Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2485: Octagonal beast ring

"Xiaolong, you don't know, after Li Wei came back, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia, they have been very active recently, especially the Fu Yunjie. In the name of Li Wei, in recent days, they often greet the disciples of the Holy Day and the lords of the Holy Land. Very high-profile." Feng Tian said.

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong was mocking and laughing: "It seems that his master is back, so he is starting to get active again."

Di Huai smiled and said: "It seems that Li Wei is forgetting the bottom of your shoe when he is mired in the mirage? I have been hiding for so long, and now I am high-profile when I return."

Ji Cai’s father, Ji Rui, is shaking his head: “Li Wei’s return is so high-profile, it must be awkward. I heard the news. I heard that Li Wei has disappeared for so long, and he has gained great treasure and great heritage. Up, Li Wei threatened to try this blood test, and must win the first!"

Huang Xiaolong accident, then very interested: "Get big treasures and big inheritance?"

As for the strength of Li Wei, the test of blood is the first thing to win, and Huang Xiaolong is not in his heart.

Before Li Wei, it should be the peak of the two great beginnings of the Holy Land. It is a great inheritance. For more than 20 years, it is at most the mid-level peak of the Holy Land.

Don't say that Li Wei is now in the mid-second peak of the Holy Land. Even if the Holy Land is in the late peak, Huang Xiaolong can easily defeat it.

"Yes, but what is the treasure and the inheritance of the ancient saint, I don't know." Ji Rui said: "But, since there is news, I am afraid that it will not be faked, when the blood test, Li Wei I am sure to find the trouble of my highness, so be careful when you are at the top of the house."

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "I know."

That night, Huang Xiaolong let Di Huai, Ji Rui and others banquets and banquets for some of the great holy landlords and strongmen who came to visit him.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong’s banquet is at least a sacred place. With the current status and status of Huang Xiaolong, below the holy place, he has not been able to enter his banquet.

Unless it is the chief saint of the top powers or the young chiefs of the hidden world.

Rao is Huang Xiaolong only banqueting the sacred place. At night, the sacred lords and the sacred sects who came to the banquet have reached an astonishing more than a thousand people!

Seeing such a strong crowd swarming, Huang Xiaolong was shocked. I did not expect that there would be so many people.

Fortunately, there are a lot of people in the Blue Dragon House, and Huang Xiaolong has added hundreds of banquet tables.

Huang Xiaolong has three evolutionary sects, the sacred world is unprecedented, and it is also the ancestor of the Holy Four. He is a disciple of the ancestors of the Holy Land. Whoever is now in the Holy Land is hot, it is definitely Huang Xiaolong. .

When I heard that Huang Xiaolong had to banquet the banquet to invite the strong parties, everyone naturally flocked.

Many people do not know if they are not in a hurry, but they are afraid that there will be more than a thousand people, but more than 10,000 people.

At the banquet, Huang Xiaolong and the lord of the Holy Land, the cups of the great sacred people are intertwined, although Huang Xiaolong is the four robbers and half sacred, but when they meet the strong people of the Holy Land, most of the sages are afraid to sit.

"Huang Xiaolong's talent is the only thing in the world. It is only 30 years away from the mirage of the mirage. Now it has broken through the four robbers and half sacred!" The six-door sacred doorkeeper Chen Biting stood up and toasted Huang Xiaolong, then Gong Gong laughed.

Since Huang Xiaolong did not hide his breath, everyone saw at a glance that Huang Xiaolong is now a four-roof and a holy.

These six holy gates are not the first-class power of the sacred world, but this Chen Biting is not weak, and is the five masters of the Holy Land.

Chen Biting’s voice fell, and suddenly, one of the holy gates stood up and echoed, one after another, taking pictures of Huang Xiaolong’s flattering. Usually, these holy gatekeepers are in the eyes of their disciples, the old faces are all on the board, and they have never laughed. Today, it is a smile, and the face is like a flower.

In fact, these holy gatekeepers are not a flattering. After all, in less than 30 years, Huang Xiaolong has broken through from the second robbery to the fourth robbery. This cultivation speed is indeed shocking.

Huang Xiaolong hugged everyone and was polite.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and the six-door sacred doorkeeper Chen Biting and others were in a cup, the banquets in the luxurious mansion of Shengtiancheng Li Wei, which was supposed to be full of friends, were cold and clear.

Li Lan came to the banquet and saw that most of the seats were empty, and I couldn't help but sink into my face. I asked Xie Yao and Fu Yunjie what was going on.

Fu Yunjie said: "It was Huang Xiaolong who came back today, and then hosted a banquet for the banquet. Many of the sacred doorkeepers went to the Blue Dragon House, so they didn't come over to us!"

Xie Yao said coldly: "I see that Huang Xiaolong is deliberate. I know that we have been banqueting the main gatekeepers and the powerful people in the past few days, so we also learn to banquet everyone. He is deliberate to make us ugly."

That Lin Yijia is also a brow: "This Huang Xiaolong is getting more and more arrogant. Is he doing this to give Li Wei a brother to Ma Wei?"

Li Wei looked at the direction of the Blue Dragon House and sneered: "Huang Xiaolong, you are looking for death, when the blood is tested, don't blame me!"

"Li Wei brother, I heard that Huang Xiaolong has now broken through to the four robbers and half-sacred." Fu Yunjie said: "I also heard that Huang Xiaolong put it out, this blood trial, he not only has to pass, but also Enter the top 100."

It is a fact that Huang Xiaolong broke through the four robberies and half saints. However, Huang Xiaolong said that he would enter the top 100, which was fabricated by Fu Yunjie deliberately in front of Li Wei.

Xie Yaoyi listened, mocked and laughed: "A four-robbery and a half-sacred, even dare to say that not only through the blood test, but also into the top 100, really laughed at me, this Huang Xiaolong was ignorant to this point, A person who becomes blind and arrogant will become ignorant, saying that this is Huang Xiaolong!"

Lin Yijia also shook his head and smiled: "If Huang Xiaolong’s words are propaganda, it will be very uncomfortable for the disciples of the major forces to participate in the blood test."

Li Xiaoyi smiled and dealt with Yunjie. "Then you will let people publicize it. They say that Huang Xiaolong will not only pass this blood test, but also enter the top 100."

Can give Huang Xiaolong a hate value, he is happy.

"Yes, Li Wei brother!" Fu Yunjie laughed.

After a while, Xie Yao, Lin Yijia and others left, Li Wei entered the secret room of the government, and then sat down on the Yuling bed. Not long after, the mysterious power in the body surged, and a golden ring flew out of his body.

This golden ring is in the shape of an octagonal, some like a gossip. The golden ring is full of dark light. It depicts eight wild animals and beasts. Every beast is a fierce and horrible day.

After the golden ring flew out of its body, a light of the light of the Holy Spirit floated out of it, covering Li Wei's whole body and up and letting Li Wei shine brightly.

Looking at the octagonal gold ring in front of him, Li Xiao laughed: "With this octagonal wild animal ring, who can compete with me for the first trial of blood?"

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