Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2478: Your Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong really wants to see me?

Zeng Ze smiled and nodded: "If this is the case, I would recommend it to the prostitute, but in order to prepare for the blood test, His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong has been retiring since he returned six years ago. He does not see outsiders, even many holy landlords can't see it. His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, so whether or not Huang Xiaolong sees a prostitute, I can't guarantee it."

Ji Xingxi said: "Uncle Zeng Ze can refer to a prostitute, and the prostitute is extremely grateful. How dare to hope that His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong must summon a prostitute."

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong and Ji Cai and his party came to the Blue Dragon House.

After the Lanlong House was purchased by Huang Xiaolong for several trillions of dollars, it took another big price to invite the Lanlong House to be transformed. The entire Blue Dragon Palace is magnificent, and the Holy Spirit is compelling. It is standing in the Blue Dragon House. In front of the gate, you can feel the enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit in the Blue Dragon House.

Moreover, the entire Blue Dragon House, the momentum of the sky, and the integration of the entire Holy City, is the high-level power of the Holy Land, and do not dare to be heart-wrenching.

Ji Cai looked at the blue dragon house in front of her eyes, and her heart was shocked.

"This is the Blue Dragon House of His Royal Highness?" Ji Cai was dumb.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled: "Yes, this is the Blue Dragon House."

"Let's go, let's go in."

"Big brother, do we really need to report it?" Ji Cai asked in confusion, she looked at the gate of the Blue Dragon House. At this time, the gate of the Blue Dragon House was open, and there was no guard in front of the gate.

"No need to report." Huang Xiaolong laughed, he needs to report when he returns home.

Then, Huang Xiaolong took Yu Ming, and went straight to the gate of the Blue Dragon House from the Sword Saint.

Ji Caiyi, followed up, the old guardian Chen is looking at Huang Xiaolong with amazement, Blue Dragon House is the residence of His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong! Into the Blue Dragon House does not need to be notified? Ji Cai’s heart is simple, but he didn’t think about it in other ways, but his experience was not as simple as Ji Cai.

After he followed Ji Cai, he walked into the blue dragon palace door with amazement.

"His Royal Highness, you are back!" At this time, several guards in the Blue Dragon House saw Huang Xiaolong coming back, and hurryed down to worship and worship.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and let the guards get up.

These guards were exactly selected by Wu Ge.

Ji Cai was awkward and asked: "Big brother, are you your Highness? Is it the patriarch of the ethnic group before you worship the Holy Day?"

Some ancient people, the people of the family are also called the young patriarchs by His Royal Highness.

The old guards of Chen Baowei listened to the guards who respected Huang Xiaolong as their Highness, but they were shocked by the whole body. They looked shocked and their minds banged. They looked at Huang Xiaolong with a straight eye: "You, you are really my sister Huang Xiaolong?!"

Not the same name? !

The Holy Day organization, only the core Son or the ancestor's pro-disciple, was honored as His Royal Highness, and the entire Holy Day organization, the core Son or the ancestor's pro-disciple, there is only one Huang Xiaolong! It is impossible to have the same name!

"What is really Huang Xiaolong's Highness?" Girl Ji Cai looked at Chen Weiwei behind him, doubts.

Huang Xiaolong smiled at the old guardian Chen: "I said, I am Huang Xiaolong."

The old guardian Chen trembled, and quickly crouched down, sincere and fearful: "Chen Baozhen sees His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, previously did not know the identity of His Royal Highness, Huang Xiaolong, His Highness!"

He only felt sweat on his forehead.

Previously, he even suspected that Huang Xiaolong had no plans, and maybe even colluded with Ji Yu and others.

The girl Ji Caimu stunned and looked at Chen Baozhen, who was lying on the ground. At this time, even if she had a simple mind, she knew who the big brother was.

"You, Huang, His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong?!" The girl Ji Caimei is pure, and the cherry mouth is big.

"Princess, can't be rude." Chen Baozhen saw it and hurryed.

The girl Ji Cai responded and crouched to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and raised the girl. He smiled and said: "Get up, you will call my big brother later, and the name will be called."

Then, Huang Xiaolong let Chen Bao get up again.

However, Huang Xiaolong just raised the girl Ji Cai, she suddenly went to Huang Xiaolong, and this time is holding Huang Xiaolong's thigh, crying hard, how much strength will cry, and Huang Xiaolong dumbfounded.

Yu Ming, Chen Zhi, the sword saint, and Chen Baozhen are also dumbfounded.

Chen Baozhen stunned and frightened to help the girl Ji Cai, but Huang Xiaolong shook his hand and gestured to nothing. At this time, the girl Ji Cai cried intermittently and said her own experience, saying that she was a **** family. Princess, but Ji Cai’s father led his men to betray, detained his parents and several of his brothers, crying for Huang Xiaolong to save her parents and her brothers.

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but look at his poor trouser legs. Ji Cai’s tears had already wet a large piece of it, and the fate was that Ji Cai was too tight when he was holding his thigh. When he cried, the two groups of meat Tightly pressed, it feels weird, don't look at Ji Cai looks only sixteen or seven years old, but the chest is full, it is the kind of bulging and back type.

Huang Xiaolong let it up.

However, the girl Ji Cai was more tightly cried, crying for Huang Xiaolong to save her parents and several brothers, and said that Huang Xiaolong would save her parents and brothers. She would like to be a slave to Huang Xiaolong and would like to do anything to Huang Xiaolong.

It was impossible for the girl Ji Cai’s two groups of meat to be pressed. Huang Xiaolong had to nod and promised, and the girl Ji Cai was broken and laughed.

Huang Xiaolong lifted it up: "You just are not afraid of me being angry?"

The girl Ji Cai looked at Huang Xiaolong with a pair of innocent eyes and said: "Big brother, then you will be angry?"

Huang Xiaolong is speechless.

"However, I only promised to save your parents and several brothers. Others, I will not intervene." Huang Xiaolong said.

Girl Ji Cai nodded, Chen Baozhen gave Huang Xiaolong, respectful and grateful.

At this time, Di Huai, Feng Tianqi, Zhang Wenyue and others passed, and the girl Ji Cai was surprised. Huang Xiaolong did not explain much. He introduced them to Ji Cai and Di Huai and others, so that Zhang Wenyue gave the girl Ji Cai arranged to live in the temple.

Just after Huang Xiaolong had just let Zhang Wenyue arrange for the residence of Ji Cai, he received a visit post from the missionary's elder Zeng Ze, saying that it was the **** princess Ji Yu entertainment to worship himself.

Huang Xiaolong received a post and couldn't help but smile. He just wanted to call the elder Zeng Ze over. He didn't expect the other party to send a post. Huang Xiaolong told Di Huai Road: "Tell that Zeng Ze, let him wait for the **** princess. Come see me."

Soon, Ji’s entertainment in Zengze’s house got the news that Huang Xiaolong wanted to see himself. He was ecstatic and looked at Zeng Ze unbelievably: “Uncle Zeng Ze, you, are you really talking? Your Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong He really wants to see me?"

Zeng Ze said with a big smile: "Yes, His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong has just let his housekeeper have replied to me, so I will take you to see him later."

"Will you see you later?" Ji entertainment beauty is ecstatic: "Uncle Zeng Ze, you wait for me, I am going to dress up."

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