Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2325: I admire you too much.

Everyone stayed and was shocked.

It turned out to be the order of Wu Song, the main lord of the Holy Day? !

Wu Ge, the head of the Holy Day, personally ordered the law enforcement hall to maintain order, just to prevent people from interrupting Huang Xiaolong’s assessment. !

Even Xie Yao, Li Wei, Lin Yijia and others stayed.

"Master, Master, I, I don't know if you are." Xie Yao said, trying to argue.

"I don't know if it is me? I don't know if it is me, so you can be bold, you can ignore the rules of the Holy Day?" Wu Ge slammed his face again and said: "If it is not my order, you can not comply. Can destroy Sacred laws and regulations?!"

Wu Ge repeatedly yelled, let Xie Yao face ugly, panic, crouched down: "Master Mingchao, disciples have no such intentions, disciples are also out of the reputation of the Holy Day, so this is the case."

Li Wei also said: "Yes, Wu Ge, the main hallmaster, Xie Yao's younger brother did not ignore the meaning of the Holy Heaven. He did this, but also wanted to think about the Holy Day, please don't blame the Lord Wu Ge. Yao Shidi."

However, Wu Ge did not seem to hear Li Wei’s words. He said to Xie Yao, who was crouching on the ground: "You will go to the law enforcement hall in person, and bring the sin to the law enforcement temple, so that the law enforcement temple master can handle it according to law. How to judge it? How to judge!"

Xie Yao, Lin Yijia, the core son of the public, and the master of the heavens are not surprised, accidentally looked at Wu Ge.

Li Wei became the eleventh monument in the same year and became a pro-disciple of the ancestor of the ancestor. It was the first disciple of the Holy Day. His status was extremely high. Now Li Wei is open to pleading for Xie Yao. Wu Ge still insists on letting Xie Yao to the law enforcement hall to sin? !


Everyone's eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong again, Wu Ge did this, everything is because of Huang Xiaolong.

Is it? !

At this time, everyone saw Wu Ge come forward and came to Huang Xiaolong. The cold face that had previously been scorned by Xie Yao was changed into a smile. Wu Ge smiled and screamed at Huang Xiaolong: "Wu Gong Gongxi Huang Xiaolong's successful enlightenment Twelve monuments of the Holy Cross Bridge, He Xi Huang Xiaolong Gongzi, this is the first time in the history of my holy day to fully enlighten the twelve monuments of the Holy Cross!"

Li Wei, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia, Fu Yunjie, Fan Xia, Feng Yuanyuan, Feng Cheng and others were stunned.

"Cheng, success, all enlightenment?!" Fu Yunjie's eyes are wide, and the brain can't react for a while.

Then, Fu Yunjie’s body trembled fiercely. What does the main song of the Holy Land, Wu Ge, mean? !

Yes Yes Yes!

Huang Xiaolong successfully learned the twelve monuments!

Not fake? ! No falsification! Didn't use any magic? !

This is real!

Li Wei, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia, all the people on the scene were violently shaking all over the body, staring blankly at Huang Xiaolong, his face was furious, and even Li Wei, the first disciple who had enlightened the eleven monuments, changed his face.

Xie Yao, who had just interrupted Huang Xiaolong’s assessment, was even more complex, red and green, green and green, and endless.

At this time, the main hall of the examination hall, Yu Mingjiang, was also very excited to go forward. He was very excited. “Congratulations to Huang Xiaolong’s son to enlighten twelve monuments! This is our holy day! This is the blessing of our holy world! This is us. Fortunately, the Holy Land of God! This is our luck!"

Yu Mingjiang is excited to have a lot of luck.

However, it is the blessing of the Holy Spirit, the blessing of the Holy Land of God. This is true. It is only this holy world. What is it about you? What we are fortunate.

Fu Yunjie, Feng Yuanyuan and others were stunned to see the excitement of the sacred temple of Yu Mingjiang. The Yu Mingjiang almost had to leave Huang Xiaolong on the spot.

At this time, it was finally the turn to evaluate the Du Dianrui, Du Chengrui, and Du Chengrui stepped forward. He was so excited that he cried and wanted to hold Huang Xiaolong’s thigh, but he did not dare to hold it: “Huang Xiaolong, I, I am!”

What am I? Du Chengrui didn't know what to say to me at the moment, as if he had just said it to Wu Ge, Yu Mingjiang said.

"I admire you too much!" Finally, after a while, Du Chengrui exclaimed excitedly, he finally found what he wanted to say.

If the appraisal officer sees them in the examination hall seriously, the dull master of the temple, Yu Mingjiang, the deputy master Du Chengrui is excited, cute, and has not known where he is for a long time.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Yu Mingjiang and Du Chengrui looked like two people. It was also a little bit of laughter. Isn’t it just to enlighten the twelve monuments? That is less than six minutes.

Huang Xiaolong had to hold a fist to the three main lords of the Holy Land, Wu Ge: "The three adults, you don't have to, you have to enlighten the twelve monuments, nothing."

This is the true heart of Huang Xiaolong.

However, Wu Ge, Yu Mingjiang, Du Chengrui, and Li Wei, Xie Yao, Fu Yunjie and others listened, but almost fainted to the ground.

Have you enlightened twelve monuments? It's nothing?

Is this nothing? !

Wu Ge smiled bitterly: "Huang Xiaolong Gongzi, this is not for you, but for us, it is hard to go to heaven!"

The main hall of the examination hall, Yu Mingjiang, is also tight: "Yes, it’s true, Huang Xiaolong’s talent is unparalleled, and it’s a trivial matter to enlighten the twelve monuments. But if we don’t have good talents, we must enlighten the twelve holy places. The monument, that is, fishing at the bottom of the sea, it is impossible to do it."

At this time, the appraisal officer Zhou Ruo discovered that they had always been a dull evaluation of the hall of the temple, but they would also be flattering, and this flattering is very interesting.

Huang Xiaolong smiled.

"Huang Gongzi, you have to check and enlighten, you must be lacking, or else, you first moved to our holy heaven, rest in Shengtianfu?" Wu Ge asked Huang Xiaolong with a smile.

He is the Lord of the Holy Land, but he wants to ask Huang Xiaolong, a disciple who has not really joined the Holy Day.

From now until now, the smile on Wu Ge’s face has not been broken.

Seeing Wu Ge’s affection, Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment and nodded: "Alright."

Wu Ge sees Huang Xiaolong promised, his face is overjoyed: "Huang Gongzi, please!" Then lead the way, and ask Huang Xiaolong and Di Huai.

Was invited by Wu Ge, the head of the Holy Day, Huang Xiaolong was nothing, but Di Huai was flattered and even fluttered.

Li Wei, Xie Yao and others looked at Huang Xiaolong, Di Huai was Wu Ge, Yu Mingjiang, Du Chengrui Gong invited to Shengtianfu, complex complex, and Fu Yunjie, Feng Yuanyuan, Fan Xia, Feng Cheng four face gray.

Fan Xia’s heart burst into a panic and panic that had never been seen before.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was invited by Wu Ge and others to enter Shengtianfu, a group of people were rushing to the courtyard where Zhang Tianyue and others lived.

The leader is the son of a sacred son of Aoki.

Chen Gong said with a man next to him: "His Royal Highness Chen Xiaolong, who defeated the Honourable Fu Yunjie, if we take the few people under Huang Xiaolong to pay for His Royal Highness, Fu Yunjie is inevitably happy."

Chen Gong nodded and smiled. This is a good opportunity to please Fu Yunjie and climb the holy gate of truth.

Since Fu Yunjie enlightened seven holy monuments and soon became a disciple in the Holy Day, Chen Gong thought about what method to use to please Fu Yunjie. Later, he heard that Huang Xiaolong was the person who Fu Yunjie wanted to kill. The rushing rate of the crowd came to seal the sky, Zhang Wenyue lived in the yard.

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