-old melting spurt, so it was so fierce, so Oh, so beautiful!

The entire holy city of heaven is illuminated by a bright light. This holy light even rushes out of the Holy Land of God and illuminates the vast starry sky outside the Holy Land.

The saints are sacred, surrounded by holy beasts

God looked at the shadow of the sky, and said to the handsome young man with blue eyes: "Chu Xiaozi, it seems that you still guess wrong, not twenty minutes, but two minutes!"

The handsome young man smiled bitterly: "I really doubt whether this kid is born out of the sacred origin."

"Wu Ge." God said: "The next thing will be handed over to you. Tomorrow, you will bring him to see us four."

Wu Ge, the main lord of the Holy Day, quickly respected and said: "Follow the four ancestors' decrees!"

The four figures disappeared, as if they had not been there.

After the four people left, Wu Ge took Yu Mingjiang, Du Chengrui walked out, and then came to the square.

Just then, Huang Xiaolong came down from the holy bridge.

"Little Dragon!" Di Huai suppressed the shock in his heart, smiled and closed his mouth, patted Huang Xiaolong's shoulder: "I know you can enlighten the twelve monuments!"

"Enlighten the twelve monuments?" Xie Yao Xie Yao came over, and then to the law enforcement hall of Zhang Weiwen: "Zhang Yuwen, since this Huang Xiaolong has been assessed, then you can catch people."

Zhang Yuwen hesitated: "This!"

"I told you to arrest people, did you hear?!" Xie Yaoyi said: "What happened, let your temple owner find me!"

In the distance, Fu Yunjie and Feng Yuanyuan saw this scene and could not help but gloat.

"Yes, Your Excellency Xie Yao!" Zhang Yiwen finally nodded.

Just when Zhang Yuwen was going to move forward, suddenly, a majestic voice snarled coldly: "Let's go, I see who dares!"

The sound is like a sacred robbery, and the square is slamming.

The people were taken aback and looked.

This look, Zhang Yiwen, Zhou Ruo and other people scared a big jump, even Xie Yao, Lin Yijia and so on.

"See you at the main hall of the main hall!" On the square, the disciples of the law enforcement temples all crouched in one place, and they shouted.

Zhang Yuwen, Zhou Ruo also fell down.

Li Wei, Lin Yijia, and Chen Kaiping also rushed forward.

In addition to Li Wei, Xie Yao, and Lin Yijia, the other core disciples are all in one place.

Fu Yunjie, Fan Xia, Feng Yuanyuan, Feng Cheng and others are also scared to hurry down.

"Master, you are coming." Xie Yao stepped forward and screamed: "Master, you are coming right. This is called Huang Xiaolong. I don't know what sorcerer I used. I practiced falsification. I learned the twelve saints in less than six minutes. The monument, the disciple wanted to stop the assessment, but did not expect the law enforcement hall owner to order the arrest, but also said who would dare to interrupt, on the felony disposal!"

However, he just said this, suddenly, "啪" a loud noise, then see Xie Yao was slap in the palm of his master Wu Ge.

Xie Yao was stunned.

Li Wei, Lin Yijia, the core disciples are stunned.

Zhou Ruo, Zhang Yuwen, the law enforcement disciples are stunned.

Fu Yunjie, Fan Xia, Feng Yuanyuan, and Feng Chengzhong were strong.

"Master." Xie Yao squinted, his face grievances, and he couldn't believe the Master who had always loved him. His master even fanned his face in public!

"Is it strange?" Wu Ge was indifferent and screamed: "Because it is the order I gave to the law enforcement temple!"

In fact, Wu Ge did not say a word, the real command is the four ancestors!

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