Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2342: Let you have a good time

A powerful pressure from the control of the beast of the Son of Chen Chun came to a few people like a raging wave, to Feng Tianyu, Zhang Wenyue, Xue Qi three people.

Although Feng Tianyi is the supreme first step, but how to resist the power of Chen Chunlai's sons, suddenly fell from the seat and landed, and the mouth spurted blood, while Zhang Wenyue and Xue Qi both fled and landed. Bleeding.

The strong neighbors saw the situation and shook his head.

"A few days of slavery, even dare to provoke the control of the Holy Land, isn't that looking for death?"

At this time, in a VIP room, sitting on three women of peerless appearance, these three women, all dressed in snow white dress, it is the Sanmei of Qingxue Palace, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, Lin Xiaoying!

The three women are talking about the **** trials and suddenly heard a noise outside.

"What happened outside?" Holy, noble Tan Juan Liu Mei slightly wrinkled, but even if she frowned, it was beautiful and itchy.

"This is Tianxiang Tea House. Is there anyone else who is making trouble here?" Ji Xinyi was amazed.

"Go out and see it." Lin Xiaoying smiled thoughtfully.

Three women came out.

At this time, Yu Fujiang was looking at Feng Tianyu, Zhang Wenyue, and Xue Qi three: "Take up the holy spirit and jade, don't roll fast! If it is not in this day, the incense tea house, in this holy city, you have the opportunity to roll nothing."

As Yu Fujiang said, if it was in other places, the three people just died.

However, here is Tianxiang Tea House, which is Shengtiancheng. He is still scrupulous, especially after the incident happened yesterday.

The three women of Qingxue Palace came out, although they didn't know what was going on, but they probably guessed the beginning and end of the matter. When they saw several people in Fujiang, they actually oppressed a few days, and all three women were in a bad mood.

"Hey, isn't this in Fujiang? The chief saint of the sacred place of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priest." What is the kingdom of heaven?"

When everyone heard that someone was ridiculed in Fujiang, they were accidents and looked over.

"It is Sanmei of Qingxue Palace!"

Suddenly, some people recognized the three women, a strong commotion, some of the holy land of the male son is even more burning eyes, hot.

Yu Fujiang turned to see, it was the Qingmei Palace Sanmei, the original face's anger suddenly disappeared, filled with a smile: "It turned out to be Xiaoying Shimei, I was thinking about visiting Xiaoying Shimei in the past, I didn't want to be here. I met."

Lin Xiaoying's face is cold and cold: "Who is your sister, Yu Fujiang, I have told you many times before, you don't call me a sister, I know today, you still have such a domineering side." A nine-robbery and a half-sacred peak oppressed a few days.

If other people say this, Yu Fujiang has long turned angry, but in the face of Lin Xiaoying, Yu Fujiang is not a bit temper in the cartilage head, his face still smiles: "In fact, things are not Xiaoying Shimei and the two sisters thought ""

Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi did not speak to the two women.

Lin Xiaoying looked at Yu Fujiang coldly: "Yu Fujiang, I heard that you ignored the rules of the Holy City yesterday, shot in the Holy City, and later was taken to the ground by Huang Xiaolong, half-dead, and was also confined to the Holy Day. Dungeon, why, do you still want to be locked in?"

Lin Xiaoying knows that Du Zhenjun’s shot will be half-dead in Fujiang, but it is deliberately said to be Huang Xiaolong.

Listening to Lin Xiaoying’s mention of yesterday’s incident, and deliberately said that he was half-dead by Huang Xiaolong, and he smiled on the face of Fujiang: “Xiao Ying’s sister, I will visit you and two sisters again in the next day.” Staying, and walking with the saints in the holy land of the beast.

Continue to stay, it is difficult to protect Lin Xiaoying will not say more difficult to listen to.

Seen in Fujiang, a few people sneak away, Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, Lin Xiaoying, three women look at Feng Tianyi, Zhang Wenyue, Xue Qi three.

"Are you okay?" Ji Xinyi said with a warm voice. Ji Xinyi's voice is extremely soft and warm, and there is a kind of affection that makes people feel annoyed and calm down.

"Thank you for the three girls to help each other." Feng Tianqi, Zhang Wenyue, Xue Qi three get up, swallow the next drug, thank you.

"You're welcome." Lin Xiaoying's three women saw Feng Tian three people nothing, they turned back to the VIP room.

The three people of Feng Tianyi did not stay, and when they came out of the restaurant, they returned to the palace of Shengtianfu.

After the wolverine left the tea house, Yu Fujiang walked out of Xu Yuan, and took a breath of breath, his face slowly gloomy.

I didn't expect the recent mildews to come, and even the Tianxiang Tea House came across this anecdote, and it was ugly in front of Lin Xiaoying.

"Look at the people who are the slaves of the three low-lying slaves!" Yu Fujiang's eyes are cold: "I want to know who their owners are."

Chen Chunlai, the son of the control beast, immediately understood the meaning of Yu Fujiang: "When the masters thought of it, they even packed up with their masters?"

Yu Fujiang said coldly: "Yes! If it weren't for the three of them, I wouldn't have made a foreign appearance in front of Xiaoying's sister, but cleaning up the three low-ranking slaves is not enough to let me vent."


It didn't take long for the three people to return to the palace of the Holy Land.

"Who is it?" Huang Xiaolong saw the three men who were wounded and returned, and his face sank.

"It is the holy land of the beast, Yu Fujiang!" Feng Tianyi, Zhang Wenyue did not conceal.

"Yu Fujiang!" Hearing that it was in Fujiang, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were cold and his heart was killing.

Later, the three people of Feng Tianyi said things to Huang Xiaolong.

At the end of the hearing, the Qingmei Palace Sanmei shot the danger of the three men of Feng Tianyu. Huang Xiaolong had some accidents: "Snow Palace Sanmei?"

Feng Tianxiao smiled and said: "Yes, that Lin Xiaoying also mentioned you." When it came to this, Lin Xiaoying was lower than Fujiang at that time and said to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong listened to Lin Xiaoying deliberately said that he would be half-dead in Fujiang, and some were speechless.

"The son, the sacred place to control the beast?" Zhang Wenyue succumbed.

"Do not worry, this thing will not be so calculated." Huang Xiaolong Shen Sheng.

Next, Huang Xiaolong and Di Huai healed the three men.

In Huang Xiaolong's treatment of the three men in the Tianfeng, Yu Fujiang people searched for the results of the three people.

"What?! The three low-lying slaves are the people of Huang Xiaolong?!" Yu Fujiang face ugly.

Chen Chunlai, the son of the beast, and Xu Dan’s face changed.

"Master, you said, we used to be like the three slaves, will Huang Xiaolong?!" Chen Chunlai’s voice panicked.

"What is panic!" Yu Fujiang replied: "Why is Huang Xiaolong going to catch you for a few minions? Don't forget your identity! Moreover, Huang Xiaolong is not a disciple of the four ancestors of the Holy Day!"

A few people from Chen Chunlai calmed down.

"Go, let Liang Qin's younger brother call me over!" Yu Fujiang smiled coldly: "Huang Xiaolong! The day after tomorrow, I will let you have a good time!"

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