Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2335: Controlling the Holy Land

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, let's go." After stopping for a while, a seemingly ordinary one-eyed old man behind Huang Xiaolong respectfully said.

This one-eyed old man, called Du Zhenjun, is the strongest under the seat of the Holy Father.

Legend has it that this singular prince was slain by dozens of holy places in the Holy Land. Later, it was the sacred ancestor of the Holy Land who came forward to save it. Later, this singular lord would play under the seat of God.

When Du Zhenjun came over, he ordered the order of God and came to pick up Huang Xiaolong.

Of course, this is also the meaning of the three ancestors of Chu Ba, Wu Lao, and Long Daren.

"Well, I am a true predecessor, let's go." Huang Xiaolong laughed.

The one-eyed old man alone is really quick to say: "After His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, you can call the name of the old slave."

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "I heard that the generals of Wu Ge’s main hall said that when they were the masters of the sacred princes, they were the masters of the sacred land, killing the blood into a river, and the sky was falling apart. Even the masters of Wu Ge’s main hall were sighed by the predecessors.

The one-eyed old man alone laughed and shook his hand: "It’s all old things, it’s not worth mentioning. It’s the exaggeration of the main hall of Wu Ge. It’s exaggerated.”

Because time is not tight, the two talked while walking.

The sacred beast of Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder is also a few words from time to time.

These days, the beasts of the sacred beasts are more shiny and bright, and they are dazzling.

Du Zhenjun looked at the colorful phoenix on the shoulder of Huang Xiaolong. His eyes were amazed and he said: "There is a colorful phoenix in the title of His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong? It is said that the sacred phoenix phoenix has been extinct. I did not expect that His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong has one."

"Nine-colored fox phoenix?" Huang Xiaolong accident, he was the first time to know that the sacred beast phoenix is ​​called Jiu Cai Fox.

Moreover, it is also the first time I heard the name of the colorful fox.

Du Zhenjun sees Huang Xiaolong's look and smiles: "It seems that before Huang Xiaolong's Highness, I don't know that this colorful phoenix is ​​a colorful phoenix? This nine-color fox is one of the top sacred beasts of the Holy Land. There are only two or three kinds of beautiful beasts, so the strength of His Royal Highness, Huang Xiaolong, is amazing when he grows up."

Huang Xiaolong could not help but be happy.

I did not expect Caifeng Xiaoji to have such a source.

Cai Feng Xiao Jiu Tian Gao is high, he is happy.

At this time, Cai Feng Xiao Jiutou looked up very high, and his face looked proud and proud.

Huang Xiaolong saw it and smiled: "I said small things, only to praise you two sentences, your head is up to heaven." Speaking of this, throwing a second world of spirits to Cai Feng Xiaojiu.

Cai Feng small nine mouth swallowed, rubbing the face of Huang Xiaolong with a small head, a look happy.

Huang Xiaolong and Du Zhenjun walked on the street and watched the strong and disciples from all the holy places coming and going. They said, "Is there a lot of holy places in this apprentice ceremony?"

Du Zhenjun smiled and said: "The four ancestors of the Holy Day are also a great event in the sacred world. There are so many holy places to come. These holy places are uninvited. As of today, there are already ten More than 30,000 sacred strongmen have come."

"Thirty thousand more holy places!" Huang Xiaolong was shocked, although many people were expected to come, but did not expect so much.

Du Zhenjun laughed and said: "There are still three days from the apprentice ceremony. In these three days, there will be more people coming here. I am afraid that 300,000 holy places will be reached at that time. Except for some extremely distant holy places, they can almost come. The Holy Land sent the strong to congratulate!"

"In addition to this, there are many wilderness races that have been hidden for many years, and the top family of the Holy Land has also sent people."

"At the time, St. Tiancheng was afraid that there would be no place to stand."

Du Zhenjun finally opened a joke.

Huang Xiaolong smiled.

"The people of the Qingxue Palace and the Holy Land Alliance have also come." Du Zhenjun said to Huang Xiaolong: "This time the Qingxue Palace and the Ten Great Lords of the Holy Land Alliance have come."

Speaking of this, Du Zhenjun said: "The Qingmei Palace Sanmei has also come. I also heard that Lin Xiaoying came here this time, but I came to see His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong. This Lin Xiaoying is very interested in His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong. ”

When Du Zhenjun said that at the end, his eyes smiled and his eyes were profound.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled: "Don Zhenjun's predecessors don't make fun of me. Qingxue Palace Sanmei is the best disciple of Qing Xuegong talent. It is normal to come with the Qing Xuegong Palace, this is how Lin Xiaoying May be specifically to see me."

Du Zhenjun smiled and said: "His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong really does not say that this time many sacred places, countless ancient races, countless ancient family saints, patriarchal daughters, daughters of the family have come, they are all running under the Yellow House Come, many saints, patriarchs, and homeowners also hope that these saints, their daughters can make good friends with His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong."

Listening to the truth of the truth, Huang Xiaolong was sweating.

He naturally understands what it means to be a good friend.

However, Huang Xiaolong also knows that Du Zhenjun is not all ridiculous. In his current capacity, those holy places are not allowed to send those saints to his arms.

Of course, this is not only because he will become a pro-disciple of the four ancestors of the Holy Day, but also because of his talent.

In terms of the evolutionary sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

A strong person who transcends the holy world deserves to be attached to any holy place, family, and race at any cost.

"That Huang Xiaolong's talent is so strong? It is not the Holy Day organization deliberately exaggerating its words. Even the four ancestors of the Holy Day to enlighten the 12 monuments of the Holy Cross Bridge, it is impossible to spend only five minutes, I do not believe that Huang Xiaolong The talent is stronger than the four ancestors of their holy day!" At this time, the former disciple shouted.

"That is, what is the strongest talent in the history of the sacred world? I don't want to say anything, I want to say that the talent of our master is not weaker than that of Huang Xiaolong!" A disciple around him has a channel.

Huang Xiaolong looked and saw a group of disciples dressed in dark gold robes. These disciples had a conspicuous pattern on the robes. On the pattern, an old man sat on the back of a Jinpeng sacred beast. .

"It is a disciple of the Holy Land Alliance to control the Holy Land."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, the Holy Land Alliance, which was jointly controlled by the ten strongest holy places. This control of the Holy Land is one of the ten holy places.

His talent has now spread. Some people even say that Huang Xiaolong is the most talented in the history of the Holy Land. This statement will certainly cause dissatisfaction and unhappiness in other holy places.

After all, among the great holy places, there are indeed talented and amazing sons.

It was called the master brother, and the words were lightly smiled: "Three days later, it was the teacher's ceremony. That Huang Xiaolong is not the strongest talent in the sacred world. It will soon be known."

The implication is that he does not agree with Huang Xiaolong’s so-called sacred world’s strongest talent.

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