Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2502: I kill and kill!

The trial of blood, the top ten, all of them are the two places of the Holy Land or the two stronger than the Holy Land. Huang Xiaolong is able to enter the top ten if he is a four-robbery and a half-sacred. It is indeed unprecedented.

This statement is indeed no exaggeration.

Of course, it depends on the real strength. The meaning of the ancient emperor's broken mystery is undoubtedly an allusion to Huang Xiaolong. A four-robbery and a half-sacred can actually squeeze into the top ten by cheating. This cheating is simply unprecedented. .

Cao Nan, the demon palace, looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was ranked under Dou Rui. He also laughed at Chu Ba: "Chu Ba, it is a congratulation to no limit. Your disciple is realistic and amazing. It is unexpected. It seems that it is I can surpass my disciple, Dou Rui."

Chu Ba heard the words, the fire said: "It seems that your disciple Dou Rui is in the extreme of garbage, a sacred place in the late peaks will soon be overtaken by my disciples, this is not waste? This is not garbage? Waste, Rubbish!"

Everyone heard it stunned and speechless.

No one expected that Chu Ba would actually say that Dou Rui waste, said Dou Rui garbage, and that is so reasonable.

Cao Nan is also awkward.

"Haha, I said Chu Ba, why is it so violent, your disciple enters the top ten, that is a good thing, this is the happy event of the ups and downs of the family." Cao Nan laughed instead: "At that time, your holy day organization was handed over." After 100,000 high-level holy spirit jade, put another 100,000 table banquet and celebrate it."

Cao Nan said this, it is a big laugh.

With Huang Xiaolong's current rankings and amazing points, even from now on, he is very self-sufficient and honest. After the game is over in more than 20 days, it is impossible to fall out of 300.

By cheating through the blood test, the Holy Day organization is determined to be punished for the 100,000 high-level holy spirit jade.

Chu Ba listened, Fire Avenue: "After the game is over, I will put 100,000 table banquets, please eat with your disciples of the evil demon palace!"

Everyone is stunned.

Suddenly, some of the sacred doormen couldn’t help but laugh and squirted out.

It’s snowy rhyme, beautiful eyes, this Chuba, where is the style of the masters of the ancestors, even in the presence of the juniors and countless holy gates, the ancient patriarch’s face said these swear words, it is simply A super cellar.

Cao Nan, who was laughing, couldn’t help but shut up and his face was a bit gloomy.


At this time, in the Ghost City, the evil demon palace Dou Rui and Huang Xiaolong, also in the secret land, are also rushing to the funeral post, but he and Huang Xiaolong are in the opposite direction, on the other side of the funeral post.

"Yellow puppy, you can't think of surpassing me!" Dou Rui's eyes were fierce, and he madly and devastatedly killed the ghosts in front of him.

As one of the six demons of the demon palace, he is a peak of the late sacred scene. He can break through the existence of the holy environment at any time. If he is overtaken by a cheating Huang Xiaolong, it is also a faceless face.

Therefore, he is killing all the way, killing insanely, and all kinds of holy skills are displayed again and again. He has to maintain the position of the top ten and tenth.


I kill!

I kill and kill!

Dou Rui flew to the funeral squad and smothered the ghosts in front of him.

However, no matter how hard he is, how crazy, even if it is the last effort of the bed, Huang Xiaolong's points are still approaching, approaching!

After more than an hour, the ray of light on the stone monument, Dou Rui fell from the tenth position, the tenth position, showing: "Sacred Yellow Dragon"!

The name of Huang Xiaolong is so dazzling on the stone tablet, and the sinus that fell from the tenth position is bleak.

The top ten, the top ten, the first fifty, the first one, on the stone tablet, the ranking of each level, the name is different, the first ten people, the name is much larger than other participating disciples, but also More glamorous, of course, the number one Tan Juan, the name is like the sun, the light suppresses all the participating disciples.

Seeing that he can do his best, no matter how hard he can't escape the fate of being crushed by Huang Xiaolong, watching his own fall down that bleak a lot of rankings, Dou Rui roared: "Yellow puppy, you better not appear in secret places and funeral posts You better not let me meet you! Otherwise I will tear you!"

"And, let me not find out who it is, who is helping the yellow puppies, otherwise, I will see one pinch one and pinch all your soft eggs!"

In Dou Rui’s view, Huang Xiaolong’s points are so horrible that it is definitely more than one sacred disciple who is helping Huang Xiaolong. It should be ten eight! Otherwise, Huang Xiaolong cannot surpass him!

Surpassed by a four-robbery and a half-sacred, Dou Ruiyue wants to be more shameful and madly kills a pass, which vents a lot of anger, and then continues to fly to the funeral.

After surpassing the evil demon palace Dou Rui, Huang Xiaolong’s points are still accumulating, and slowly approaching the ninth-ranked King Kong race.

Not in the secret land, but in the other sinister place of the Ghost City, the blood of the ghosts are killing the demons, see Huang Xiaolong points constantly approaching themselves, not to look strange.

"This Huang Xiaolong is really crazy enough."

The mirage squadron battle, Huang Xiaolong let go of his younger brother Jin Taiji, so he still has some good feelings for this Huang Xiaolong, but Huang Xiaolong is cheating, he does not agree.

He, as the enchanting genius of the King Kong, is very disdainful for winning by this means.

Although the competition was ranked ninth, but the points were not much higher than the previous Dou Rui, so an hour later, the game continued to be crushed by Huang Xiaolong.

The stone monument once again shines.

The current ten ranking changes, the stone monument will be like this.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong continued to approach the eighth season Ji Xinyi, continue to surpass!

When Huang Xiaolong came to the funeral post, he once again surpassed the ghost of the seventh-ranked ghostly holy place.

"Funny!" Huang Xiaolong stopped at the funeral post. There were huge tombs in front of him. Some of these tombs towered into the sky, some were like a mountain, and some were like a small city!

Some of them are buried here, some are ancient strongmen, some are foreign bodies outside the world, some are supremely fierce, and some are even powerful and powerful demons.

Like some unscrupulous things, they are not dead. They are only sealed in these tombs. Therefore, if you accidentally break into some unknown tombs and encounter some superb objects, it is sure to die.

Even if Huang Xiaolong has three holy souls now, it is also dangerous.

Some fierce things, I heard that the ancestors personally sealed.

Among the tombs, they are constantly emitting dead air, mixed with the spirit of the devil's land, forming a funeral horror.

These demons continue to wrap up in the air, but the spirit of the holy spirit rises, blocking these demons one hundred meters away.

After a pause, Huang Xiaolong flew to the depths of the funeral post.

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