Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2343: Festival

Two days passed quickly.

The apprentice ceremony arrived.

On this day, every corner of the Holy City, every place is shaking.

Yes, it is vibration.

Throughout the Holy City, there are nearly 300,000 holy places from the Holy Land, countless top ancient families, and hundreds of top-ranking ancient races are coming to the Tianshan Mountain of the Holy Sky.

This apprentice ceremony was not held in Shengtianfu, but in the highest mountain of Shengtiancheng, and also the largest mountain in Shengtiancheng, which was held in Tianshan!

Although the sacrifice of the Tianshan Mountains is extremely high, there are countless palaces built on it, but the palace is still packed quickly.

The mountains are full of people.

Even the mountains around the Tianshan Mountains, surrounded by the sea, are full of people.

Qingxue Palace is one of the top four forces in the Holy Land. The palace is arranged in the layer that is closest to the top of the mountain.

Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, and Lin Xiaoying are standing on the palace at the top of the Tianshan Mountain, overlooking the scenery of the entire Holy City.

Ji Xinyi saw Lin Xiaoying's eyes staring at the direction of the mountain in a blink of an eye. He couldn't help but smile: "What are you looking at? With such a god, Huang Xiaolong is estimated to wait until he arrives."

Lin Xiaoying took a sip, and the pretty face was quite delicate: "Who said that I was watching him, he is not me."

Tan Juan said: "A few days ago, in Fujiang, he was half-dead by the singer, and more than a dozen sons of the beast were detained. I heard that the saint of the saint, Shen Jiewen, told the sorcerer that this is a bad breath, and told Liang Qin that he was trying to learn from it today. Shoot."

Lin Xiaoying's pretty face changed: "Isn't Huang Xiaolong not very dangerous?"

Tan Juan Jiaoran smiled: "The danger is not enough. Even if the saints who control the saint Shen Jiewen think of this bad breath again, they don't dare to let Liang Qin seriously hurt Huang Xiaolong. He just wants that Liang Qin let Huang Xiaolong be in front of the powerful. I went out of my face and lost my face. I heard that." Speaking of this, I stopped.

"What do you stop talking about?" Lin Xiaoying asked tightly.

"I heard that he asked Liang Qin to play Huang Xiaolong in public today." Tan Juan said truthfully.

"What?!" Lin Xiaoying said with a pretty face: "This is the saint who dares to control!"

Ji Xinyi and Tan Juan looked at each other and smiled. Ji Xinyi smiled and said: "I said Xiaoying Shimei, you are not saying that Huang Xiaolong is not you. Why are you so concerned about him?"

Lin Xiaoying whispered: "Who said that I care about him, I am just angry and that the control of the beast of the beast is doing this. It is not worthy of contempt. It is better than the test. This is the point to the end. Now, the control of the beast is to deliberately make Huang Xiaolong embarrassed. This is not what is mean!"

"That Huang Xiaolong has a sacred sect that can be evolved, but everyone knows that his current sacred sage is the sacred sacred sage, and how Huang Xiaolong is now the Liang Qin opponent."

Listening to Lin Xiaoying said angrily, and Ji Xinyi and the two women even covered each other.

"I still don't care about Huang Xiaolong, otherwise, you are so excited, what are you so angry about?" Tan Juan smiled.

At this time, suddenly, there was a strong turmoil in the lower half of the mountain.

"It is Your Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!"

"Huang Xiaolong is here!"

In the crowd, the voice is constantly coming out.

The three women went to see each other and then looked at them in the direction of everyone.

I saw a sword brow, a star, and a beautiful young man flying from the middle of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The person who came is Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong is behind the Wu Song, the main lord of the Holy Land. Next to Huang Xiaolong, he is the master of the Holy Heaven, and the core disciples such as Shengtian Li.

Even if Huang Xiaolong is surrounded by the sacred heavenly masters and the core disciples, the unique temperament of Huang Xiaolong can still give people a sense of standing out from the crowd.

"He is Huang Xiaolong?!" Far away, Lin Xiaoying looked at Huang Xiaolong, the eyes of the eyes flashed, the world and the earth, as if everything else disappeared, she could even hear the wind around Huang Xiaolong, the wind is far away, from It slowly blows over there.

"This Huang Xiaolong fruit is really not handsome." Ji Xinyi saw Lin Xiaoying's look and smiled: "That is too much in Fujiang than Huang Xiaolong."

Lin Xiaoying’s eyes: "Ji Shijie, can you not take Fujiang and Huang Xiaolong."

Ji Xinyi hurryed: "Don't take Fujiangbi, Li Wei is much worse than Huang Xiaolong."

"This is almost the same." Lin Xiaoying laughed.

Tan Juan covers her mouth and smiles.

"Hey, the three people, isn't the day before the incense tea house?" Ji Xinyi suddenly said, one finger to Huang Xiaolong's Feng Tianyi, Zhang Wenyue, Xue Qi three.

This time, the apprentice ceremony, Di Huai, Feng Tianyi, Zhang Wenyue, and Xue Qi also followed.

"Really!" Lin Xiaoying was also an accident.

"It seems that those people are the ones under Huang Xiaolong's sire." Tan Juan felt a move and laughed at Lin Xiaoying: "Xiao Ying's sister saved the person under Huang Xiaolong the day before yesterday. It seems that she really has a relationship with Huang Xiaolong."

Ji Xinyi smiled and said: "After the teacher's ceremony, Huang Xiaolong will come over and thank Xiaoying Shimei."

When the three women talked and laughed, Huang Xiaolong, Wu Ge and others passed through the palace of Qingxue Palace. The three women stood before the gate of the Palace Palace, which was particularly conspicuous.

"It's three snows!"

The core disciples of the Holy Day are both eyes.

The core disciple Lin Yijia smiled at Li Wei: "Li Wei, brother, is Tan Juan's sister!"

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but look at the past, and the three women looked at each other. Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were smiling, and the three women nodded slightly to show their gratitude. Tianxiang Tea House, the three women solved the danger of the three men, but these two days he In order to prepare for the teacher's ceremony, I have not thanked the three women.

The three women glanced, and then nodded slightly, and then gave a slight gift to the Lord of the Holy Land, Wu Ge.

In the distance, in the Palace of the Holy Land Alliance, Yu Fujiang looked at this scene in the dark, watching Huang Xiaolong in the crowd, and Huang Xiaolong, who was attracted by countless strong people, could not help but smile.

"Now let you enjoy the scenery, wait for you to cry, you can't cry." Yu Fujiang sneered.

Coming to the Tianshan Mountain, it is a huge flat square with tens of thousands of miles. The square is cast with the holy spirit and jade. These holy spirits and jade are all five or more!

The spirit of the Holy Spirit rises.

In the center of the square, there is a large altar that occupies thousands of miles. Every three layers of the altar are engraved with a large array of holy spirits. The blank of the Holy Spirit's rune is a head sacred beast. Pattern.

Dihuai stayed under the altar, and Huang Xiaolong, Wu Ge, Li Wei and Sheng Tianzhong masters went to the altar.

However, the lord of the Holy Day, as well as Lin Yijia, Li Yao, and Chen Kaiping, the core son remained on the first floor of the altar. Wu Ge and Li Wei stayed on the second floor. Only Huang Xiaolong alone went up to the highest. The third layer.

After a while, the Qingxue Palace and the Holy Land Alliance masters began to enter the mountain square, followed by the Qing Dynasty, the holy land of the Holy Land, the ancient family, the ancient race strong.

However, in addition to the Qingxue Palace and the Holy Land Alliance masters, other holy sites, major ancient families, ancient races, each force can only send three people into the foothills square.

This is the case, the square below the altar is still quickly filled, and the strong parties are arranged in an orderly manner.

(The power outage today can only be one more, and the official ceremony begins tomorrow.)

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