Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2479: Crossing four robbers

Ji entertainment spent a lot of time thinking about dressing up. When it came out again, Zeng Ze couldn’t help but see the truth. Ji Yu was so charming and charming. It was a special thing. Under this dress, it was even more charming. It was a big stunner, and even Zeng Ze could not help but have a sense of surprise.

Seeing Zeng Ze’s stunning appearance, Ji Entertainment’s heart is very proud, but his mouth said: “Uncle Zeng Ze, you see, I’m going to see His Royal Highness, I’m not wrong?”

Zeng Ze came back to God and shook his head and smiled: "Where is anything wrong, I think this dress is very good. When I watched Huang Xiaolong, I definitely like it."

"Then we will pass now, don't let His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong wait for a long time."

"Okay, Uncle Zeng Ze."

Therefore, Zeng Ze came to the Blue Dragon House with Ji Entertainment and others.

"Ji entertainment niece, waited to meet with His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, you have to pay attention to words." On the road, Zeng Ze feared that Ji Xiao met with Huang Xiaolong and talked indiscriminately, could not help but remind him.

Ji Entertainment Road: "Uncle Zeng Ze is relieved, Ji Yu knows."

Later, Zeng Ze reminded him of some details that needed attention. Seeing Ji Yu’s nervousness, he smiled and said: “In fact, you don’t have to worry. As far as I know, His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong is still very good at speaking.”

Zeng Zefu was not far from Huang Xiaolong’s Blue Dragon House. He came to the Blue Dragon House in half an hour, then led by the Blue Dragon House guard and entered the Blue Dragon House to the front hall.

Just as the Blue Dragon House Guards came with Zeng Ze and Ji Yu to the front hall, they saw Zhang Wenyue and Ji Cai both walked up and down from the distant corridor.

Half an hour ago, Zhang Wenyue listened to Huang Xiaolong’s instructions and arranged for Ji Cai’s place to live. Ji Cai took Zhang Wenyue to inquire about some things in Shengtiancheng. The two women soon became good friends who knew everything.

Zhang Wenyue originally intended to walk with Ji Cai and get familiar with the Blue Dragon House. I did not expect this to meet Ji Ji and Zeng Ze.

"It's you!" Ji entertainment eyes, first discovered the face of the coming Ji Cai.

"It's you!" Ji Cai heard the sound of Ji entertainment, looked up and shouted.

Zeng Ze was surprised.

"Uncle Zeng Ze, she is a sinner of the blood Lin family, Ji Cai that little girl." Ji entertainment explained to Zeng Ze.

"What, is she?!" Zeng Ze was surprised and surprised.

How will this Ji Cai appear here?

Ji entertainment said: "This little girl, fled to the Holy Land of God, I heard that I tried to come over to pay for my Royal Highness, Xiaolong, but how could she?!" When she said this, she stopped, and her face was somewhat ugly. Before that, she felt that This girl fled to the Holy Land of God and wanted to worship His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong. He sought the shelter of His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong. It was an idiot dreaming, but now, this girl actually appeared in the Blue Dragon House?

what happened?

Did she really let her see His Royal Highness?

Do not!

It should be impossible!

What is the identity of His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, even many of the sacred landlords are seeking to see, how can she see His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!

Just, how do you explain this Ji Cai appear in the Blue Dragon House?

Her eyes fell on Zhang Wenyue. Was it the girl’s gimmick with the gimmick coming in? Ji Cai, the girl and the acquaintance of this woman? Who is this woman?

Zeng Ze is a wrinkle, a faint feeling of bad.

He had previously wondered that Huang Xiaolong would summon him and Ji Yu, and now it seems to be?

"Elder Zeng Ze, please." The guard saw Zeng Ze and Ji Yu stopped and could not help but make a request.

Zeng Ze nodded quickly.

Ji Xiang followed Zeng Ze and went to the front hall. When he left, he looked at Zhang Wenyue with amazement and apparently guessed Zhang Wenyue’s identity in the Blue Dragon House.

"Ji Cai sister, what about the woman?" Zhang Wenyue asked.

"She is Ji entertainment, that is, her father rebelled and detained my parents and brothers." Ji Caidao.

Zhang Wenyue heard, accident, Shen Yan said: "Look at her, it should be to the front hall, is the son called her over?" Then smiled: "Go, sister Ji Cai, we also past the front hall."

Ji Caiyi said: "This is not very good?"

"What's wrong, go." Zhang Wenyue immediately took the Ji Cai forward hall and walked over.

At this time, the guards came to the front hall with Zeng Ze and Ji Xiang.

"His Royal Highness, Elder Zeng Ze and Ji Xiang, the girl came." The guards respected Huang Xiaolong, who was sitting on the main hall.

Zeng Ze quickly took Ji Yu to give Huang Xiaolong a mourning ceremony.

Huang Xiaolong opened the two to get up.

Ji Yu listened to Huang Xiaolong and felt that the voice was familiar. He couldn’t help but look up. When he saw Huang Xiaolong, he couldn’t help but stay away. “Yes, it’s you! You are?!”

Her face suddenly disappeared. At this time, she suddenly understood why Ji Cai’s girl would appear in the Blue Dragon House and suddenly understood why Huang Xiaolong would summon himself.

See the niece Ji entertainment response and look, Zeng Ze hearted a glimpse.


In the end, under Huang Xiaolong’s “recommendation”, Zeng Ze listened to Huang Xiaolong’s suggestion, and then sent a letter to Ji’s father, letting him put Ji Cai’s parents and several of his brothers. Soon, Ji’s father returned the letter. Following the advice of Huang Xiaolong, he released Ji Cai’s parents and his brother, and said that he would personally **** Ji Cai’s parents and his brother to Shengtiancheng.

After solving the problem of the Blood Lin family, Huang Xiaolong continued to retreat and began to attack the four robbers and half.

These four robbers and half holy are very important to him, so Huang Xiaolong must break through before the blood test.

Although with the power of his three great holy souls, this blood test can definitely enter the top three easily. However, after the war in the mirage, he exposed three evolutionary sacred sacs, and surely someone tried every means to kill him. Therefore, he Be sure to cultivate as immortal as possible as soon as possible.

Twenty years have passed.

It is still a sacred place, still the valley.

Thunderstorms, high-altitude Thunder Dragons tumbling, under the horror of thunder and thunder, surrounded by hundreds of millions of miles of space, the airflow seems to be stagnant.

In the distance, the seven people from the Swordsman looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was sitting in the middle of the valley.

"Look at this power, the four robberies of His Royal Highness are only more amazing than the sacred robbers of many sons." Chen Zhi looked at the thundering brontosaurus at high altitude, his eyes were hard to conceal.

Although through the first three sacred robberies, it has been expected that the power of Huang Xiaolong's four robberies is terrible, but when they now see that the high-altitude Thunder Dragon is still growing, it is still difficult to conceal.

"I really don't know how the seven-robbery, the eight robbery, the nine robbery, the horror law." Yu Ming also looked horrified, staring at the sky: "Let's go on like this, I am afraid to grow to 1,200 feet?"

Now, the Thunder Dragon has grown to 1,100 feet and is still growing.

Just then, suddenly, the sky was dark, and I saw a tumbling Thunder Dragon, and there was a black thunder cloud.

"This, is it the Thunder Cloud?!" Seeing the black thunderclouds of the group, the seven people all changed their faces.

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