Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2469: Did not kill Xiao Baili

Hey! Suddenly blast!

I saw Xiao Baili's extremely arrogant sword and Huang Xiaolong's Dragon Yuan Shengshi collided with each other, splashing a burst of radiance, extremely arrogant, tearing open one after another dragon country, a head dragon is constantly being stunned in the sword Strangled.

However, when Xiao Baili was extremely arrogant and opened one after another, the dragon head was annihilated, and the dragon king was born in the hands of Huang Xiaolong.

Long Yuan Sheng Shi!

The dragon country is multiplied, like a weed, inexhaustible, and it never dies!

However, Xiao Baili's extremely strong swordsmanship has been weakened after opening one dragon after another.

And Xiao Baili’s black sword method collided with Huang Xiaolong’s black ecstasy. There was no amazing explosion and no loud air. There was only a burst of black light that drove up like a lake.

A loud voice continued to ring.

Black Silent Swords constantly breaks through the space of the Black Age, constantly smashing the yin to the cold of the Dark Ages, but no matter how the Black Swords breaks the space of the Black Age, how to break the Black Age Extremely cold, the Dark Age is still extending, still exists in one infinite time and space, only the Black Age is still there, and the darkness of the Dark Ages is boundless.

Inexhaustible, killing!

At the end of the day, the black silence was slower and slower, and eventually it was frozen by the Black Age.

But Huang Xiaolong’s dragon Yuan Shengshi is still in full bloom! Huang Xiaolong’s Black Age is still extending.

Looking at one after another, the dragon country is flooding, watching the black dynasty era smash into the air, Xiao Baili's face changes greatly, the head is too clear, the holy sage and the black silence sage are running wildly, extremely bright and black. The light of the heart is blooming, the power of heaven and earth is extracted, and the infinite light and darkness are pouring down.

He waved his hand in the Light Sword and the Black Sword and tried to stop Huang Xiaolong's Dragon Kingdom and Black Age.


It seems as if the giant is knocking on the earth.

Huang Xiaolong’s Dragon Kingdom and Black Emperor’s Era were slammed on the Holy Light Sword and the Black Sword.

Xiao Baili only felt the horror of the terror.

This horrible force is bigger than he imagined, so that he could not help but retreat in his body, and his footsteps continued to move backwards in the ring, and he had retreated to the edge of the ring.

In his hands, the Holy Light Sword and the Black Silent Sword trembled as if to leave at any time, and Xiao Baili’s eyes were scared, only to feel that his arms completely lost consciousness.

This is the power of Huang Xiaolong? Horror!

With his current combat power, holding the Holy Light Sword and the Black Sword, you can kill many of the Eight-Robber and the Holy Son, even if you face the ordinary nine-robbery and half-sacred, you can also contend with it, but Huang Xiaolong gave it to him. Feeling is, can't compete! Huang Xiaolong’s combat power has already reached this point!

Just when he was shocked, suddenly, the dragon wing opened behind Huang Xiaolong, and the dragon wing spurred into a myriad of dragon feather swords. He attacked him and went underground. He completely blocked his retreat.

Then, the dark sacred swords of Huang Xiaolong's dark sacred sacs burst out, and countless dark sacred swords screamed loudly, and it was overwhelmed.

Xiao Baili’s eyes flashed in horror.

"This Xiao Baili is going to be defeated?" Dou Rui brows and wrinkles, and the evil is extraordinary.

Evil is not a sigh, did not say anything, he is in a complicated mood, at the same time clenched his fists, the heart is killing, the blood is trial, Huang Xiaolong must die! Can't let Huang Xiaolong grow up anymore!

Li Wei looked at Xiao Baili, who had already fallen into desperation. His heart was disappointed even more. Even Xiao Baili had to be defeated. When the time comes to an end, does he want to give Huang Xiaolong a sole in public? !

Li Yu repented and complained. If he knew that Huang Xiaolong had three big sacred sects and had evolved to such a degree, he would not bet on Huang Xiaolong.

If even Xiao Baili is defeated, then no one is actually Huang Xiaolong’s opponent. Four robbers and half saints, who else is Huang Xiaolong’s opponent? Although there are still no challenges in the Alliance of Sacred Land and the League of Tibetan Swords, if Xiao Baili is defeated, the end of the challenge to the disciples of the Holy Land Alliance and the Tibetan Sword League can also be foreseen.

Just when everyone thought that Xiao Baili would be pierced by Huang Xiaolong’s dragon feather sword and dark holy sword, suddenly, Xiao Baili’s body burst into a mysterious dark light.

This group of dark light, black as paint, is constantly squirming, people are daunting and chilling, as if the dark light in this group is bred with peerless horror.

The darkness is in front of Xiao Baili.


I saw Huang Xiaolong’s dragon feather sword hitting the dark light, making a loud noise, then reversing back to Huang Xiaolong, and the dark holy sword slammed on it, also like a blisters, bursting open, disappearing without a trace .

Huang Xiaolong’s Long Yujian returned to the back of Huang Xiaolong, but the amazing anti-shock power also shocked Huang Xiaolong back a few steps.

Mutations in front of me make everyone stunned.

At this time, the darkness of the group was shrunk back into Xiao Baili's body, disappearing without a trace, as if it had never existed.

The people were amazed.

"There is no ancient man before Huang Xiaolong's talent, and he will admit defeat!" Xiao Baili hugged his hand to Huang Xiaolong, and then he did not wait for everyone to react. He received two big holy characters and then jumped down the platform.

"Master!" Xiao Baili bowed to Bai Moyang: "The disciple is incompetent, can't!"

Bai Moyang interrupted his hand and smiled. "Nothing, victory or defeat is a common occurrence." Speaking of this, and then with the major sacred landlords, the chiefs of the great patriarchs, they took the boxing with Xiao Baili and the saints. .

Everyone looked at each other and no one thought that it would be the result.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the Xiao Baili who had left, his eyes flashing, and the dark light that appeared last was the terrorist power that his three holy souls had sensed in his body. However, Xiao Baili could not control this power. Baili urging this power has already been countered, and the counter-attack is not light. Bai Moyang took it away, naturally he was anxious to go back and repair for Xiao Baili.

Did not kill Xiao Baili, this result, Huang Xiaolong is not unexpected, at the beginning, Huang Xiaolong has already expected this result.

"Sister, the dark light that appeared in Xiao Baili's body is really strange. Do you see anything?" Lin Xiaoying asked Tan Juan.

Tan Juan shook her head: "What is specific, it is not clear, but this power is not Xiao Baili, Xiao Baili can not control this power, and finally he urged this force, has been countered!"

Like Lin Xiaoying and Tan Juan, the other powerful parties are also whispering to talk about the darkness of the darkness that appears in Xiao Baili.

Next, it is the Tibetan Swords, the Southern Wilderness, the Scorpio, the Ancient Zen, the Desert, the Devil, and other disciples selected by more than a dozen ancient holy places and hidden families.

However, these disciples are not as lucky as Xiao Baili. When they come up, Huang Xiaolong is not polite, and has launched a storm-like strong attack. Even the Long Yuan Sheng Shi and the Black Age are out. These disciples have no chance to breathe. They have been solved by Huang Xiaolong.

The same is true of the 50 disciples of the Ten Holy Lands, such as the Seventh Holy Land of the Holy Land Alliance. It has become a major tonic for the three evolutions of Huang Xiaolong.

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