Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2334: Apprentice ceremony is coming soon

Your Highness?

I heard the exclamation of the disciples who watched the war, and the punishment was a slap in the face, and then I laughed even more: "Boy, I didn't expect you to be the Highness of the Holy Day? Killing you, I am even dead!"

Speaking of this, the power of supreme is even more violent, the big knife screams in the hands, the big shock.


Finally, the big knife cut through the void and squatted behind the neck of Huang Xiaolong.

On the holy platform, the disciples of the disciples changed greatly, and even the elder Zhang Sijin who had blind worship of Huang Xiaolong changed his face.

But then the strange scene appeared. I saw that the big knife was on the back of Huang Xiaolong's neck. It didn't splash the blood column, and it didn't make a big noise, but it was inlaid. Huang Xiaolong's neck is like a super sponge. soft.

That punishment, a smile on his face, was a stiff smile.

how come?

At this moment, a tyrannical force came out from the back of Huang Xiaolong's neck. The tyrannical force made the prisoner's arm hurt, and the big knife in the hand was thrown away. The whole person could not help but go backwards and fell on the holy platform.

And Huang Xiaolong was only behind a neck in the middle of the neck, only a shallow knife mark, but the knife of the penalty one Dan did not scratch the skin of Huang Xiaolong.

"You!" Penalty Dan can't believe it.

At this time, the audience under the holy platform cheered up.

Even Zhang Sijin was relieved, touched his forehead, had a little sweat, and watched him scared, okay, nothing!

Huang Xiaolong turned around and looked at each other indifferently: "The vacuum sage, the power is really good, but unfortunately, your attack power is weak, and you can't break my defense."

In the past six months, Huang Xiaolong has swallowed up uninterruptedly, refining the enlightenment of nearly 100 demon disciples, the holy veins and the Eucharist, and Huang Xiaolong’s Eucharistic defense has reached an alarming degree.

Huang Xiaolong discovered that his sacred body is now soft and flexible, and it is just soft and soft. Not to mention the punishment of the first stage of the Supreme Fourth Order, it is difficult to break his defense.

However, the other side's vacuum, but Huang Xiaolong was somewhat surprised.

Just now the other side was in a vacuum, and even his soul could not sense the existence of the other party.

However, although this vacuum stag can make the other person's body in a vacuum, but this state can not last too long, each time up to a few seconds.

The penalty one Dan stood up and touched the blood of his mouth, his eyes were fierce: "Even if your holy body defense is amazing, then how can I not believe that your soul defense is equally astonishing." After that, the penalty one Dan disappeared again.

Another vacuum.

Huang Xiaolong did not dare to care, the three holy sacs, the three holy veins and the Eucharist simultaneously motivated.

At this time, suddenly, the punishment of a Dan once again appeared. This time it appeared on the left side of Huang Xiaolong. She turned into a magical creature between the body and the virtual body that burned the magic flame.


Her eyes flashed and she rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

In an instant, she wrapped up Huang Xiaolong.

The power of the amazing magical flames constantly rushes out from its body. This is the power of the sacred sacred pulse of the punishment of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred flame.

Under the flame of the fire of the sacred sacred veins, Huang Xiaolong felt that he had fallen into the melting of the earth core.

The disciples around the Holy Day are not in a tight heart.

But then, an amazing scene appeared, only to see the punishment of the fire of a dragon, the flame of the devil was actually swallowed up by what was in the body of Huang Xiaolong.

And the punishment of one Dan seems to have seen something horrible, and it flashed back.

But as soon as she flashed back, she felt a cold neck, and the punishment was a touch of blood. It was all blood. She couldn’t believe the Huang Xiaolong in front of her. I saw that Huang Xiaolong’s palm did not know when it had become a dragon claw. In an instant, she broke her defense and cut her neck.

She couldn't understand why the speed of Huang Xiaolong suddenly increased so much.

However, she didn't have time to think about it and retreat. Huang Xiaolong's dragon claws were easily worn through the chest heart and passed through.

Then, another dragon's paw of Huang Xiaolong shot down from the top of his head and took his head directly into the chest.

A few minutes later, Huang Xiaolong swallowed the sanctuary of the punishment, and then left the scene in the cheers of the disciple.

Back to the Chamber of Secrets, Huang Xiaolong began to refine the vacuum of the sacred sac and the sacred sacred veins.

The eyebrows of the eyebrows are shining, and the power of the sanctuary is rolling down.

Huang Xiaolong discovered that with the improvement of his strength, there is also the evolution of the holy sage, the holy veins and the Eucharist, and the sacred origin of the Holy Seal is becoming stronger and stronger.

Moreover, he refining the holy grate, the speed of the pulse is getting faster and faster.

A night passed.

When Huang Xiaolong woke up, he had completely refining the vacuum sacred sacred sacred sac.

"According to this speed, before the teacher's ceremony, you should be able to break through the fourth order of supreme." Huang Xiaolong thought.

Before, Huang Xiaolong was not sure, but now the sacred power of the Holy Land imprinted by the Holy Seal has increased dramatically. In the apprenticeship ceremony, there should be no suspense in breaking through the Supreme Fourth Order.

However, it is a pity that Huang Xiaolong has a pity that his enlightenment can be evolved by swallowing the other's sacredness, but it cannot integrate the sacredness of the other, such as the refining of the vacuum sac of the penalty, but But did not get the whole body in a vacuum.

"Then it will be challenged." Huang Xiaolong walked out of the Chamber of Secrets.

When Zhang Sijin, who was outside, saw Huang Xiaolong coming out, he couldn’t help but feel unexpected. In the past, it was only two days that Huang Xiaolong came out of the Chamber of Secrets.

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, are you this?" Zhang Sijin wondered.

"Zhang Sijin elders, help me continue to arrange today, I want to challenge the Cao process of the 3,621, Santa." Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly.

The Cao process, in the early fourth stage of the Supreme, has a 193-year-old sacred sacred sect and a 195th sacred sacred body.

Zhang Sijin listened to Huang Xiaolong to continue to challenge today, could not help but sigh, then nodded and nodded: "Well! I will arrange it!"

Huang Xiaolong wants to continue to challenge, he is happy.

In the next two months, Huang Xiaolong challenged a demon disciple every day, refining the holy grate, the holy vein, or the Eucharist of a demon disciple every day.

The evil demon disciples challenged by Huang Xiaolong are slowly elevating from the early fourth stage of the Supreme to the peak of the fourth stage of the Supreme, and even the fourth stage!

Two months later, Huang Xiaolong began to challenge the demon disciples who had a ranking of about 150 encyclopedias.

time flies.

Four months later, Huang Xiaolong began to challenge the enlightenment of the St.

When there were three days away from the apprenticeship ceremony, Huang Xiaolong received a call from the four ancestors of the Holy Day, which stopped the challenge and came out of the magic cave.

From the magic cave, Huang Xiaolong looked at the bright sunshine outside, watching the people outside coming to the strange streets, there is a feeling of being separated from the world.

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