Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2468: Huang Xiaolong VS Xiao Baili

The third enlightenment!

When Huang Xiaolong’s third enlightenment was flying out of the moment, Dou Rui, Xie Yao, the voice of the saints’ disciples stopped, the time seemed to be stagnant, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be still at this moment.

Everyone was stunned and watched the third sacred sac that slowly flew out.

Looking at the magic light of the third holy galaxy, the magic light, at this moment, brightens everyone's eyes!

Look at the shadows of countless ancient gods and the billions of great devils who are facing the third saint.

Everyone is breathing!

For a moment, I don’t stare at the third sacred sacred sac, and the third sacred sac is the only one between heaven and earth!

"Three or three enlightened sages!" Xie Yao trembled with his tongue. When he finished, his tongue groaned and his chest moved up and down at two points. He reached the lower body and swung left and right.

Three enlightened saints!

When the third sacred sacred sky flew high, and the double-headed dragon sacred, and the celestial buddha sacred together, the humming sound, like countless sun explosions, the light instantly filled the entire mirage, spread To the vast sky of the Holy Land, the terror stream is spinning, stirring, unscrupulous, screaming, screaming!

Tan Juan looked at the three sacred stagnations in a sluggish manner, and did not know what was screaming in her mouth.

As for Lin Xiaoying and Ji Xinyi, there are no voices, and their eyes are round and round. It seems to be clear about what is in front of you?

And Li Wei, who retreated backwards and again, only felt that there was something stuck in his chest. What pressed it and seemed to have suffered internal injuries?

The saints' white Mo Yang, the Holy Land Alliance, Xuan Xuan, Shen Jiewen and others were also hit hard, and their faces began to turn white!

Breaking your eyes and splitting: "This is impossible! Impossible!"

Three great sages!

The Holy Land has never appeared.

What makes him crazy is that this is the three sacred sects that can evolve! Huang Xiaolong actually has three great sages! He has a feeling of dying.

Originally, the two-headed dragon, the sacred sage and the sacred bodhisattvas, were crushed by the black silence of the sacred sage and the sacred sacred sacredness of the sacred sacred sacred, as the soft and tender branches swaying in the storm, as if they were to be crushed at any time. However, when Huang Xiaolong’s third sacred sacred singularity flew out, the three sacred sacs were juxtaposed, and the three sacred sacred sacs were completely integrated. Suddenly, the two-headed dragon sage and the sacred buddhas of the heavenly buddha screamed, and the breath suddenly soared.

The three sacred sacred sacred, intertwined atmosphere, even faintly contend with the dark silence of the holy grid and the too clear and holy St.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows imprinted with radiance, the power of the sacred world was rolling down, roaring and jubilant, such as hundreds of millions of horses galloping, such as hundreds of billions of drums, the inexhaustible source of the sanctuary was poured into the three major pilgrimages. grid.

The atmosphere of the three sacred sects rose again, and steadily slammed the black and sacred sage and the sacred sage of the Qingming!

Originally holding hands, confident, full of face, a face of victory in the saints Xiao Baili, the face is not smiling, the hands behind him loosened, he stared at the three big sages of Huang Xiaolong, staring deadly There is only a shock on my face.

After the shock, his eyes looked at Huang Xiaolong intricately.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that what he said was ridiculous? Just now, he said that Huang Xiaolong is still his opponent today?

Perhaps, from beginning to end, Huang Xiaolong has been watching his own jokes.

He took a deep breath, his hands flashed, two swords appeared, the left sword was dark, and the right sword was bright.

"It is the black sword of the silent saint, and the holy light sword of the saint!"

"How is the Black Sword in the hands of Xiao Baili?!"

Everyone was embarrassed.

Black Sword, the only sabre of the black and sage in the past, even in the hands of Xiao Baili?

“Is Xiao Baili getting all the inheritance of the black and silent saints?” The audience was amazed.

Huang Xiaolong is staring at Xiao Baili, his eyes are open to thinking light.

At this moment, suddenly, Xiao Baili drank, the black silence sword and the holy light sword suddenly smothered to Huang Xiaolong, suddenly, Jianguang sky, dark and light alternate.

When the darkness and the light alternate, it is like falling from the extreme moment into the bottomless black belt, giving people a sense of visual illusion and soul, which makes people feel fascinated.

"This is the black sword of the black sage!"

"There are also the extremely swordsmanship of the saints! Xiao Baili has learned both swords, and even combined the two swords, one heart and two uses, and at the same time, it is equivalent to two Xiao Baili combined! The Black Sword and the Holy Light Sword are high-level sacred devices. Hey, it seems that the deer is not necessarily a hand!"

The demon palace, the holy land alliance, the black sui nationality, the Tibetan sword holy land, the ancient sage masters have eyes and eyes, originally, Huang Xiaolong's three sacred sages plus the holy seal, Xiao Baili fell, but now everyone sees Xiao Baili actually held the black silence sword and the holy light sword. At the same time, he applied the black sword method and the extreme sword method. The people could not help but change their views.

Now, whoever loses and wins is not necessarily.

Seeing Xiao Baili's double-sword attack, Huang Xiaolong did not dare to care. The pterosaur sacred ship flew out. Then, the pterosaur sacred ship became a pterosaur sacred sacred, worn on Huang Xiaolong.

The wings of the pterosaur sacred ship are unfolded on the back of Huang Xiaolong, like two huge dragon wings, and the edge is extremely incomparable. At the same time, Huang Xiaolong spurred the dark holy enchantment defense of the dark sacred ring.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly, and his left hand took a shot. I saw that countless dragons were born from the left hand palm of Huang Xiaolong, forming a dragon country, Qinglong Huashui, Jinlong Yujin, and the fire dragon turned into a sea of ​​fire.

One dragon country, the horror of the horror dragon.

"Dragon Yuan Shengshi!"

The ancestor of the Holy Dragon!

Once again, I saw the dragon's prosperity, and everyone couldn't help but feel the inner shock.

Many people still saw it for the first time.

Then, Huang Xiaolong’s right fist was gripped, and he suddenly banged out and banged!

When Huang Xiaolong slammed his right fist, all the corners of the mirage in the city had a strange chill. This coldness seemed to penetrate the bone marrow of the people, deep into the soul and deep into the soul.

Huang Xiaolong’s right fist boxing force has passed, and everything has turned into darkness. The darkness of Huang Xiaolong is different from the darkness of Xiao Baili’s black sword method. The darkness of Xiao Baili’s black sword method is pure darkness, black to the extreme, but Huang Xiaolong The darkness is the darkness of the chilly, as if all hope, all life is frozen in the darkness of Huang Xiaolong.

Although the darkness of Xiao Baili is horrible and murderous, it is short-lived.

However, the darkness of Huang Xiaolong is constantly unfolding, and it is constantly evolving, as if it is going to be one age after another.

"Black Age!"

"It is the avenue of the Holy Day!"

Some masters recognized it and exclaimed.

That's right, it is the avenue of Huang Xiaolong's master Wu Lao, the black dynasty!

To the yin to the cold, the darkness is boundless, claiming to freeze all the light and devour all the vitality of the dark age.

Xiao Baili has the black and lonely swordsmanship of the black sage, the sacred swordsmanship of the saints, and Huang Xiaolong has the dragon Yuan Shengshi and the black dynasty era!

Huang Xiaolong’s Long Yuan Sheng Shi and Hei Ming Era met almost the same time with Xiao Baili’s Extreme Sword and Black Sword.

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