Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2486: Mt.

Originally, before, Li Wei wanted to win the blood test first, and it was somewhat difficult. After all, the evil spirits of the evil demon palace and Tan Juan of Qingxue Palace were not weaker than him.

But now, he owns the octagonal wild animal ring, and he is helped by the bright spirit of the octagonal wild animal ring. His strength has risen greatly. He has completely grasped the evil and the extraordinary.

Even if he can't bring any saints and ancestral tracts into the Ghost City, he will be 100% able to win this first.

Blinking, a month passed.

This month, Huang Xiaolong did not swallow the Panxing Shengdan cultivation, but cultivated as usual. For so, Huang Xiaolong’s progress rate is also awkward.

The three holy sages, the imprint of the Holy Life, and now the immortal heart, the spirit of the Holy Spirit swallowed by Huang Xiaolong, is comparable to the speed of the devour of the four masters of the Holy Land.

However, Huang Xiaolong is now only four robbers and half-sacred, a four-robbery and a half-sacred, the spirit of the Holy Spirit swallowed is more than the holy place, and the cultivation is not fast.

This month, Huang Xiaolong deepened his understanding of the law of the Holy Land by revealing the avenue of the sacred heart of the sacred world.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong’s immortality also solidified a point.

Indestructible, in fact, like the Holy Spirit, it can be continuously improved through continuous cultivation, constantly consuming the spirit of the Holy Spirit and the sensation of the avenue.

Before, even if Huang Xiaolong had three sacred sacred marks and holy seals, he could not break through to the five robbers and half sacs before the opening of the sacred shrine. But now, Huang Xiaolong is completely sure.

With an inexhaustible heart, he can completely break through the five robbers and half saints before the opening of the temple.

In a few years, it is a trial of blood. Ten years after the blood test, it is the time when the Sangyu Shenfu is opened. Therefore, there are still more than ten years from the opening of the Cangwu Shenfu. The holy breakthrough to the five robbers and half saints is a fantasy for others, but for the current Huang Xiaolong, it is not difficult.

In addition to cultivation, Huang Xiaolong and Di Dihuai, Feng Tianyi, Zhang Wenyue, Ji Cai and others walked around in St. Tiancheng, strolling around, and occasionally went to some auctions to buy some things that they could see.

In addition, Huang Xiaolong also went to Dihuai to pay attention to Li Wei’s movement.

However, since he returned, this month, Li Wei and Na Fuyun, suddenly became safe.

Originally, before Huang Xiaolong came back, Li Wei greeted the public with a high-profile banquet. However, after he returned, Li Wei stopped the banquet. It seems that he has been staying in the government for cultivation.

Originally, he and Li Wei had cultivated Dongfu in the space of the first ancestor. However, he and Li Wei did not practice in the ancestral space.

The space of the first ancestor, the spirit of the Holy Spirit is rich, the disciples of the Holy Spirit want to go in to practice, and they want to go crazy, there is no chance, they both fall down, but stay in the holy city.

A month later, Huang Xiaolong took Di Huai, Feng Tianqi, Ji Cai and others left the Holy City and began to walk around the Holy Land.

However, from the blood test, only a few years, a few years, Huang Xiaolong wants to go all over the Holy Land is impossible, so, you can only selectively walk around.

"Big brother, let us go to the mainland of the gods first!" Ji Cai suggested.

The Holy Land of God is vast and there are countless continents. The Tuo God is one of the most famous continents on the mainland.

The Tudor continent is famous in the Holy Land of God, not only because it is one of the largest continents of the Holy Land of God, but also because it has an extremely mysterious mountain of the gods!

This Tuo Shen Mountain has 100,000 steps of stone steps, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. I heard that no one has ever been able to walk from the first stone step to the tenth and eightth stone steps. Can't walk to the 100,000-step stone steps.

And legend, if anyone can walk to the 100,000th-order stone steps, you will get a big chance, at least what chance, no one knows.

"Okay, then go to the mainland of the gods!" Huang Xiaolong nodded.

In fact, he also wanted to go to the mainland of a god, and see this mountain.

This Tuo Shenshan, he specially asked his Master God four people before, his master God said that the Tuo Shenshan is what he found, but what is the formation of the Tuo Shenshan, the four gods do not know, only know that this mountain is extremely Hard, it is the master of the ancestors, but only a small piece.

The master of the ancestor, a palm, can easily explode a holy place, but only a small piece of Tushen Mountain can be broken? The horror of the Tuo Mountain is visible.

Moreover, the weight of the Tuoshan Mountain is terrible. Even if it is the master of the ancestor, it is difficult to move. Even if God is fully committed, it can only be removed a small step.

In the end, his Master God created the Holy Land of God with this Tuo Mountain.

For so many years, the four men have never given up studying the Tuo Mountain, but they have been unable to study the true mystery of the Tuo Mountain.

His Master, God, said that in order to study the true mystery of the Mount of the Gods, it is necessary to walk from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain along the stone steps, but they cannot walk to the top of the mountain.

When Huang Xiaolong and Di Huai, Feng Tianqi and others went to the Tuo Shen mainland, Fu Yunjie reported the news to Li Wei, Xie Yao and others.

"Wang Xiaolong is going to the Tuo Shen continent?" Li Wei accident: "He wants to climb the mountain?"

Xie Yao smiled aloud: "He won't be daydreaming, want to climb the top of the mountain."

In his view, even the four ancestors could not reach the top of the mountain, and Huang Xiaolong was daydreaming.

Only he forgot, when he Xie Yao also went to Mount Tuoshan, and not only once, but also had more than one daydream.

Li Wei heard a smile and said to Feng Tian: "If Huang Xiaolong climbs a thousand stone steps, then come back to me. If he can't get a thousand stone steps, then don't report it to me. I want to meditate. Practice."

In his view, Huang Xiaolong must have been able to climb even a thousand stone steps.

He also took up five thousand stone steps.

The stone steps of the Tuo Shen Mountain, each step contains the law of the road and the heavens and the earth. The higher the road, the more profound the avenue of the road and the heavens and the earth.

Generally speaking, the longer the cultivation time, the higher the realm, the deeper the understanding of the law of the road and the sense of heaven and earth. The higher the score, the more Huang Xiaolong worships the holy days but the cultivation time is still short. Now it is only four. In the eyes of Li Wei, Huang Xiaolong has limited knowledge of the law of the road and the heavens and the earth, and at most he can climb hundreds of stone steps.

Later, Li Wei did not put the matter in his heart and went into the secret room to continue practicing.

But a month later.

"What do you say? Huang Xiaolong boarded the thousandth stone steps?!" Li Wei came out of the secret room and looked at Fu Yunjie. He was surprised.

Fu Yunjie even reported to him, saying that just now, Huang Xiaolong actually boarded the thousandth stone steps of the Tuoshan Mountain.

"Yes." Fu Yunjie nodded and answered. When he knew the news, he was also very surprised. He was really surprised. It wasn't Huang Xiaolong who boarded the thousandth stone steps of the Tuoshan Mountain. But one day ago, Huang Xiaolong began. On the top of the mountain, that is to say, one day, Huang Xiaolong climbed to the thousandth stone steps!

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